Is your photography website scalable from Desktop to Mobile?

60 Percent Of Internet Access Is Mostly Mobile

This is how the rest of the world is consuming the web, excluding the UK and the USA.
Here is a link to that story.

I pulled the report on my website.

These are some of the numbers of visitors to my website. The main discovery is that 56% use a laptop or a desktop to look at my website.

My website worked great for anyone using a desktop/laptop to connect with the website. However, 44% were visiting using mobile or a tablet. On the mobile, the website wasn’t amicable.

Now, viewing this blog on your mobile device, you have already seen the above photo. I realized I needed to make my main website mobile-friendly but also still a great experience if using a larger device.

Now my website looks like this on a mobile device.

Now in the corner, I have a typical pull-down menu on the web.

People often go to your website with their mobile device and then return later on a larger screen laptop or desktop. I still need to engage them because sometimes they are looking for someone like me, and I don’t want them to pass over me because my website isn’t mobile-friendly.



In February 2015, Google announced that the mobile-friendly update would boost the rankings of mobile-friendly pages — legible and usable on mobile devices — in mobile search results worldwide. (Conversely, pages designed for only large screens may significantly decrease rankings in mobile search results.)

The rollout of this change was April 21st this year.

Are you mobile-friendly with your website?

I am using the website builders from Godaddy and PhotoShelter to build my websites that make them scalable from desktop to iPad to the mobile device. Of course, you can do this using a more traditional approach like Dreamweaver, but I have found these online designers are more straightforward.

Here is the link to see PhotoShelter website templates and designs. $10 a month for a mobile-friendly website.

Here is the link to see Godaddy website templates and designs. $6 a month for a mobile-friendly website.

Updating My Websites


I am in the process of updating my website and thought I would share some of my thoughts about this process.

You can click on the thumbnails of the websites I have posted here to see them in action. I still have to change some domain names and make a few more administrative changes to make it all work, but I am almost there.

My website works pretty well, but the main thing it lacks is the mobile Design that the new website has built.

My blog’s hosting is by blogger and has had the mobile function for a while. So I see no real reason to update this, except I will decide if I want to redo the links on it or eliminate those and point people back to my main website.

Navigation is critical with websites, blogs, and even social media. I need the function to work, or the form [Design] will be useless.

I have been told and read many opinions on when you should have a separate website. Most recommend it when you start to add too many services. The website does better for brand building to have it simple.

I created my workshop website separate from the main website. Of course, you can get to it from the main website, but this helps build these workshops as an individual business I run.

I am also maintaining a social media presence in a few spots, which you can find from my main webpage in the lower left-hand corner or by just searching for me on most social media outlets.

It is taking a while to build a brand presence on the web. However, the more places I listed, the higher my SEO is, making it easier for me to be found by those looking for my services.


Slowly a few things I am learning is how important it is to keep all the websites simple and clean. Find the niche for each of these websites and then feed them content to help drive more potential customers in my direction.


While I am not changing my websites daily, they are constantly updated. Continuous quality improvement is the only thing constant with being relevant today as a professional communications expert. Remaining appropriate means I am always looking for a way to improve. Sometimes I take risks that fail, and other times I see positive results.

Those who are genuinely successful embrace the need for continuous change in their lives.

The pictures you want tomorrow, you have to take today.


These are my great grandfather/grandmother and my grandfather, whom I am named after. Unfortunately, it is the only photo I have of Henry Leary.

When I look at this photo, I see the family resemblance, and this photo makes me ask a lot of questions about my family.

Here is a snapshot of my grandfather when he was much older with my grandmother. At the same time, this photo doesn’t communicate to others what it does for me because this is a memory trigger. It brings me back to when I was just a toddler and remembering my grandparent’s home and memories about them.

Here is my other grandfather. I realize these are photos of the family in our homes and relaxing and enjoying one another.

I didn’t take any of those photos., but they still mean something to me.

Our immediate family has its memories that I have been documenting through the years. For example, our boys are with my soon-to-be wife Dorie, my cousin, uncle, and her friend.

I took this photo at the Biltmore House in Asheville, NC, which brings back many memories.

