Robin Rayne Nelson a Storyteller Chasing Rainbows

Robin Rayne-Nelson was the guest speaker at the Cherokee Camera Club in Canton, GA. Robin shared his passion for special needs and the LGBT community. [Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/4, 1/25]

Robin Rayne-Nelson asked the members of the Cherokee Camera Club, “What’s your passion?”

The “Deer in Headlights” syndrome is how so many responses to this question. There are many ways we are asked this question in our lives.

  1. “If you had unlimited money, what would you do?”
  2. “If I had unlimited time and resources, what would I choose to do?”
  3. “If you had unlimited resources, what problem would you solve?”

Finding your passion is finding your purpose in life. You can’t think your way into finding your life purpose; you have to do your way into it. The experience is the reward; clarity comes through the process of exploring. Action is where you get results.

You may need to explore those things and places in your life that have brought you the most joy. This is where your heart was moved.

[Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/2.8, 1/25]

Robin gave us a clue as he shared that his passion was getting choked up, and the tears began to flow when he told you some of the back stories on the piece he shared about special needs.

“I am sorry I am getting so emotional …” said Robin. I was thrilled that a camera club saw Robin’s heart and how this motivated him to make stories about special needs.

If something moves your heart to tears or great laughter, that is a good indicator of your passion.

One major stumbling block for many of us is thinking that we need ONE passion. Most of us wear multiple hats during the day; we are a spouse, a father, a co-worker, a friend, a photographer, and so on. You can have many passions that you pursue.

One of the keys to understanding my passion for me was to realize that people moved my heart. My wife moves my heart more than anyone. He cares so much for people and surprises them that he inspires me to be more intentional with others.

One thing that gets in the way for me regularly is overthinking it. I want to have everything thought out so that things will go well when I do act. I wouldn’t say I like being embarrassed.

Robin and I share a passion for telling people’s stories. What was interesting to hear from the questions people were asking Robin is that many of them also want to tell stories.

The problem is their fear of rejection from people. “How do you get people to let you take their photo?” was a question asked by many Robin.

Robin said, “Before showing the rainbow, you must go through the storm.” Robin reminded them that there is always some conflict in storytelling, and covering such a conflict means we as storytellers must become vulnerable. We must be transparent with the subjects if we expect them to be okay with us.

Robin told everyone that he leaves his camera in the car and often spends time talking and getting to know the subject first. Then he asks if it is OK to share their story and take some pictures/videos.

Robin asked another rhetorical question, “Whose responsibility is it for the special needs people?”

Robin has a special needs son, and only recently, after some 33 years of taking care of Chris, has his son moved out with the help of some community resources to an apartment. What motivated Robin to advocate for Chris realized his son would outlive him.

Not everyone with a special needs child can take care of them. They don’t have the resources and often lack the skills experts can give their children.

If you are around Robin for a very long, you will hear him say their story needs to be told, and I have to describe it. The words were never spoken, but always there are, “If not me, then who will tell the story?”

You may already know your passion. I have the privilege to work with Chick-fil-A as one of my clients. This past Friday, they rolled out their redefined core values.

– Here to Serve
– Better together
– Purpose Driven
– Pursue What’s Next

I have been thinking about what I would write as my core values. Maybe it is just articulating that I am passionate about helping people and organizations tell their stories more effectively than they can alone. Also, to narrow down from everyone to where my gifts are, I have a genuine concern for working with those whose work is focused on compassion.

Take a moment not to think about your passion, but think of something to put on your calendar that is an action item today that makes your heart happy.

Here are some story packages that Robin Rayne-Nelson has produced.