[NIKON D5, 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 4500, 1/250, ƒ/3.2, (35mm = 200)]
This month I have been covering Chick-fil-A’s first in-person events since the beginning of the pandemic. They are not treating this like we are all out of the woods.

One of the events I cover is where different departments have their first in-person meetings under an open tent. Before you are let on the property, you must go through the guard gate that asks about your health and if you have been around anyone with COVID for the past 14 days.

At another event, they are meeting indoors, and the only time the face masks are off is when someone is presenting or eating.
Earlier in the year, I took this photo inside the restaurant to help train Chick-fil-A operators and team members about protocols when they open their dining rooms again.
Chick-fil-A is being proactive as much as possible. Daily they are adjusting to all the demands of running a restaurant in this pandemic which has created supply chain issues and safety issues for them to provide service to their customers.

What are you doing right now with your business in terms of communications?
Are you getting together and trying to reconnect your team safely?

Jonathan Evans is the team chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys and the Mavericks, and an accomplished speaker, teacher, and author. He currently serves on the pastoral staff at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship with his father, Dr. Tony Evans. His sister, Priscilla Shirer, is a speaker, author, and actor; his brother, Anthony, is a singer and worship leader.
He was a keynote speaker who talked about how he was admitted to the hospital for heart issues. He had filled his “To Do List” with everyone but him. Even during a crisis, you still must take care of yourself.

“Nature has not intended mankind to work from eight in the morning until midnight without that refreshment of blessed oblivion which, even if it only lasts twenty minutes, is sufficient to renew all the vital forces.”
~ Winston Churchill
Churchill’s afternoon nap was a non-negotiable part of his relaxed approach to his daily routine. Churchill would start his day at 8 am by eating breakfast, answering letters, and dictating to his secretaries, all of which was conducted while still in bed. This work bout was followed by a bath, a long lunch, and plenty of sipping on watered-down whisky. After lunch, it was time to paint or play cards with his wife, Clementine. Then it was nap time. Churchill would take off his clothes and climb into bed for up to two hours of solid napping. At 6:30, he would rise, take another bath, and enjoy a long dinner. He finally got down to business at 11 pm and would work for several hours before going to bed and repeating the cycle over again.
Tim Tassopoulos was fascinated that Churchill took time every day for a nap during World War II. Tassopoulos encouraged everyone to take care of themselves because if they were not healthy, they could not take care of their teams.

Dan Cathy is also a licensed FAA pilot who is drawing on that experience, was also talking to the operators of the restaurants about taking care of themselves. He spoke of his training as a pilot that when you lose cabin pressure, the pilot is to first put on their mask before deploying the shows for everyone else. Low pressure would cause little more discomfort in the ears and eyes, but the associated drop in oxygen levels makes people pass out if they do not put their oxygen masks on within about 15 seconds.
Relationships are Important
Strong relationships are essential to your happiness and healthy life. People with good friendships handle stress much better; a good friend can help you in difficult times. People with a supportive partner recover better from heart attacks and other illnesses.
People can energize us, elevate our mood, encourage activity, boost the immune system, and increase longevity. Our physical and mental health are intertwined–when one goes down, it affects the other. The more stressed we are, the more our immune system is depressed, and the more likely we will get illnesses and diseases.

“I believe strongly that, particularly in the vaccinated people, if you’re vaccinated, and your family members are vaccinated, those who are eligible — that is, very young children are not yet eligible — that you can enjoy the holidays,” said Fauci. However, unvaccinated or partially-vaccinated people should be more cautious and take measures like wearing a mask, gathering outside, and getting tested before any celebrations.