[Caption: The Roswell Presbyterian Church is assisting with constructing a new church and well in Becanchen, Yucatan, Mexico.]
Cross-cultural experiences can significantly enrich our lives through international travel or interactions with people from different backgrounds. In today’s globalized world, people from diverse cultures are coming together, and it is essential to understand and appreciate these differences. By learning about different cultures, we gain new perspectives and insights that can challenge our preconceived notions and broaden our horizons.
International travel is one of the best ways to have cross-cultural experiences. We encounter different languages, customs, and traditions when we visit different countries. It can be an eye-opening experience to see how people in other parts of the world live their daily lives. We can learn about different foods, music, and art and see how they reflect the culture of that place. In addition, travel can help us understand our culture better as we remember how it compares to others.

One of the most valuable things we can gain from cross-cultural experiences is empathy. When we encounter people from different cultures, we are forced to see the world from their perspective. This can help us understand their struggles and challenges and appreciate their achievements and strengths. It can also help us see our commonalities despite our differences.
Another benefit of cross-cultural experiences is personal growth. We are forced to adapt and learn new skills when we encounter unfamiliar situations and challenges. This can be especially true when traveling to countries where we may not speak the language or know the customs. We can become more confident, adaptable, and resilient by facing these challenges.

One of the essential lessons from cross-cultural experiences is that material possessions do not equate to happiness. Many cultures worldwide live with much less than we do in the West, yet they are often happier and more content. Seeing this firsthand can help us reflect on our values and priorities and consider what truly matters.

In conclusion, cross-cultural experiences can significantly enrich our lives. Of course, international travel is one of the best ways to have these experiences, but we can also have them through interactions with people from different backgrounds. By learning about different cultures, we gain empathy, personal growth, and a better understanding of ourselves and others. We also know that material possessions do not equate to happiness, which can help us reflect on our values and priorities. So, whether through travel or other means, let’s embrace cross-cultural experiences and all the benefits they can bring.