A little boy in Tapachula, Mexico. |
The beach near Tapachula, Mexico |
A little boy in Tapachula, Mexico. |
The beach near Tapachula, Mexico |
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Front of my latest postcard |
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back of the postcard |
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My Website |
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Google Analytics |
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Blog Analytics |
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Vince Stanton attempts Troublemaker during the Professional Bull Riders Atlanta Classic at the Georgia Dome. |
Reuben Geleynse hangs on to Long John during the PBR Atlanta Classic at the Georgia Dome. |
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we hear and see
70% of what we discuss with others
80% of what we personally experience
95% of what we teach others
–Edgar Dale
Bart Jackson attempts to ride Smokin Joe during the PBR Atlanta Classic at the Georgia Dome.
Are you selling prints, DVDs, digital files, or the memories you capture?
Too often, photographers look only at the cost of making a photo—pushing the button. In the days of film, many of these same photographers would try and sell a 25¢ piece of paper. Both then and now, these photographers miss the point—the medium is only a vehicle.
Photographers of people sell moments. The better the photographer can raise the feelings in the beholder’s mind the monetary value of that image is increased.
The door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman isn’t selling appliances but a clean house. The key for photographers is to realize they are not selling pictures but what those pictures capture. Even in advertising photos of products, the incredible images help capture a mood and create a craving in the audience in some way.
Photography has five stages in selling.
You need to, in some way, have their attention first. There are many ways to get this. One of the best ways is through a referral from a happy customer. This is based on relationships. The relationship you as a photographer have built with a client and the excitement they have and want to share you with their friends is, in my book, the best way to get someone’s attention.
Great images will also get someone’s attention. These are often done through your advertising. Getting your work in front of someone to get their attention would be best.
The next step is creating an interest in your product. Your referral will use their testimonial to help you create interest. They will tell their friends about how you impressed them in some way.
Many photographers may have celebrities in their portfolio, and some photographers have exotic locations, and as you can see, these things create an interest in the photographer and their work.
This interest should lead to desire. This is where they start to inquire, want to know more, and are engaged with you. You must move them from seeing you as a commodity; otherwise, they will look for another photographer.
Instead, you have to establish a real need for your services. This is where your ability to demonstrate to them how you are the best choice for them. This may be how you communicate your ability to care for them, and you might explain this by just how attentive you are in the sales process.
Questions for yourself:
If you establish your ability to meet their needs, it is on to action. The client wants to sign the contract and hand you the money to make it happen. If you seldom get to this stage where the client is taking the initiative to close the sale for you—then a real need for “you” was never established. Instead, you are seen as a commodity, and someone else can fill the market.
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Spyder2Express Color Calibration |
From the moment you click the shutter to make a photo till the final place the photo is to be viewed can make or break a photo.
After you transfer your images from your digital camera to your computer you can view the images on the screen of your computer. If you choose to make any changes to the photo’s colors this is where if your monitor is not calibrated correctly you could be changing colors that need no change at all.
I use the DataColor Spyder2Express to calibrate my monitor. There are many different tools you can use to calibrate. Pantone huey, X-Rite Eye One and there are other devices to help you calibrate.
The difference between the devices is how many monitors you can calibrate and how many choices of colors that you can choose to calibrate.
If you are using PhotoShop, Lightroom, or any other software to manipulate images then you need to calibrate your monitor so you as you work you are seeing the most accurate color possible with your monitor.
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Calibrating the blue channel |
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Calibrating the red channel |
If you have played checkers you know that each piece moves the same. When a piece reaches the furthest row from the player who controls that piece, it is crowned and becomes a king.
The other game that uses the same board is chess. Chess has 6 different pieces of which each one moves differently than the other pieces. One of the many problems a beginner faces in a chess game, once he is familiar with the rules, is what to do when playing the game, how should he start the game, how to attack his opponent position and defend his own at the same time?
The difference between the two games that I want to use for illustration is that in checkers all the pieces are the same and in chess they are different.
I remember taking lessons on how to play chess from a grand master who played on the Princeton team in college. There were two pieces I had more trouble learning how to play than all the others. The pawn and the knight for me were difficult to understand.
It took a while to understand that the pawn’s first move can be one or two squares straight ahead and unlike the other pieces where it can move to is not how it takes the opponents pieces, rather it takes them diagonally. The en passant capture is when your opponent moves his pawn two spaces trying to avoid capture by your pawn on the first square. You may take their pawn if they make that move. Also unlike the other pieces the pawn cannot move backwards. As you can see this can make your head spin and this is just the pawn.
Once you learn what all the pieces can do then you realize in combination things they can do that alone they cannot.
