[NIKON Z 6, 24.0-105.0 mm f/4.0, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 51200, 1/250, ƒ/8, (35mm = 24)]
My car loves to go to certain restaurants and El Porton is just around the corner from our home. I love good Mexican food and the staff at their know my order.
During this trying time of the COVID-19 Virus and restaurants having to close their dining rooms, I wanted to help them to continue to pay their employees.

During normal times we love to go out and eat to take a break from cooking. Now after self isolating for days many of us are wanting different food. Many restaurants are trying to stay open by offering carry-out and curb-side pickup.
Here some simple things to support your local businesses
- Buy gift certificates – This is like buying stock in a company. They get to use the money now to pay their employees and you get to use the gift certificate in the future.
- Buy merchandise – Buy T-Shirts and hats
- Promote them – Give your favorite local businesses shout-outs on your social media channels
- Volunteer your services – Maybe help pickup and deliver food to elderly
- Use Credit or Debit Cards – When you do go shopping, use a credit or debit card instead of cash. Paper money and coins pass through so many hands and carry all types of germs. Limiting the amount of cash you use can help limit the spread of those germs, which is especially important right now.
- Stay Home if You’re Sick – Don’t put others at risk if you’re sick.
- Contribute to or start a GoFundMe campaign – Consider donating to an online fundraiser or starting one on behalf of a business whose sales have been wiped out.
- Leave a Review – A great way to support small business owners is to provide review on Social Media