Representative John Lewis with Chick-fil-A Founder S. Truett Cathy during the coin toss for the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl in 2009. [NIKON D3, Nikon 24-120mm ƒ/3.5-5.6, Mode = Manual, ISO 6400, 1/500, ƒ/5.6, (35mm = 90)]
I have been looking through my work using Photo Mechanic Plus trying to find some images for proposals and other things when I came across this image of John Lewis and S. Truett Cathy.
Here is a video I did on using the software for cataloging your photos:
One thing that almost everyone makes a mistake about is metadata with your photos. While I found the images, they were not tagged with John Lewis or S. Truett Cathy’s names in the captions or keywords.

Most of the time I put a general caption with a project when I am ingesting them into my computer using Photo Mechanic Plus.

When ingesting I fill out the metadata fields here in Photo Mechanic Plus.

For this event, I had “Chick-fil-A Bowl Game Day” in the caption field. Not so helpful in finding images.
I probably shot 3,500+ images for that day. I kept 1338. Then I went through and rated the photos from 0 to 5 stars. I only rate 226 photos with 1 ★ or more.

This software lets me keep track of images and even if I don’t put all the information in the metadata I can later add that as I did here with these photos.

What I love about digital photography is I am going through over 395,000 images that I have put into the database. There are many more than are not in the database that is also on my hard drives. Those would be all the RAW files before I did any editing.

I take lots of photos when working. Sometimes I enjoy just taking photos of our family.

Finding these photos of the family is even more rewarding to me.
Digital photography lets me store so many images in such a small space. I remember when photographer Jay Maisel came to town and had his first digital camera. I was talking to him and he pulled out of his pocket a memory card case and was thrilled all this is what he needed rather than a few cases of the film when he traveled.
Going through images by looking through prints, slides and negatives take infinitely more time than today we can do with software like Photo Mechanic Plus.