Embracing Cross-Cultural Experiences: How International Travel Enriches Our Lives

[Caption: The Roswell Presbyterian Church is assisting with constructing a new church and well in Becanchen, Yucatan, Mexico.]

Cross-cultural experiences can significantly enrich our lives through international travel or interactions with people from different backgrounds. In today’s globalized world, people from diverse cultures are coming together, and it is essential to understand and appreciate these differences. By learning about different cultures, we gain new perspectives and insights that can challenge our preconceived notions and broaden our horizons.

International travel is one of the best ways to have cross-cultural experiences. We encounter different languages, customs, and traditions when we visit different countries. It can be an eye-opening experience to see how people in other parts of the world live their daily lives. We can learn about different foods, music, and art and see how they reflect the culture of that place. In addition, travel can help us understand our culture better as we remember how it compares to others.

Piccadilly Square in London

One of the most valuable things we can gain from cross-cultural experiences is empathy. When we encounter people from different cultures, we are forced to see the world from their perspective. This can help us understand their struggles and challenges and appreciate their achievements and strengths. It can also help us see our commonalities despite our differences.

Another benefit of cross-cultural experiences is personal growth. We are forced to adapt and learn new skills when we encounter unfamiliar situations and challenges. This can be especially true when traveling to countries where we may not speak the language or know the customs. We can become more confident, adaptable, and resilient by facing these challenges.

A couple in the village of Herăști, Giurgiu, Romania, sits outside their home. This photo was taken while teaching the Storytellers Abroad Workshop in Bucharest, Romania. As part of our work on documenting the efforts of ABWE missionaries in Romania, we ventured into the surrounding areas to capture B-roll footage.

One of the essential lessons from cross-cultural experiences is that material possessions do not equate to happiness. Many cultures worldwide live with much less than we do in the West, yet they are often happier and more content. Seeing this firsthand can help us reflect on our values and priorities and consider what truly matters.

This photo depicts a view of a street in a less affluent neighborhood of Lima, Peru.

In conclusion, cross-cultural experiences can significantly enrich our lives. Of course, international travel is one of the best ways to have these experiences, but we can also have them through interactions with people from different backgrounds. By learning about different cultures, we gain empathy, personal growth, and a better understanding of ourselves and others. We also know that material possessions do not equate to happiness, which can help us reflect on our values and priorities. So, whether through travel or other means, let’s embrace cross-cultural experiences and all the benefits they can bring.

From Aloe Vera to Mighty Oaks: Lessons in Freelance Brand Building

[Caption: Paul Tiendeno, a student at the theology school in Koudougou, Burkina Faso, is learning how to farm. Clarence Lance in the red hat is the agricultural missionary from Georgia, where he teaches theology and farming to help the pastors feed their families. At the same time, they minister as a bi-vocational pastor.]

As a freelancer, building a strong brand is essential to your success. However, as with any form of cultivation, it takes time and effort to reap the rewards. In this blog post, we draw on two seemingly unrelated experiences – working with farmers in West Africa and covering tree researchers at the University of Georgia – to explore the importance of balancing short-term and long-term marketing efforts.

In West Africa, we met an agriculturalist who taught farmers to plant two types of crops in the same field. By doing so, the farmers increased their chances of survival due to unpredictable weather and limited resources. Similarly, as a freelancer, it’s essential to invest in quick-yield marketing efforts – such as headshot photography – that can generate immediate results while also pursuing long-term opportunities that may take years to fruition.

“Most people think to get more trees, you just collect seeds and plant them,” said Scott Merkle, a professor of forest biology at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. “We’re making trees from the cells that grow in our cultures.”

In contrast, the researchers at the University of Georgia were studying trees that can take decades to mature and bear fruit. While these trees require a significant investment of time and resources, the researchers recognized the importance of their work as a foundation for future generations. Similarly, as a freelancer, building relationships and providing value to clients is essential, even if it doesn’t lead to immediate work. Your efforts may pay off years down the line.