On weekends when I would photograph a college football game for a wire service, I often would rent some longer lenses and would take some photos of our boys that same weekend in one of their games.

While my other photos were in newspapers and magazines telling the games’ stories, I cherish the family pictures even more.

I cherish the moments like this when my daughter first saw Harry Potter World at Universal Studios in Orlando. Parents love the moments when you help your children’s dreams come true.

While taking these photos is excellent, be sure you are doing everything to preserve those photos for the generations of the future of your family. So do your best to capture the moments and write a little about each image.

I recommend making photo books of your family’s memories. I use the publisher If you use Lightroom to edit your photos, then click on the book module, and when you publish, you will be using Blurb.

Select all the photos you want in the book, and it will automatically create one you can modify, or you can do it page by page yourself.

Every day we look at photos to get news and help us do our jobs and hobbies. When you want to relax and remember, we are going to places like Facebook to remember and enjoy our friends and family.

I predict that the most important photos to you are those of your friends and family. Kodak sells films, but they don’t advertise films. They advertised memories.

Kodak advertisement, “We capture your memories forever.” and one that I think we need to remember today “The pictures you want tomorrow, you have to take today.”

I just got two new Fuji Lenses–Check and see if you can too!


I feel like I just got two new Fuji lenses, but that is what it feels like after Fuji introduces a firmware upgrade.

I discovered today that I had missed two firmware upgrades for my Fuji system. I had done the firmware upgrade in December for my Fujifilm X-E2 to Version 3.00, but in March, there were updates for two of my lenses 1) XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS and 2) XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS.

The upgrade is to help improve the stability of the OIS function.

Here is the link to see the firmware updates for the Fujifilm X series cameras and lenses.

Here is the process and link to take you to the complete steps below.

1) Prepare the necessities for the firmware update.

  1. 1. A camera and a lens to be updated
  2. 2. A fully charged battery
  3. 3. A formatted memory card
  4. 4. The firmware(to be downloaded from this site.)

2) Firmware version checking procedure

  1. 1. Turn off the camera and put the card in it.
  2. 2. Put the card in the camera.
  3. 3. Turn the camera on by pressing the “DISP/BACK” button to check the current firmware version. (It is ver.1.00 in the picture below.)
  4. 4.
  5. Turn off the camera
  • *If the version is the latest, the firmware update is not required.

I want you to know that there was a definite improvement beyond just the OIS for me. I think the lenses were a little more responsive in general.

Have you checked your camera and lenses to see if there are firmware upgrades? I can tell you it is like getting a new camera each time Fuji does an upgrade to me.

Fujifilm X-E2 and Fujinon XF 55-200mm for vacation pictures at the North Carolina Beach

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 55-200mm, ISO 250, ƒ/9, 1/500

This morning on the news, they announced some of the schools are starting back next week in our area. My daughter will start her Junior year of high school in a couple of weeks. At the beginning of the summer, we were at the beach and now wishing I were still there for some more summer before it disappeared.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 55-200mm, ISO 200, ƒ/4.8, 1/2400

We were at Emerald Isle, North Carolina beach the week of the first shark attacks. We enjoyed our time there on the beach, but as you might have heard, they ban fishing along the coast during certain hours since this entices the shark to shore.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 55-200mm, ISO 640, ƒ/18, 1/500

While there, I used my Fujifilm X-E2 since it is small and easy to carry to and from the beach daily.

I loved shooting with the Fujinon XF 55-200mm.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 55-200mm, ISO 2500, ƒ/18, 1/500

Built with an optical design that offers a large maximum aperture and a linear motor that delivers high-speed AF performance while featuring the image stabilization function that allows shutter speeds to be 4.5 stops slower. Using high-performance glass lens elements throughout the construction. Containing two ED lens elements, including one Super ED lens element that boasts performance equivalent to that of a fluorite lens, to control chromatic aberration, typically in long focal lengths.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 55-200mm, ISO 200, ƒ/8, 1/800

The Fujinon 55-200mm has the 35mm format equivalent of 84-305mm. It is about a 1/2 stop brighter than my Nikon 28-300mm, which at 300mm is ƒ/5.6, versus the Fujinon 55-200mm is ƒ/4.8. It is also a lot smaller and lighter.

