Updating My Websites


I am in the process of updating my website and thought I would share some of my thoughts about this process.

You can click on the thumbnails of the websites I have posted here to see them in action. I still have to change some domain names and make a few more administrative changes to make it all work, but I am almost there.

My website www.StanleyLeary.com works pretty well, but the main thing it lacks is the mobile Design that the new website has built.

My blog’s hosting is by blogger and has had the mobile function for a while. So I see no real reason to update this, except I will decide if I want to redo the links on it or eliminate those and point people back to my main website.

Navigation is critical with websites, blogs, and even social media. I need the function to work, or the form [Design] will be useless.

I have been told and read many opinions on when you should have a separate website. Most recommend it when you start to add too many services. The website does better for brand building to have it simple.

I created my workshop website separate from the main website. Of course, you can get to it from the main website, but this helps build these workshops as an individual business I run.

I am also maintaining a social media presence in a few spots, which you can find from my main webpage in the lower left-hand corner or by just searching for me on most social media outlets.

It is taking a while to build a brand presence on the web. However, the more places I listed, the higher my SEO is, making it easier for me to be found by those looking for my services.


Slowly a few things I am learning is how important it is to keep all the websites simple and clean. Find the niche for each of these websites and then feed them content to help drive more potential customers in my direction.


While I am not changing my websites daily, they are constantly updated. Continuous quality improvement is the only thing constant with being relevant today as a professional communications expert. Remaining appropriate means I am always looking for a way to improve. Sometimes I take risks that fail, and other times I see positive results.

Those who are genuinely successful embrace the need for continuous change in their lives.