My teacher taught me how military leaders used chess to help them plan their attacks on enemies and how to respond. The pieces represent the people and their roles. If you watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, you will have seen how the pieces of the board came to life as they played. Even today you will find around the world humans used as pieces on large boards of chess games.
There are two ways photographers play either chess or checkers that I see. The first way is how they treat their subjects in their viewfinders.
Many photographers see people as just an object to fill a space, but great photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson know that not just any subject will do for a particular composition. His photos became iconic due to how everything in the frame all worked together at the right moment—the decisive moment.
So the first lesson we can learn as photographers is to see people like chess pieces—each one as unique and moving differently. This requires you to get to know your subjects and the more you know about them the better your photographs.
The second place photographers are often playing checkers and not chess is in their business practices. You may only make headshots in your business as opposed to another photographer who offers a wide variety of services. The mistake is often made not by the photographer offering only 1 product, but by the photographer who thinks their variety of services makes them more service oriented.
If you want to play chess instead of checkers with your business, then you need to see each client as different and learn to listen to them. While you may only offer headshots, they may need you to come to them or be more flexible with your schedule. They may need large prints or just a Facebook size photo and the question is, are you flexible to offer them what they need?
If you are playing chess with your photographs then:
If you are playing chess with your clients of your photo business
This season is such a cliché for a reason. We all understand that timing is everything when planning our vacations. We go to the beaches in the summer and the mountains to ski in the winter. If you go the wrong time of year, you will miss the ability to take in the best of a place.
If you Google the phrase “Tis the season,” you will find more than 5,690,000 hits.
Tis the season for photographers to get outside in your backyards and plan those road trips to capture the springtime in full bloom.
If you have a business, this is the time to do those photos you need on your website to show off your properties. This is when you plan for those outdoor weddings to take advantage of the flowers and trees in bloom. You still have time to take advantage of the season. Be sure you put aside the time to capture the blooms in your yards and places of business.
Here are a series of photos showing full-framed image and then followed up with a crop 100% view of the same image. If you want to enlarge your photos and have people admire them on the walls of your home or office, be sure they are in focus & sharp.
I used for this exercise a point and shoot camera. I used the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 camera. I made the photos of the same object handheld and then with a tripod. Can you tell the difference in these bright sunlit photos?
Hand held full-frame |
100% view of the image above (hand held) |
Full framed shot using tripod |
100% cropped view of the tripod image |
Full frame of hand held photo |
100% cropped view of the hand held |
Full frame of Tripod photo |
100% cropped view of the Tripod Image |
Scott Kelby walks everyone through the seven steps he does in Lightroom with all his photos.
To grow as a photographer, you must have someone check your work. There are two types of people to review your work_the general public and the professional. The professional can be another photographer, photo editor, graphic designer, or art director.
The public should be able to look at our photos and tell us what they get out of an image and therefore help us know if our intended message came across.
The advantage of a professional photographer who is further along in their journey than you is they can tell you if a photo is good or not, but can give you some tips on how they might improve the image.
Letting your photos speak for themselves will help you know if you were successful. For example, if you wanted a picture to show how much two people are good friends, then the audience will tell you.
If the person reviewing the images asks for more information, provide it. Too much information will hurt your critique. For example, if you tell the person this is a photo where you were trying to illustrate friendship, the person will ask if it worked, but you need to know what it says to them when they have no information other than the photo.
Sometimes you might have a powerful photo that is a failure. For example, it may be a successful photo in which the audience likes the picture but fails to deliver the message you were going for.
Edit and showing your best work will help the person reviewing your work. However, showing too much work will weaken your portfolio rather than strengthen it. Your portfolio is to show your skills. You may have a collection of subjects or a photo story. Either way, each photo should offer something different.
You only need one photo to show you know how to do something, so make it your best effort. Your second photo should offer something different about your abilities. For example, maybe the first photo was available light, and the second one shows you know how to use flash. Your third might be shooting in a studio.
Your photo stories must work like a written story, with a beginning, middle, and end. The face is often an establishing photo to help us understand the story. You must vary the images from wide to medium and then close up.
Have everything you need to show your work. Don’t show up with a USB drive; expect the person you see to have a computer. Be sure everything works and try it a few times to be sure all the photos load, for example, if it is on a laptop, iPad, or some other device.
Sometimes the best way to show your portfolio is in a book or prints. This way, you are not relying on technology that could quit. However, I don’t want that to happen at a once-in-a-lifetime meeting.
Get multiple opinions before making changes to your work. If you show your work to 3 or more folks and they all say there is something wrong with a photo_then you know it needs to go. What will not be so consistent is what they might sound like as a way to improve that photo. For example, one person may say to back up, and another might say to crop in closer.