I think the Fujifilm X-E2 is a great travel camera for many reasons, but two stand out the most. First, the size is small, and people don’t think you are a professional, so I think to relax more. Second I believe that the image quality is excellent, and I don’t feel like I am compromising by using this camera when it comes to the final image.

Why are some people so resistant to learning?

I love teaching and have been told that I am good at it. However, the results tell me there is still room for growth.

I love to pick apart something to a level that, quite frankly, annoys some people. I will obsess over what seems forever to examine what could be done better.

This photo of me looking at some Union Students’ work captures my intent. I think a long time before I open my mouth to give feedback. Even after thinking about it, I could still have used a healthy dose of tact to deliver those thoughts.

photo by Dennis Fahringer

There are three main things that many would say are contributing factors to the resistance to learning:

  1. Motivation—Many things impact this, from needs and desires to the environment that can create push. I have watched training at Chick-fil-A and noticed that making something a game seems to increase motivation. People can see the reward for their learning.
  2. Intelligence—We all have strengths and weaknesses; sometimes, the subject matter is beyond our capacity. Often, we talk about Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Quotient, and other descriptors that get to the core aptitude.
  3. Teaching—There are good teachers and bad teachers. The best teachers do a great job presenting their material in ways that engage the different learning styles.

Here are The Seven Learning Styles:

  1. Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
  2. Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
  3. Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words in speech and writing.
  4. Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands, and sense of touch.
  5. Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning, and systems.
  6. Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with others.
  7. Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

However, I continue to come up against one thing that creates a resistance to learning. 

 #4 Resistance to Learning: Psychological Cost of Learning The most significant obstacle I continue to come up against is asking adults, significantly, to “change their ways.” A great example of this within my profession was those who resisted switching from film to digital capture. With film, some photographers were highly competent, and the switching to digital was a significant blow to their world. 

When teaching storytelling, I find that students often think they are already very competent in some areas, when in reality, they are just like those who were shooting film before they switched to digital. There are three ways people will go through this:

  1. Crisis—For some, it was finding out that film wasn’t all that available or the expense was too great.
  2. Hitting Bottom—Just like an Alcoholic who loses everything and is on the verge of death. Just like those who go to a rehab facility, some change.
  3. Learning Environment—This is like a workshop where people are exposed to the learning curve and do not have to change, but often due to the safe environment in which to learn.

This is similar to a great storyline as well. If you think where you are is because of your competency and, in reality, resist the inevitable change necessary for survival in this field, you will soon hit rock bottom or have a crisis.

My constant prayer while teaching:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

Good teachers care enough to evaluate their teaching but realize that the student is responsible for their learning. So, while teachers do their best to make learning as entertaining as possible and engaging to the different learning styles, resistance is still present many times.

There is the point that the teacher allows for the student’s failure because while we try to create a learning environment, some students will only learn from a crisis or when they hit rock bottom.

The wisdom in knowing when the success of the student is more their issue than it is mine is really about not giving up on them, but letting go of it is my problem. My life coach tells me this is not OVER thinking things.

Scanning some photos from college in 1982


It was a lot of fun going through my work while I was in college. This photo is from my Junior year at East Carolina University.

Now one thing I am noticing already that I love about today’s digital cameras over the film years–XML code that tells you the camera, lens, aperture, and more data about the camera used to shoot the photo.

Another thing is today, I embed IPTC or think of it as all the text I want to help with the image. So I can store the caption information, Copyright, and city and state information today. I can even keep the GPS coordinates.


This photo is from October 9, 1982, at Ficklen Memorial Stadium in Greenville, NC, with an attendance of 19,521. ECU defeated Richmond 35-14. I was able to look that up on the web.

I can also tell you there is a lot of grain in Tri-X film, and there were a lot of spots where there wasn’t a chemical base giving small spots.


Today I can get incredible detail that wasn’t all that possible with the Tri-X in a 35mm camera. I now understand why the medium format gave you a better resolution. You had more information than you needed.


