Keeping track of your photos has never been more accessible or more affordable.
First, let me give some background on how we got here today.

Dennis Walker is the President and Founder of Camera Bits.
He started the company in 1996 after his initial exposure to digital photography after his previous job showed him a need for improved image quality and workflow solutions.
Dennis is co-author of the award-winning game Dungeon Master.
Dennis released the first version of Photo Mechanic in 1998. An instant classic was born. Because everyone in the photojournalism business used IPTC standards, Dennis also became an accidental expert on metadata, incorporating tools like batch captioning and variables in Photo Mechanic to simplify and expand the application and usage of metadata in photography.
Photo Mechanic isn’t just for photojournalists; its speed and organizational tools now help all professional photographers work faster and more efficiently. For over 20 years, Photo Mechanic has remained the go-to software for professional photographers worldwide.

Like me, you have been embedding your photos with metadata. You most likely have a vast library of digital images. A card catalog system for all your photos was missing for many years.

On February 19, 2007, Adobe introduced Lightroom, which had a Library module. While the Library module of the program is a catalog, it doesn’t work for me for several reasons.
Lightroom VS Photo Mechanic Plus
- My Lightroom has RAW images that were ingested and therefore takes a long time to bring up galleries and click from one image to the next.
- All the images are RAW in Lightroom, and when I am in a hurry and need a photo, it needs to be a JPEG, not a NEF or RAW image.
- Every time I finish processing all my NEF Nikon RAW images in Lightroom, I export them as JPEGs to a folder that is given to the client, and I have them on my hard drive. I include all these processed folders of JPEGs into my Photo Mechanic Plus catalog, which is now faster to search and retrieve images
- Photo Mechanic Plus is a one-time fee and not a monthly subscription.
Photo Mechanic Plus
Photo Mechanic Plus is a new application that includes all the speed and features of Photo Mechanic with the addition of a premium image database for making catalogs of every photo you’ve ever taken.
- Scroll A Million Photos Without A Pause
- Search gives you the power of simple or complex searches to find what you’re looking for across multiple drives.
- Craft exact advanced searches and then save them always to be able to find what you need
- Browse by date, camera, lens, rating, color class, anything you need!
- Use, search, or browse multiple catalogs at once. Keep yourself organized among several projects or search through everything!
- Use collections to combine images from multiple folders or drives into cohesive units to keep yourself organized or present to clients.
New License
US $229.00
Upgrade from Photo Mechanic Version 5
US $179.00
Upgrade from Photo Mechanic Version 6
US $90.00