Photographers are becoming obsolete, unless …

How we are becoming obsolete

Professional photographers are becoming increasingly obsolete because their work is becoming a commodity. In addition, technological advances have made it easier for one to take a photograph. For example, Facebook’s photo collection already has a staggering 140 billion photos, over 10,000 times larger than the Library of Congress.

Let’s look at some of the advances in photography:

    • Autofocus
    • Auto Exposure
    • Auto Image Stabilizer
    • Auto ISO
    • Auto red-eye reduction
Increasingly we are seeing photography becoming driven by algorithms. These advances in camera technology are giving photographers more images that are pretty acceptable.

When I teach photography, many students ask me to tell them which button to push. So now we are hearing more about which app to use on their phone to make it all happen for them.

No longer is photography intimidating for the masses, but relatively easy to produce an image. Kodak’s founder George Eastman created the slogan, “You press the button, we do the rest.”

When he said this, producing a print you can hold and cherish forever was pretty challenging. However, the consumer can now press the button and see it immediately.

CPI, which ran the photo studios in Sears, Walmart, and Babies “R” Us, closed on April 5, 2013, after 60 years in business. However, you could get a portrait done for $9.99 plus prints, so these prices didn’t put them out of business; instead, people didn’t need help making portraits as in the past.

In the LA Times, I thought these statements were telling:

“The whole digital world has changed everything so much,” said Chris Gampat, editor in chief of photography blog the Phoblogapher. “People are very happy taking pictures of themselves with their iPhones and putting them on Instagram and sharing them instantly on Facebook and Twitter.”

Gampat, 26, also said that more consumers are buying the digital single-lens reflex, or DSLR, cameras once used nearly exclusively by professional photographers for top-quality images.

Consumer Demand has changed

Photographers need to understand the marketplace as much as they know to survive. Consumers of professional photography in years past have not stopped enjoying pictures. They no longer pay photographers to produce them when they can do it themselves.

How photography looked years ago for the professional.
How many think photography is today

The example assumes that while many people are now taking photos, the number of those making a good living is about the same.

I no longer believe that is the case. On the contrary, I think the number of professionals making a living is also shrinking.
Tips on how to avoid becoming obsolete
Today, people are letting technology handle so much of the process that we have diminished our observation, creativity, and interpretation abilities.

Pictures without context and compassion are dull.

Photographers must work even harder than in the past to survive. They must constantly observe, work on their creativity, and interpret situations to outperform the logarithms of today’s modern cameras.
You cannot make a full-time living today as a photographer because you know how to use camera gear to produce an image. Therefore, you must be offering something more.
  1. Produce images that auto everything camera cannot
  2. Become a hybrid photographer. Hybrid is where you combine other skills to create a package. This might be writing, video, audio, web design, or something that moves you from just pictures to a box.
  3. Consider working with other professionals to create packages. Maybe you need to delegate some of the pieces of projects to other professionals. Maybe work with a writer, video editor, or someone else and offer something you cannot do alone together.
  4. Become an expert on something other than camera gear. If you are an expert on a subject, then you can use your photography to help you carve a career in that subject matter using photography. A great example of this is Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who did a great deal of photography and film due to his knowledge of marine biology.
  5. Be a lifelong learner. An unquenchable thirst for knowledge will drive you to seek new ways to communicate using visuals. Being a lifelong learner may lead you to be not a follower but an innovator.
  6. Workshops and seminars. It would be best if you continued to go to venues exposing yourself to what is going on in the field of photography and outside of photography in your niche.
  7. Create your projects. To get that first paying gig, you had to have a portfolio. To continue to propel your career, you must always create a new portfolio. You will seldom have the opportunity to develop a new approach for a client. They tend to hire you based on what you have produced.

You may think of more things to keep your career moving forward. But, unfortunately, when you stop growing is the day you start dying.

Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

God reveals Himself to the world through His work. Through natural revelation, God’s existence is made known to every person on earth. Thus, work shows something about the one doing the work. It exposes underlying character, motivations, skills, abilities, and personality traits.

Ephesians 4:28

… let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

Work is done not just to profit the worker but others, according to the Bible. Therefore, we need to do work that is not just for us but for those we serve through our photography.