Ultimately, the lesson for freelancers is to strike a balance between short-term and long-term marketing efforts. Plant quick-yield seeds like Aloe Vera, but invest in your business’s “mighty oaks” – long-term relationships and value-added services. As with farmers and researchers, you may not always be in control of external factors like weather or market conditions, but diversifying your efforts can increase your chances of success.

The Evolution of Photography Education: From Film to Digital and Beyond

Caption: I was with my Uncle Knolan Benfield while teaching photography in Kona, Hawaii. My wife, Dorie, gave me a “What The Duck” that we took around the Big Island, taking photos with it in 2009. But unfortunately, even this comic strip for photographers stopped after a few years.

Recently, the photography world was shaken by the announcement that DPReview, one of the most prominent photography websites, would shut down after nearly 25 years. This news surprised many in the photography community, as DPReview was a trusted source for reviews, news, and education for photographers worldwide. This announcement highlights the changing landscape of photography education and resources as the industry continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies and trends. Despite this setback, many resources are still available for photographers to continue learning and growing in their craft.

The evolution of photography from film to digital has been a significant shift in the world of photography. At the beginning of the digital era, only a few resources were available for photographers, such as Rob Galbraith’s website, which was a go-to resource for photographers transitioning from film to digital. However, with technological advancements, the number of resources available to photographers has grown exponentially.

Today, hundreds, if not thousands, of YouTubers, blogs, and workshops are dedicated to teaching photography. These resources cover various topics, from basic camera settings to advanced techniques such as lighting and composition. As a result, photographers now have access to a wealth of information not available to them in the early days of digital photography.

One of the benefits of the evolution of camera technology is that cameras have become easier to use right out of the box. With the introduction of features such as autofocus and automatic exposure, photographers no longer need to spend hours learning how to use their cameras. Instead, they can focus on learning the art of photography and applying their knowledge to create stunning images.

However, the explosion of resources and information on photography education has also led to an implosion. There is now so much content available that it can be overwhelming for photographers to know where to start. As a result, the need for new content in photography education has decreased. While workshops will still be around, there is less need for fresh content as in the early days when very little was available.

In conclusion, the evolution of photography from film to digital, and now even to video, has been a significant shift in photography. The availability of resources and information has grown tremendously over the years, giving photographers access to a wealth of knowledge that was not available before. However, as the number of resources has increased, the need for new content has decreased, and photographers now have to wade through a sea of information to find what they need. Despite this, photography remains a fascinating and rewarding art form that inspires and captivates photographers worldwide.

The Future of Writing: How AI is Revolutionizing the Art of Writing

[Caption: Nathan Jones is editing raw footage between shoots in Santiago, Chile.]

The writing world is constantly evolving, and the latest buzz is about artificial intelligence (AI). With AI-powered writing tools gaining popularity, it’s only a matter of time before they become mainstream. But what does this mean for writers? Will AI replace human writers, or will it enhance their abilities? This blog post will explore how AI will likely impact writers, just as the digital camera and iPhone have impacted photographers.

Firstly, let’s take a step back and understand what AI is. AI refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as reasoning, perception, and decision-making. So, for example, in writing, AI is used to create content autonomously without human intervention.

AI-powered writing tools such as GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) are already being used to generate content that ranges from news articles to marketing copy. These tools use natural language processing to understand human language and develop grammatically correct and contextually relevant content.

What about writers’ jobs?

So, what does this mean for writers? Will they become redundant? The answer is no. While AI may be able to generate grammatically correct and contextually relevant content, it lacks the creativity and originality that only human writers can bring to the table. In other words, AI can never replace the human touch essential to good writing.

Instead, AI will likely become a valuable tool for writers, just as the digital camera and iPhone have become essential tools for photographers. AI-powered writing tools can help writers with tasks such as research, grammar and syntax checking, and even suggest ideas for content. This will allow writers to focus on the creative aspects of writing while leaving the more mundane tasks to the machines.

