Park Springs Retirement community in DeKalb County, Georgia [DJI Air 2s, Mode = Normal, ISO 120, 1/1250, ƒ/2.8, (35mm = 22)]
Granite quarrying at Stone Mountain, Georgia, was the area’s lifeblood for decades, employing many thousands. The excellent grade of building stone from the mountain was used in many notable structures, including the locks of the Panama Canal, the roof of the bullion depository at Fort Knox, Philadelphia’s Liberty National Building, and the steps in the east wing of the U.S. Capitol.

When selling real estate, it is all about Location, Location, Location. The location they are promoting for the Park Springs retirement community is the proximity to Stone Mountain. The population was 5,802, according to the 2010 US Census.

Drone photography is the newest Aerial form of photography. As long as you can get your photo from 400 feet or less, this is the best way to capture your property. If you have a massive location needing you to be 500 feet or better in height, you need a helicopter or plane to get those shots.

While showing the Park Springs community near Stone Mountain, this wasn’t the only reason to shoot photos from a drone.

Showing the lake in the middle of the community was also important. From the air, you get a great perspective.

Right next to the property is also a golf course. This is impossible to show from the ground regarding the retirement community.

While I was flying the drone and showing the client the images, they commented that you see how Atlanta is the City of Trees from the air.

Atlanta, Georgia, has a reputation as the “city in a forest” due to its abundance of trees, uncommon among major cities. Tree coverage was estimated at 47.9% for 2008 in a 2014 study.
Are you using aerial photography to help communicate your location and what surrounds your business? Give me a call, and we can get it done for you.