Shooting a photo package on a person

Shooting a package

This is the bread-and-butter assignment for the editorial/photojournalist. You get a call from an editor who has a story about a person and wants some photos to accompany it.

While hanging out with a person for a week and picking the best images would be great, the budget is not there for those coverages. It is typical to talk with a subject about everything they are doing and stay focused on the story.

A health club’s national office contacted me and wanted me to show how their health club was helping people in the community live healthier lives since becoming involved with the club.

The environmental portrait

I photographed this engineering professor at Georgia Tech. We wanted to show that their clients have significant leadership positions in the community. I knew I needed something that read “Georgia Tech” quickly. Having the sign behind the professor was the thing to work.

I also photographed him at one of the icons for the campus, a steam engine located in the center of campus.

I also wanted to show you that I shot some available light, like this vertical shot. I also wanted you to see why using off-camera flash is so important, as I did in the first two photos. The off-camera flash separates my work from many GWCs [Guy With Camera].

At Work

I took several photos of the subject at work. Here, he is in a team meeting with colleagues. Others are also included in the slide show.

At the Gym

Dan Fisk & Trainer Keith Walker

I photographed the subject working out and turned in photos of each activity he did at the gym. Mind you, I shot hundreds of pictures and then had to go through them and eliminate all the ones where his face expressions were just not good or where something blocked a good view of his face.

By the way, to be sure these images were the best color, I used strobes in the gym to help with color, but also freeze him and get the sharpest images I could of him working out. Notice the detail in the instructor’s clothing, which is all black. That is the clue this was not available light.

Click on this to see larger.

I turned in the client 391 images in two folders: 1) Edits & 2) All the photos. They will probably only use three images: 1) portrait, 2) at-work shot, and 3) workout photo.  By shooting as many photos and narrowing them down to capture the best expressions and moments, I can give the art director choices, and they feel like they can have some variety to show in the end to their audience.

The contact sheet above shows just a minimal number of photos that I turned in. After eliminating all the blinks and funny expressions, I wanted you to see this. Hopefully, this will let you know how important it is to shoot enough photos to have a selection that shows off the subject in the best way possible.

How to recover when project doesn’t go well

Types of clients

I believe there are two types of clients—Educated and uneducated. I am not talking about how bright the client is or how many degrees they might have. For example, when hiring me, I am talking about their experience working with photographers.

Sometimes, clients will have naive, impracticable, or inappropriate expectations. Most of the time, this is done with clients who need more experience hiring photographers.

I generally have little communication problems with those who hire photographers regularly because they are better at communicating their needs, and we establish a solid paper trail together.

The first place the client relationship needs to be corrected is often in communication. When dissatisfaction about something from the client arises, the best thing you can do is look at the paperwork.

A written contract is best for helping resolve these disputes. The second best to a written contract is written documentation that could be as simple as emails. 

Even with a written contract, the one thing plaguing client relationships is more planning. The better the planning, the better the results and satisfaction for all involved.

With the ability to scout a location and walk through the assignment, it is possible to anticipate all the needs that might arise.

How do you know you have a problem?

Your client will need to tell you about a problem so you can fix it. Sadly, I have found that in my career, many people will never tell you there’s a problem. They don’t hire you again.

If no one ever tells you, there is a good chance your personality turns them off, and they don’t want to fix the situation. I advise seeking counseling; it will be worth every penny you spend knowing how to stop certain behaviors from undermining your career.

If you are lucky and get a customer complaint, this is good for you. Often, this means people think you need to know so you can both correct this and continue to work with them, or they think you need to know so you can avoid this in the future—either way, you see no problem that needs to be addressed.

How to handle the conflict

Listen—the best tool you have is the ability to listen. Listening is not just being quiet. Good listening requires you to respond appropriately to the comments.

Apologize—A genuine apology lets the customer understand that they have been heard and understood. This should be carefully worded. If you don’t feel that you have done anything wrong, then be sure to convey regret for the other person’s experience due to what you did. This is assuming it was unintended. Apologizing for the effect this caused doesn’t mean you will resolve. Be sure you take responsibility for the impact you caused, or it will not be sincerely taken.