Furthermore, AI can help writers to become more productive and efficient. With AI-powered writing tools, writers can generate content faster without compromising quality. This means writers can take on more work, meet tighter deadlines, and earn more money.

Writers need to talk to Photographers.

The emergence of digital photography and smartphones like the iPhone has significantly impacted the photography industry and photographers’ jobs.

One of the most significant changes has been the democratization of photography. With digital cameras and smartphones, it is much easier and more affordable for anyone to take high-quality photos. As a result, the number of people interested in photography has increased, and the demand for professional photographers has decreased.

In conclusion, AI is likely to impact writers in a significant way, just as the digital camera and iPhone have affected photographers. While AI-powered writing tools may never replace human writers, they can enhance their abilities, making them more productive and efficient. As writers, we must embrace this new technology and use it to our advantage rather than see it as a threat. With the right approach, AI can help us become better writers and create better content.

Enhancing Real Estate Photography with a Mix of Flash and Available Light

[Caption: The above photo is a mixture of ambient light blended with flash to give you a natural-looking picture but with accurate colors]

Real estate photography is an essential aspect of showcasing any property. Whether for a real estate agent or a property owner, the quality of the photographs can significantly impact the potential buyer’s perception of the property. One of the critical factors that can make a significant difference in real estate photography is lighting. Mixing flash with available light can produce some of the property’s most stunning and color-rich photographs.

The problem with relying on available light alone is that it can often be inconsistent and unpredictable. For example, natural light sources, such as the sun, can create harsh shadows, and indoor lighting often produces an unnatural yellow tint in the photographs. On the other hand, flash photography can provide a controlled and consistent light source that can fill in shadows, reduce harsh contrasts, and improve the overall color rendition of the photographs.

This is the same as the above photo, taken without any touchups. This is what you would get with your phone.

One of the critical benefits of mixing flash with available light is that it allows you to capture the details of the property’s interior and exterior more naturally and realistically. In addition, by balancing the flash with the available light, you can create a more even and natural light source that accentuates the property’s best features. This technique can be especially effective when shooting in low light conditions, where the flash can provide the extra illumination needed to capture the space’s true colors and details.

When using flash in real estate photography, it’s essential to use it correctly to achieve the desired effect. One of the most effective ways to use flash is to bounce it off a white surface, such as a ceiling or wall, which can diffuse the light and create a more natural-looking illumination. Another helpful technique is to use multiple flashes to provide a more even and natural-looking light source.

In addition to improving the overall color rendition of the photographs, mixing flash with available light can also add depth and dimension to the images. For example, by using flash to highlight specific areas of the property, such as architectural features or decor, you can create a more dynamic and engaging photograph that draws the viewer’s eye to the property’s unique selling points.

In conclusion, mixing flash with available light can be a powerful tool in real estate photography, providing a more controlled and consistent light source that can result in stunning, color-rich photographs. Whether shooting in low light conditions or simply looking to enhance the property’s best features, using flash in conjunction with available light can help you achieve your photographic goals and produce high-quality images that showcase the property in its best light.

The Blessing of Hyperfocus: How Autism Helped Me Become a Better Photographer

[Caption: Stanley Leary is teaching in SOP1 in Kona, Hawaii. Photo by: Dennis Fahringer]

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects individuals in different ways. One of the symptoms of autism is having a hyperfocused or hyperfixation on a particular topic or activity. As an autistic person, my hyperfocus has been a blessing in my photography career.

When I first discovered my passion for photography, I became hyperfocused on learning everything I could about the craft. I spent countless hours researching and studying different techniques, equipment, and styles. My hyperfixation allowed me to become highly knowledgeable about photography and helped me to develop a unique style that sets me apart from other photographers.

But my hyperfocus doesn’t just benefit me. It also helps me to take care of my clients. When working with a client, my hyperfocus allows me to be fully present at the moment and focused on capturing the perfect shot. As a result, I can tune out distractions and connect with my clients, which helps me capture their true essence in my photographs.