Joe Jackson is performing at Great Adventure Theme Park in Howell, NJ. While going through all the negatives, I noticed more soft photos due to shutter speed issues. Today I would catch that issue much faster due to the histogram and the LCD to help check images for sharpness.


It is just fun to reminisce and scan these old photos. Hopefully, I can scan some of those worth keeping and get all the caption information embedded in the images so they can be searched and posted online. This way, historians and just anyone can search and find photos that I happened to take that they may enjoy one day. 

Scanning old negatives

Pentax K1000 & Pentax 135mm lens, Kodak Tri-X  [April 7, 1982]

My daughter loves theater, and this made me want to pull out some photos I shot during college at East Carolina University’s theater doing Show Boat.

To scan my negatives, I used the Nikon Coolscan V-ED [Adorama has one for $739]. On Amazon, it sells for $2,000.

A high-performance dedicated film scanner from Nikon, the CoolScan V ED offers high-quality scanning of 35mm slides, 35mm film strips, APS film (with optional IX240 film adapter), and prepared slides (with optional medical slide holder). The Scanner-Nikkor ED glass lens offers a 4,000 dpi optical resolution, while the 3,964-pixel linear CCD image sensor and 14-bit A/D input (8-/16-bit output) provide true-to-life, brilliant results.

Nikon’s own LED illumination technology ensures accurate color with no warm-up time or risk of heat damage. Scan times are as fast as 38 seconds including image transfer to display, and as fast as 14 seconds in preview mode. Automatic color/contrast compensation helps you achieve accurate results, while the ICE4 advanced digital image correction suite of technologies helps to restore old slides to their original glory. Additionally, the included Nikon Scan 4 software provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use interface for managing your scans.

The CoolScan V ED has a convenient plug-and-play USB interface, while one-touch scan and preview buttons will have you scanning film in no time. PC and Mac compatible, the CoolScan V ED also comes backed with a one year limited warranty.

Pentax K1000 and 50mm lens, Kodak Tri-X

If you have scratches and spots like in this photo, you must use PhotoShop to clean up the image.

SilverFast 8

Now Nikon has stopped supporting it, so to make it work on my Macbook Pro, I bought the software SilverFast 8.0. This software is even more advanced than the original Nikon software I used years ago.

Now the learning curve is a little steep to get used to scanning with the software. You can see the version and what I set up for when I downloaded the software. You pick your scanner.

There are a lot of videos already made that you can watch to help you step by step. Just Google SilverFast 8 and look for just the videos; there are many to choose from.

Pentax K1000 and 50mm, Kodak Tri-X

There is one this great about the scanner. Compared to the time spent in a darkroom working on print forever burning and dodging, with the scanner and PhotoShop, you can get far superior results.

I hope this inspires you.


Multimedia Storytelling–NEED to know vs. WANT to know

Last year’s storytelling workshop in Lisbon, Portugal [Fuji X-E2, Fuji XF 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/13, 1/450]

When teaching workshops on storytelling, we always like to get a feel for what the students want to learn from the experience.

There are some very consistent things people want to learn from a storytelling multimedia workshop. One of the top things listed usually involves software. They want to learn how to use Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premier Pro, for example.

Now, if we created a workshop based on what people talk about, most would leave the workshop not much better than when they came. Even the things they don’t mention are sometimes at the top of the list.

The workshop location is a HUGE factor in people choosing to attend. They might not sign up if the workshop were somewhere down the street from them versus some exotic place like Cuba, Paris, or Bucharest, Romania.

What students list at the very bottom of their desires to learn is audio.

Click on the photo to see a larger one.

Here is the timeline inside Final Cut Pro X on one of my most recent projects. The interview is the foundation for the project, and the sound for this is what is driving the entire project. What the subject is talking about influences what images should accompany the words.

While we teach how to interview and get the sequencing of the interview in an order that helps engage the audience and tell the story. The interview sound must be clear, or all else is a waste.

Shure FP1 with the WL183 (Omnidirectional) microphone

Quality Sound

The foundation for every multimedia/video project is the soundtrack. Here are two microphones I use all the time, but regardless of what microphone you choose, you must know how to use it and set the microphone levels to get the sound just right.