Take the advice and change. Go out and make the changes to your portfolio. Take the photos out that almost everyone agreed on the need to come out. Go and crop the images that need cropping.
Go back into Lightroom or PhotoShop and re-edit those photos that can be improved.
Most of all, take the advice to heart as you shoot your following photos. Watch the edges of the image. Know what you want to say to your audience about the subject.
Go back and show your changes. Find those people and show them your revised portfolio after you have made the changes and shot some new material. See if you got what they were talking about. Often you will find out that you didn’t fully understand what they were saying, and by revisiting, you will discover this.
![]() Scott Kelby teaching at the Southwestern Photojournalism Conference. |
Galatians 5:19-21
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Let me start today with a confession. I just spent the past five days with some incredible photographers and I was very jealous about their work and their careers.
![]() Scott Kelby |
While I applauded their presentations and was really impressed with their work I was also measuring myself to them. I confessed to some of my friends how I was feeling only to discover they too were having similar thoughts.
How do we deal with these feelings?
First we need to acknowledge talented photographers. We also need to tell them that we admire them. The reason for this is this is often the first step to dealing with the problems of jealousy.
I have not only admired photographers in the past I did everything to copy their work. I bought the same gear and even started to dress like them. I do think early in our career it is good to try and copy someone else’s work. This is how we learn. The problem is that when we only copy and not use the process to help us find our own voice.
![]() Esther Havens |
At this conference Scott Kelby gave us tips on how to use Raw plugin. For much of the room we were learning how to use Lightroom effectively. I was just thinking—I do that. I started to think I should be up there teaching this material.
![]() Jeremy Cowart |
I needed to celebrate how effective Scott Kelby is at teaching. His ability to distill the subject into nuggets and interject humor made everything much more memorable than the way I often teach. I need to work on my teaching. Not copy what Scott does, but learn from him and make it my own.
Jeremy Cowart spoke to the group as well. He is a celebrity photographer who also gives back through Help-Portrait (http://help-portrait.com) a non-profit he started. I was not only jealous of his opportunities, but also envious of his life. Maybe I should dress like him is what actually went through my head. That would look pretty funny. What I need to do is tell Jeremy how much I like his work and impressed with how he carries himself. I need to learn from him and realize I need to carry myself even more professionally than I am doing now.
![]() Garrett Hubbard |
![]() Gary Fong |
![]() Brad Moore |
Esther Havens was at the conference and I am jealous of her work with Living Waters (http://estherhavens.com/blog/archives/1109). What I am learning from Esther is that if I have an idea I can do it. Just do it. She is very impressive. She is helping me realize that opportunities for all of us are right before us—what is stopping us other than ourselves?
Bill Bangham, Garrett Hubbard and Gary Fong were also there and I am jealous of them as well. Each of them does incredible work. What I am learning is to not copy them, but understand why they are successful.
![]() Bill Bangham |
![]() Bill Fortney |
![]() Jim Veneman |
![]() Bruce Strong |
Take the time today to write to people that you are jealous of their work and tell them how much you admire their work. See what you can learn from them. Don’t try and become them, but see how what they are doing can inspire you to take action.
What I have learned from this past week—each of us has unique qualities. If we play to our strengths rather than copying others we will be more successful. I recommend Tom Rath’s book Strengths Finder (http://www.amazon.com/StrengthsFinder-2-0-Tom-Rath/dp/159562015X) as one way to start this journey if you need some help.
I have realized that defining your passion is the key to landing your dream assignment. The driving force makes you willing to champion a cause and share stories that matter.
In my career, I have had the privilege of working with Christian missionaries worldwide and capturing their stories through photography. But what I love just as much as taking pictures is listening to other photographers share their own passion-filled stories.
Recently, I had the opportunity to host 20 photographers at my home, where they shared stories from places like Pakistan, Alaska, Japan, Haiti, and Mexico. It was like having the photographers of National Geographic Magazine right beside me, giving me an inside look at their work.
One of my recent projects took me to Mexico to investigate why so many people risk their lives to cross the border into the United States. There, I discovered the inspiring story of Café Justo, a Just Trade Center that helps coffee growers overcome the challenges that led to a drop in their income. Through micro-loans and community support, Café Justo has been able to help these farmers sustain their livelihoods and avoid the need to emigrate in search of work.
If you’re interested in learning more about their story and becoming an informed consumer who can make a difference in the world, please check out the package I created to help introduce people to their concept. Together, we can use our passions and skills to address the issues facing immigration and make a positive impact in the world.