My hyperfocus also helps me to be incredibly detail-oriented. I notice small details that others might miss, which allows me to create stunning and unique photographs. Whether it’s the way the light hits a subject’s face or their clothes flow in the wind, I’m always looking for ways to capture the moment’s beauty.

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Of course, some challenges come with my hyperfocus as well. For example, breaking away from my work and focusing on other tasks can be difficult, and I sometimes struggle with transitioning between different projects or activities. But overall, I’ve found that my hyperfocus has been a blessing in my life and my career.

If you’re an autistic person, it’s essential to embrace your hyperfocus and use it to your advantage. Whether it’s photography, writing, music, or any other activity, your hyperfixation can be a powerful tool for success. Just remember to take breaks when you need to and find ways to manage your hyperfocus so it doesn’t become overwhelming.

In conclusion, my hyperfocus has been a blessing in my photography career. It allows me to connect with my clients and create stunning photographs that capture the moment’s beauty. As an autistic person, I encourage others to embrace their hyperfixations and use them to their advantage while finding ways to manage them effectively.

Celebrating Neurodivergent Creativity: Notable Figures with Autism/Asperger’s in the Creative Arts

Many famous individuals who have succeeded in the creative arts have also been diagnosed with Autism or Asperger’s. They have used their unique neurodivergent perspectives to produce groundbreaking work in their respective fields. Some of the most notable creatives with Autism/Asperger’s include:

  1. Temple Grandin – an animal behavior expert, professor, and inventor who has written extensively about her experiences as an autistic person.
  2. Tim Burton – a film director, producer, and screenwriter known for his dark and quirky style. Burton has spoken publicly about his diagnosis of Asperger’s and how it has influenced his work.
  3. Daryl Hannah – is an actress known for her roles in films such as “Blade Runner” and “Splash.” Hannah has spoken about her struggles with autism and how acting has helped her to cope with social anxiety.
  4. Satoshi Tajiri, the Pokémon franchise’s creator, has publicly stated that his passion for insects and video games stems from his autism.
  5. Susan Boyle – a singer who gained worldwide attention for her appearance on “Britain’s Got Talent” in 2009. Boyle has spoken publicly about her Asperger’s diagnosis and how it has impacted her life and career.
  6. Anthony Hopkins – an actor known for his roles in films such as “The Silence of the Lambs” and “Hannibal.” Hopkins has spoken about his diagnosis of Asperger’s and how he believes it has helped him to become a better actor.
  7. Courtney Love – a musician, actress, and visual artist known for her work as the frontwoman of the band Hole. Love has spoken about her struggles with mental illness and her diagnosis of Asperger’s.
  8. James Durbin – a singer-songwriter who gained national attention as a contestant on “American Idol” in 2011. Durbin has spoken about his Asperger’s diagnosis and how he believes it has given him an advantage in the music industry.
  9. Dan Aykroyd – a comedian, actor, and screenwriter best known for his work on “Saturday Night Live” and “Ghostbusters.” Aykroyd has spoken about his diagnosis of Asperger’s and how it has influenced his humor.

As an autistic person in the creative arts, I am proud to be in good company with these amazing individuals. I believe that our unique perspectives and ways of thinking have contributed to the richness and diversity of the arts. We should celebrate our differences and embrace the many ways autism can be a gift, not just a challenge.

The Power of Visual Content: How Photography and Video Can Help Grow Your Business

[Caption: Mikhail S. Gorbachev gives his opening remarks to the Unification Conference. The Atlanta-based German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern United States hosted the Unification Conference, a historic meeting of President George Bush, the 41st president of the United States of America, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Helmut Kohl, and former Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, at the Georgia World Congress Center. The three world leaders discussed their perspectives on the global impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany, along with their visions for transatlantic partnership, leadership, and prosperity.]