Shotgun Røde Video Pro Microphone

People will not watch your project if the sound is of poor quality. However, they are more likely to care if they sound high quality and the visuals are mediocre than if they were reversed.

Which Microphone?

My recommendation for anyone going down this storytelling road is to invest in a lavalier microphone. One with a long cord of 20′ will work great for interviews and is reasonably priced. You can get one for about $23 from most stores.

I like this microphone because it picks up sound close to it and drops off pretty quickly, so you can put this on someone’s collar and get their voice, and lavalier will diminish ambient sound around the room.

The shotgun microphone is excellent when you don’t want to see the microphone, and depending on how you place it in relationship to the subject can give you a charming sound. It takes more practice to use this over the lavalier.

NEED to know vs. WANT to know

Now back to the headline. While learning sound is not all that sexy, based on everyone pretty much ranks this at the bottom of what they want to know; it is the foundation of the project. Good sound is equivalent to good exposure with your photography/video, but the difference is that it is more important.

I did a simple package on how I did boxes years ago. It is pretty easy to edit once you have the voice-over recorded. See if you can see how the sound drives the project.×470
Here you can see the package I produced. The box was in 2008 when I used an audio recorder and photos. But this is the backbone of the video to understand that the soundtrack becomes the timeline for the project.×481

Advice to those wanting to learn multimedia/video

The most important tip I can give you is to be open to the professional teaching you. Try your best to hear what the professional says you NEED to know versus what you WANT to know. Don’t filter out what you think is unnecessary or not that interesting.

Pour yourself into every step of the process of learning a skill. The reason you do this is not that you can pass a test, but instead that you will master the subject.

Do you want a surgeon who passed their tests or knows about your procedure? Just as a surgeon who didn’t pay attention except to the exciting parts of medical school will lose a life, so will the storyteller who only learns what they want to know. They, too, will lose the life of the story.

Here is another example. Listen to the soundtrack and see how it moves the story along.


New Camera Gear Can Create Panic


When my wife and daughter help me with assignments, and it comes time to pack up, they bring the gear to me, and then I put it away.

Often as we are doing this, the client is nearby, and my wife explains how I have a particular place for everything and how she doesn’t want to cause me to panic.

New Gear Creates Panic

Photography is excellent for those who tend toward Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Of course, no one wants to be OCD because it can be debilitating. But camera bags and all this gear work great for organizing your stuff.

Here you can see my Think Tank Airport Security™ V2.0 Rolling Camera Bag, That I use all the time.

Once you get your bag all set with your gear, for the most part, the equipment has to go in the exact location, or it will not fit. But then, all it takes is buying just one more piece of gear that requires you to reconfigure your bag.

So the other day, I did just that and a day later took off to Houston, Texas, for a job. I reached for a piece of gear I use all the time, and it wasn’t where I always put it.

When I didn’t have the gear, I thought of a story in the Bible that captured my emotional state so well.

Luke 15:8-9
“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’

While on the job, I was on a short timeline and out of town. I quickly adjusted and got the job done, not using that piece of gear. I must have left that gear on the fireplace where I was putting things while rearranging my camera bag.

Last night after returning from Houston, I, too, searched my house. When a cleaner comes to our home, she tends to put things away, and sometimes it takes us a little while to find them. So I knew she had been at our house around that time and thought maybe she had moved it somewhere.

I asked my daughter and wife if they had seen my gear. They had no clue as to what I was describing. Not finding stuff went on for a few hours. Finally, I decided to go and get out of the house to clear my head and get something to eat. Later I returned and continued to look.

It is essential to note that unique gifts often accompany the challenges of Asperger Syndrome [which I have]. Indeed, a remarkable ability for intense focus is a common trait. But unfortunately, I could not let go until I resolved this issue.

Beating myself up

I then remembered I had some boxes that the new gear came in and wondered did I throw them away accidentally. I have more jobs soon and was upset that I would have to go to the camera store and replace the gear. It would be around $800. No one just casually replaces something for $800.

Finally, I gave up after finding an older piece of gear and realizing I could use this temporarily. But unfortunately, the rechargeable batteries in the equipment were dead. So I went to my bag and looked for the chargers–which also had been moved around.