Take Action—After apologizing for what has taken place to cause this problem, move on to letting them know you want to correct the problem. You can say, “Obviously, what we have done is very upsetting to you, and you need to know that I am going to get to the bottom of this.”

Take the emotion out—Now that you have expressed your concern with emotion, the next phase is exploring the facts. This is where you are just getting the facts of the situation. Often, clients may state what is wrong and how this complicates their ability to solve the problem they brought you on to help. Remember, sometimes they have already concluded that this is not fixable, and you have wasted their time. The tendency is to fix things quickly, but be sure you fully understand what they think is wrong at this stage. Once you have all the facts laid out, restate them in your own words and ask if everything is correct. It would be best to put it into your own words because it will help them know you heard them and understand.

Empathy and not sympathy—Focus on actions and not words. You need to come to the client with ideas and not problems. Remember, time is money, so don’t waste theirs or yours.

Patience—It is best to stop after getting all the facts and tell them you need time to process if required. “Do you mind if I take a few minutes to see what I/we can do? I will call you back with our ideas in the morning,” this is one way to give you time to process all that you have discovered.

Deliver on your promise—The genuine apology you started with entails a resolution. It would be best if you delivered on this promise to be sincere and complete. Without this, you will undermine your reputation and brand as not trustworthy. 

Fire the client

When clients have naive, impracticable, or inappropriate expectations, it is time to fire them. Sometimes, ending a relationship with a client is better than making your life miserable.

Here are some things I know I have and other photographers have let their clients go:

Slow or no payment—I have had a few clients where the company policy was to be slow paying, and then I have had clients that had such severe ADD that they regularly forgot to pass along my invoice to the accounts payable department. Use this paragraph with your invoicing to avoid this problem:

Administrative Fee – We are now building into the invoice the cost to repeatedly follow up with accounts payable departments on past due invoices and float the payment cost to our vendors, which requires 30 days’ payment. This fee is approximately 15% of the total invoice. If payment is made within 30 days, you may deduct this amount. A notation will be made to this effect on the invoice.

Lack of boundaries—You have a client that expects to own you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sometimes, clients do not respect that you have other clients and a personal life. To avoid this, put the times you are available in your contract.

Challenging to work with—They are just tricky to work with. Maybe they tell off-color jokes. Try to say politely but firmly that you don’t appreciate the off-color jokes. You may not get a positive response at first, but you may. You’ll also benefit from speaking your mind and at least getting the message out there for everyone’s consideration.

Poor Time Management—The client has trouble keeping appointments or is constantly late. This can become a problem when it starts to affect your bottom line. You have trouble getting things from the client that you need to complete a job. Be sure your contract spells out that missing deadlines or whatever you need from them that there is some penalty. The problem you are trying to address is doing work and delayed payment due to the client dragging out a project. You can put the full payment into the contract by a specific date if the delay is due to the client missing something.

Unwilling to accept price increases—Over time, your prices need to go up due to increased living costs and other expenses. When the client is reluctant to adjust their budget, you must let them go; you cannot afford to work for them.

It is all about perspective

I learned about this phenomenon from Jay Maisel. Look at this photo, which way does the foot print go? In or out?

How about this foot print? Is it in or out?

Actually they are the same photo, just flipped. Your eye expects patterns a certain way and flipping the photo can change the topography.

The above photo of me is how most everyone sees me. I really never felt like it looks like me.

This is the photo as I see myself. What is the difference, it is just flipped or the mirror image that I see each morning in the mirror.

I suggest taking a digital photo of yourself and flip it and see if it feels more like yourself.

I showed this to a few of the students I was teaching lighting to in Kona, Hawaii and they all were amazed. 

Vacation Photos: Compose Background then add family and friends

Nikon D4, ISO 12,800, ƒ/5, 1/100, 28 – 300mm [No Flash]

Today I was touring the Warner Brothers Studio in Burbank, California. We made a stop to see the set of the Friends TV show set.

While I enjoyed seeing the set and took many photos.  I took this shot and then put my wife and daughter into the photo.

Nikon D4, ISO 12,800, ƒ/5, 1/100, 28 – 300mm [No Flash]

I had my wife and daughter get as close to the camera as possible without totally blocking the background.

The diagram shows how their was neon sign lighting my wife and daughter just over my shoulder.