As a photographer, I have seen firsthand the visual impact content can have on a business or organization. In today’s world, where people are constantly bombarded with information, standing out and engaging your audience is more critical than ever. That’s where photography and video come in – powerful tools can help promote your brand or message and grow your business.

Caption: Gwendolyn Dukes, Richard Bonito, and their friends organized a peaceful protest on behalf of George Floyd at the corner of King Road and Hwy 92 in Roswell, Georgia, on June 2, 2020. Dukes said, “Action speaks louder than words,” as to why she and her friends wanted to get out and protest. Richard Bonito added, “We are not mad at the police; we are mad at the system.” They want to see changes for better policing, fixing systemic racism in our society, and encouraging their friends to get out and vote. While Richard Bonito voted in the last presidential election, most in the crowd are closer to Gwendolyn’s age, and this will be their first election.

Here are some key things to keep in mind when using photography and video for your business:

  1. Quality matters: The quality of your visual content can significantly impact how your brand or message is perceived. Investing in high-quality equipment and hiring professional photographers/videographers to create visually appealing content is essential.
  2. Consistency is vital: Consistent branding and messaging across all visual content can help build brand recognition and increase audience engagement.
  3. Storytelling is essential: Visual content should tell a story that resonates with your target audience. This can be achieved through thoughtful planning and creative execution.
  4. Distribution is critical: Simply creating great visual content is not enough – it’s essential to distribute it effectively through social media, email marketing, and other channels to reach your target audience.
  5. Respect copyright laws: Be aware of copyright laws when using visual content. Creating original content or obtaining proper permissions or licenses is essential.

By understanding these key points, you can use photography and video to effectively promote your brand, engage your audience, and grow your business.

Capturing the Moment: Tips for Photographing Keynote Speakers and Event Attendees

[Caption: Jesse Cole is a strong enthusiast of fan culture. In 2016, he established Fans First Entertainment and introduced the Savannah Bananas to initiate a movement that centers on fans. Jesse’s dedication to this cause is evident in his presence at the stadium, his online engagements, his keynote speeches, his appearances in publications like ESPN and Entrepreneur, and his book, “Find Your Yellow Tux,” all of which aim to attract fans from all corners of the globe.]

Event photography is a challenging yet rewarding profession. Photographers specializing in covering meetings and conferences must deal with various challenges, including capturing keynote speakers who are not always as polished as professional speakers. However, photographers can use specific tips and tricks to get the best photos of keynote speakers and attendees during events.

Firstly, when photographing keynote speakers, the best time to capture them is in the first minute, they are at the podium. This is where they often thank people for inviting them and make opening remarks. During this time, they look up and may gesture toward someone, creating a great photo opportunity for photographers. However, once the keynote speaker starts their presentation, they may spend a lot of time reading from their notes, making it challenging to get good shots.

Matthew Luhn is a story artist and former Pixar animator who has helped develop the stories and characters for some of the studio’s most beloved films, including Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., and The Incredibles. As a keynote speaker, Matthew draws from his 20+ years of experience at Pixar to provide valuable insights into the creative process, storytelling, and innovation. His presentations are engaging, informative, and inspiring, empowering audiences to tap into their creativity and achieve their goals.

To overcome this challenge, photographers must be creative and look for moments when the speaker engages with the audience or shows emotions. For example, if the keynote speaker makes a joke or shares a personal story, they may laugh or smile, providing an excellent opportunity to capture a candid moment. Similarly, if they make a passionate point, they may gesture with their hands or have a severe expression, which photographers can use to create impactful images.

Jesse Cole, Keynote Speaker and Chief Fans First Officer, has the crowd on their feet and energized with his interactive presentation approach. In this photo, attendees can be seen standing up and actively participating in an activity led by Jesse Cole, known for his innovative and engaging approach to public speaking. As the founder of Fans First Entertainment and the Savannah Bananas, Jesse’s mission is to create a fan-focused movement; his presentations are no exception. Jesse makes a memorable and impactful experience that leaves a lasting impression by involving the audience in the talk.