I found my gear as I took one of the rechargers out of my bag.

Memory Issue

Once a memory is created, you must store it (no matter how briefly). Many experts think there are three ways we keep memories: first in the sensory stage; then in short-term memory, and ultimately, for some memories, in long-term memory.

Important information is transferred from short-term memory into long-term memory. The more the information is repeated or used, the more likely it is to end up in long-term memory or be “retained.”

Usually, I do a pretty good job of remembering my organization changes because I am physically moving the gear and thinking about what I am doing it normally sticks. If, however, I get a phone call in the middle, this can affect my memory recall.

Forgiving Myself

The hardest part of an event like this in my life is the ability to forgive myself. It is more complex most of the time to forgive myself than others.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” –– Buddah

Benefits of forgiveness:

  1. Lowers stress levels
  2. Lowers your heart rate
  3. Lowers blood pressure
  4. It helps you sleep better
  5. It enables you to live longer

I could feel my body relax once I found it, and then as I began to forgive myself for my memory lapse, I also felt the stress release.

Had I lost the gear, I would have bought replacement gear and then also had to forgive myself so that I could move on.

Losing gear will happen again in the future when I cannot find something. The key to success is allowing yourself to be human and make mistakes.

How to Create HD 360º Panoramic


First of all, you are going to have to invest some money in these items:

  1. Fisheye Lense – I recommend the 180º that creates a circle image. I have the Sigma Fisheye 8mm f/3.5 EX DG Circular Fisheye Autofocus Lens for Nikon AF for $899.00
  2. Nodal Panoramic head – link for some on B&H. Expect to pay about $500
  3. Panorama Image Stitching Software – I use Panoweaver 9, which runs for $299.00
  4. Good tripod to put a panoramic head on
  5. Release cable – I use an infrared remote with my Nikon D750
  6. Adobe PhotoShop – While you can use the panoramic so you can fix the floor if you don’t want a logo there. $600
Click on it to see the larger version
So here is my camera with my nodal panoramic head on a tripod.
Here is a side view
Now the other side

You will take four photos and then stitch them together with the software. Next, I create a Cubic Panorama, the six sides of a cube.

Use a remote to keep the camera very still.

I then export that image to PhotoShop. Using PhotoShop is where I will remove the tripod, as seen in this photograph.
To get rid of the tripod [why I use PhotoShop], I go to filter and select vanishing point
Next, I select the cloning tool, hold the option key, and select the area I want to clone from to fill over the tripod.
Because I chose the vanishing point, the cloning will keep all the dots in perspective and makes for easy patching. Great for floors where tiles and other patterns are not always squared but more often slightly askew.

Now, I am using the more expensive Panoweaver to have something that works on mobile devices like the iPad and iPhone. There are two versions created; one is flash based and has the little planet view that you see at the top and below. I have you fly down into the panoramic, creating a video-like feel to the panoramic.

Now, if that were all there is to this, it would be super easy. However, after doing this for about ten years, I have found that the knowledge of stitching helps you pick better locations. For that reason, if you enjoy them and would like me to create them for your place of work or something else, give me a shout.

How to see a photo 4 different ways

Little Planet Version

Here is the same photo, but I am showing it to you in 4 different ways. The top image is what we call the Little Planet view.

It would help if you had special software to do all these photos. Some Apps exist to help you create pictures similar to these with your phone–just not as consistent and precise as the way I did it with a tripod, fisheye lens, and particular nodal head on the tripod.

iPhone Apps
Android Apps

Photo #2 360º Panoramic gut stretched horizontally

Photo #2 is the same but extended to a large horizontal photo. Often this is cropped with less sky and ground to give a more strip print. This photo would then be like the inside of a cylinder.

Photo #3 Cubed 360º Panoramic

Photo #3 is the same photo, but instead of how it would appear inside a ball, this is how it would appear inside a box. Again, the first four panels are the sides, then the top and bottom are the last two.

This last one is an interactive 360º panoramic. You can watch it; it will rotate and let you see the 360º cylinder, or you can click on the menu arrows to go up and down or change direction. You can also just put your mouse and, while clicking and holding, drag the image up, down, and sideways to control it yourself.