Scott Wallace, National Geographic writer, talks to Dorie Griggs about his latest book The Unconquered. Scott Wallace with Stanley during his book
Mike Davis’ list of five things in good photos
Mike Davis speaks on photo editing at the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar. Creating images that last beyond the day has been Mike’s
Speaker Tips for Photographers
I just finished two days of presentations by photographers. There were some excellent presentations, but there were some poor presentations. David Burnett
I am attending the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar and you should too
The Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar I have three friends I have talked with in the past couple of days who are driving
Why I photographed them this way (Part 3)
Nikon D3, 14-24mm, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/1000 Flash Outside I love to use two different Flash systems outside. 1) I use the
Why I photographed them this way (Part 2)
Nikon D3S, 24 – 120mm, ISO 200, f/9, 1/60 Lighting Setup This first photo by itself may not make a lot of
Why I photographed them this way
Using lasers to study microorganisms. Why did you light it that way, and why did you compose it a certain way? I
Value Established – Not Added
Clients must feel they are getting value for their money or you don’t get the job. You don’t stay in business unless
Do you know what you do best every day?
Stanley’s top five strengths after taking the Clifton StrengthFinder Test. The Clifton StrengthsFinder As you may know, the Clifton StrengthsFinder measures the
Tweaking the exposure with the Exposure Compensation
This is the location of the Exposure Compensation on the Nikon D3S. You push this and spin the dial on the back
Depth of Field Preview – A tool underused by many photographers
One of the creative controls you have on the camera is aperture. We also refer to this as the f/stop. As you
ISO The Big Game Changer in Digital
The ISO setting on D3S lets me choose ISO 12,800 or higher. Not only is it a choice the quality of image
Nikon P7000 bailed me out when my Nikon D3S couldn’t
Nikon P7000 ISO 1600, f/5.6 1/40 Today one of the most dreaded photo shoots happened. I arrived at the client’s location where
How to develop muscle memory for photographers
Pam Goldsmith, world renowned violist plays her viola from the 1600s.[NIKON D4, 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 5600, 1/125,
Taking my own advice past week I have taken some of my advice about getting out of a creative rut. November 9th Taylor turned 21
Overuse of the smile with photos can lead to feeling of setup
I find people who smile all the time creepy. I also find people who are in the same mood all the time