Had we had more time and no one else in the room with us I might have tried a few other angles.

Nikon D4, ISO 12,800, ƒ/5, 1/100, 28 – 300mm [No Flash]

My tip is simple, first compose the background and then get the people as close to the camera as possible. This means they are most likely between three to five feet from the camera at the most.

Nikon P7000, ISO 128, ƒ/2.8, 1/250, -1 EV flash

Earlier we went to Disneyland. Here I just carried my Nikon P7000. I have a already programs my U1 [User Setting 1] where the flash is -1 EV. So in this last photo I used similar technique and got everyone close to the camera. I popped up the on camera flash and because we are so close to each other the subjects faces don’t have those nasty raccoon eyes due to the sun directly overhead.

So the only last tip is to use a flash outside to fill in those shadows. 

If Photographers had union like the musicians …

I am in Los Angeles this week on our family vacation. We stopped by our family friend Pam Goldsmith’s for a visit.

I shared how photographers discuss the triangle to describe those working as pros. Many years ago, that triangle base was not as broad as it is today. The tip is still tiny, and many believe it to be smaller for those earning a living as full-time photographers.

Pam Goldsmith, the world-renowned violist, works with my daughter, giving tips to improve her playing.

Pam Goldsmith then shared how the Professional Musicians Local 47 has about 13,000 members, of which less than 1,000 are doing enough gigs to make a living full-time as a professional musicians.

She said she thinks this number is smaller than the 1,000 and smaller group than years ago.

If photographers had a union

I am not advocating forming a union for the primary purpose of knowing how many of us are working, but the union was created to help people get work in the music industry and for a fair wage.

If we had a union, we would have similar numbers, if not even more members than 13,000. But, even if we, too, helped with regulating rates, we still would have dismal numbers of those who have invested time and money to pursue this as a career.

My daughter, wife, and I visited with Richard Bugg, who works with Meyer Sound. Their sound systems are what was used in the Beijing Olympics and other major productions throughout the world.

Later in the day, we went to Richard Bugg’s home office studio, where my daughter was getting to see what it is like to do sound mixing. Richard had the Broadway musical Wicked tracks and let my daughter listen to the different orchestra parts and vocals and how they can be mixed.

We learned from Richard that to stay employed; he had to continue to be flexible, adapt to new situations, and apply his problem-solving skills to unique problems.

My takeaway from today

After visiting not just average professionals in the entertainment industry, but the top in their respective fields, each talked about getting jobs. They had to be the best they could be.

Pam talked to us about when playing in the orchestra; there is a different approach than when in the recording studio for a movie. It would be best if you were exact with the film because the editors have the scenes timed down to Milli-seconds. So she had to be 110% accurate with the beat.

Richard shared about equipment breaking and fixing equipment in pressure situations.

Richard also talked about how he and my wife’s brother Richard Zvonar determined that laptops have stage fright. They would have sound systems running with their notebooks, and everything worked great in rehearsal, and then they would crash during a performance.

This led them to help design systems that ran separately from the laptops.

Too often, Apple would upgrade an operating system that would crash their software. They would spend so much time trying to fix the problem that this is why the separate systems were designed to work design systems soundly. They don’t fail.

Again, I hope you see the importance of not just people; equipment must be perfect.

If we had unions, photographers would be even more aware of how many call themselves professional photographers and how few make it. The difference is in the nuances of details.

Photography Tax Tips

Bookkeeping??? I want to shoot.

If you don’t like keeping track of your spending or budgeting and can never see yourself doing this, then read no further.

However, if you want to make money with your camera and do this as a profession, you have no choice but to keep track of all your expenses and income, or you can go to jail for tax problems. It is just that simple.

Even if you hire an accountant, you must keep records to give to them.

This blog post is for those who hate taxes and are interested in a simple way to do it.

The IRS needs to know where all your income is coming in from and what are all your expenses. By the way, you need documentation to back this up in receipts and record keeping.

Here is what I do for my record keeping for the IRS. 

These are some tips I have to offer for photographers to help with taxes.

First, a disclaimer: I am not an accountant or lawyer, so please check anything I say with a Certified Public Accountant.