Another critical aspect of covering meetings and events is capturing the attendees’ emotions and reactions. Clients usually want photographers to show how much people love attending their events. However, this often happens before the formal part of the meeting occurs, during breaks, and at the end of the event. This is when people are in conversations, networking, and often reuniting with friends, providing an excellent opportunity for photographers to capture attendees’ hugs, laughter, and expressions.

To capture these moments, photographers need to be observant and know when these moments are likely to happen. They should be aware of the event’s schedule and layout to position themselves strategically to get the best shots. They should also be friendly and approachable, making it easier for attendees to be comfortable and natural in front of the camera.

As the meeting attendees gather before the action on the stage starts, they enjoy interacting with each other. Some, like Seth Cathy, are enjoying getting selfies with their friends.

In conclusion, covering meetings and events as a photographer requires skill, creativity, and knowledge of the event’s flow. Capturing keynote speakers’ and attendees’ emotions and reactions is essential to create impactful images that showcase the event’s atmosphere and success. With the right approach and techniques, event photographers can provide their clients with stunning visual memories that will last a lifetime.

From Autism to Professional Communication: My Journey

[Caption: Stanley is taking pictures in Jonathan Stone’s class at Baptist Theological Seminary in Lima, Peru. Photo by Jeff Raymond]

Living with autism can be a challenging and unique experience, and it has led me on a lifelong adventure that has ultimately led me to become a professional communicator. I started not even talking until age 4, but as I learned to deal with my autism, I developed skills that now help me communicate with clients struggling to communicate their message to their audience.

Growing up with autism, I had to learn how to communicate effectively with others. This was not always easy, and I had to be creative in finding ways to communicate. However, this made me an excellent observer of body language and non-verbal cues. I learned to interpret these cues and developed the ability to share with others in ways they could understand.

As a photographer, I discovered I could communicate what I was experiencing before I could even talk with others. Photography became the key to my success in sharing my experiences with the world. Through my photos, I could capture the world around me and communicate it to others. As I progressed, I added a video, which gave me even more tools to share my message.

Today, my experience growing up with autism has given me a unique perspective on the importance of communication. I understand the struggles that individuals with communication challenges face, and I have developed skills that allow me to help others communicate their messages effectively. In addition, I recognize that effective communication is not just about the words we use but also about how we convey our message through body language, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues.

In many ways, I believe everyone has slight autism or at least experiences communication challenges at some point. This is where professional communicators come in. We help individuals and organizations tell their stories and connect with their audiences. Our job is to take complex ideas and make them simple, take dry facts and engage them, and help people understand the message behind the words.

In conclusion, my journey with autism has taught me valuable lessons about communication. I have developed skills to understand my client’s needs and help them communicate their messages effectively. In addition, my experience has shown me the power of observation and how it can help us communicate in ways we never thought possible. I am grateful for this journey and the opportunity to help others share their message effectively.

The Importance of Organized Gear: Why Your Equipment Needs its Own Storage Space

As a photographer, the gear you use is essential to your craft. However, the more equipment you acquire, the more difficult it becomes to keep everything organized and readily accessible. That’s why having a dedicated storage space for your gear is crucial.

Here are a few reasons why having a specific storage area for your photography gear is essential:

  1. Time-Saving: When you have a designated storage space for your gear, you can quickly grab everything you need for a shoot without searching through multiple bags or cases. This can save you valuable time and ensure you don’t forget any essential pieces of equipment.
  2. Protection: Keeping your gear in a specific location means that it’s less likely to get damaged or lost. If everything has a place, you can quickly notice if something is missing or if a piece of equipment has been damaged. Additionally, proper storage can help prevent mold or moisture from growing inside lenses or other equipment.
  3. Convenience: Having a storage space means keeping your gear organized and within reach. You’ll be able to quickly access your equipment and focus on your photography rather than worrying about where your bag is or if you’ve forgotten something.
Camera case

Overall, having a dedicated storage space for your photography gear is essential to being a photographer. It can save time, protect your equipment, and make your work more convenient and efficient.

Beyond the Lens: The Reality of a Freelance Photographer’s Workday

[Caption: This is Garrett Hubbard, an award-winning photojournalist who was a speaker at the Southwestern Photojournalism Conference in 2012. This is taken when we took the group out for Cowboy Church, and we enjoyed riding some of the horses before the service and eating together.]

When you think of a freelance photographers, you might imagine them constantly clicking away behind the camera lens. But the reality is that photographers spend a significant amount of time outside of shooting assignments on other tasks essential to running a successful business. Photographers typically only pay a fraction of their time taking pictures.

So, just how much time do photographers spend shooting? Estimates vary, but it’s generally agreed that photographers spend around 20-30% of their time on shooting assignments. The rest of their time is spent on marketing, bookkeeping, website maintenance, and administrative work.

Marketing is a crucial aspect of a photographer’s business, as it’s the key to attracting new clients and keeping existing ones. This might involve reaching out to potential clients, networking with other professionals in the industry, or creating compelling social media content to showcase their work.

Creating and maintaining a website and blog is another essential task for freelance photographers. This is where they can display their portfolio, share updates on their latest projects, and provide valuable information for potential clients.

Newsletters are also becoming increasingly popular among photographers, allowing them to keep in touch with past clients and promote new services or special offers.

Bookkeeping is another crucial aspect of running a successful photography business. This includes keeping track of all expenses, such as equipment purchases, travel expenses, and office supplies, and tracking mileage driven on vehicles. Using specialized software to categorize all spending, photographers can make filing taxes much easier and more efficient.

I use Quicken for Mac to track all my spending with checking and credit cards. Each transaction is given a category. Many things may not be related to tax right-offs, like groceries, but because I am tracking everything, Quicken then works well with TurboTax for doing my taxes each year. I also recommend using TripLog for tracking your vehicle mileage and expenses. When filing for taxes, it will let you have accurate costs like repairs, gas, and insurance that might be higher deductions than the mileage, but you will not know this until the end of the year.

Of course, there are times when a photographer simply can’t afford to take time away from shooting to focus on these other tasks. In these situations, it’s all about making the best use of the time available. This might mean setting aside weekly hours to catch up on administrative work or squeezing in a few marketing tasks between shoots.

Ultimately, the success of a freelance photography business relies on a balance between shooting assignments and taking care of other essential tasks. By prioritizing marketing, website and blog maintenance, bookkeeping, and administrative work, photographers can build a strong foundation for their business and set themselves up for long-term success.

Why Your Business Needs an Image Archive in Today’s Social Media Environment

[Caption: on the far left is Ambassador Andrew Young taking a picture of his long-term friend Jesse Hill Jr, who is honored by Georgia Tech’s Ivan Allen College on Founder’s Day Symposium, paying tribute to Hill’s remarkable life and legacy as a Civil Rights Activist.]

In today’s social media environment, having a solid brand image is essential for any business. However, with the endless scrolling and constant sharing on social media platforms, keeping your brand relevant and in the conversation can be challenging. That’s where an image archive comes in.

No Images found.

Having a collection of photos and historical events in your archive allows you to showcase your brand’s evolution and participation in current events. In addition, by posting blog posts, social media updates, and electronic newsletters with these images, you can demonstrate how your brand is a part of the current conversation.

Building a solid brand is like building a personal tribe. Just as individuals share photos to establish street cred, businesses can use images to demonstrate their relevance and authenticity. An image archive is a powerful tool to keep your brand at the forefront of your customer’s minds.

By investing in an image archive, your business can benefit from a range of advantages, including improved brand awareness, increased customer loyalty, and improved engagement on social media. So don’t miss out on this powerful branding tool; start building your image archive today.

I recommend PhotoShelter, and here is a link to signup.