I recommend using Quicken Home & Business. Here is a link. [UPDATE 9-2-22] I am using Quicken for Mac to keep track of expenses and FotoBiz for Invoicing. Link to blog on FotoBiz

Why do I use Quicken Home & Business?

When I got my first computer, it came with Quicken, and I just started using this back in the 1980s.

I liked a few basic features, which for the most part, are the same as the first version I ever used.


The template looks just like your check register. You have a box for  Payee, the amount, and, most importantly, the category.


Quicken helps you set up categories based on IRS Schedule C for your business. Out of the box, you can select the default and be pretty close to being done. I suggest paying a CPA to consult on the categories you need to use for your business.

Now there are a few cool things that Quicken can help automate your bookkeeping. One of the best things is that many credit card companies make it so Quicken can talk to them and download all your transactions. So the only thing you will need to do is to be sure you are assigning the correct category to each transaction. But after the first time with a vendor, it goes to your last category the next time it comes up.

Using multiple categories for a vendor will let you choose which one from a pull-down menu.


You can attach a receipt to any transaction. Receipts are essential for bookkeeping.

You may also be wondering about what the IRS thinks about digital receipts. The short answer is that digital receipts are as acceptable as paper copies. According to Rev. Proc. 97-22, the IRS allows taxpayers to save electronic images of documents and destroy the original hard copy.

You are meeting the IRS requirements if you scan your receipts and attach them to the transaction.


You can see here a scan of a cash receipt. I put this in my Cash Transactions.


Quicken even comes with Vehicle Mileage tracking.

Tips for tracking your mileage.

You will need the odometer reading for the beginning and end of each year. So, on New Year’s Eve or Day, you must write down the odometer reading.

Think of tracking your mileage like you would do a checkbook transaction. It would help if you wrote where you went for business. You need the starting odometer reading and the end reading. You can track your tolls in the same place and your parking if you like. I choose to track all my receipts for tolls and parking in either my credit card or cash account.

The IRS will want your actual business, personal, and overall mileage for the tax year.

Also, keep track of actual vehicle expenses. You can deduct whichever you want–mileage or actual expenses.

TripLog is a fantastic and easy way to track your mileage if you have a smartphone. I recommend you check out TripLog for use with your Android Device or iPhone.

TipLog Highlights

  • The most popular GPS mileage tracking app with over 300,000 downloads
  • The only app that AUTO STARTS when connected to power or Bluetooth devices
  • The only mileage tracking app that reads a vehicle’s odometer from OBD-II devices
  • Sync and merge data to TripLog Web from multiple devices with Fleet Management
  • The most comprehensive reports compliant with IRS TAX returns

Since I am tracking all my personal and business expenses, I can easily see my actual costs for a vehicle in a given year. The note field is where you specify which car was at the shop. So you can use actual expenses or mileage for the IRS forms. The good thing is that TripLog and Quicken Home & Business help you decide the best to use in any given year.


I like the ability to use your logo and customize your invoices with Quicken.
To get paid, I must invoice clients for the work I did for them. I have set up a few categories of billables that I use for invoicing.

You can have, for example, an unlimited number of ways to charge for your services. Once created, it will automatically drop all the explanations you use to describe what you did for them.

If you have taxable items that you invoice for, then you can set up those categories to automatically tax at the rates for your area.

It is pretty common to have some billables that are taxable and others that are not. But, again, this reminds you why you need to talk to a CPA to get your setup.
Another cool thing with the software is you can put in the due date for invoices, and Quicken will help you avoid late paying. Knowing late payments is critical when you are short on cash due to slow payment.     

April 15th


If you have used Quicken Home & Business throughout the year to track all your expenses and income, then TurboTax Home & Business can import all this data. Then basically, you click through questions to verify that it is correct.

Filing my taxes has never been easier.

How Photography Helped Me: Part 2


Don Rutledge, pictured here, is the person who helped me to see and understand body language in ways that Social Work didn’t teach me. [photo by Bill Bangham]

What I was learning with Photojournalism:

While a freshman in college, I got my first SLR camera and began shooting for the school paper and yearbook. I would take my work to my uncle, who was a professional photographer and who worked as a photojournalist, to review.

He taught me how to improve my images through my contact sheets. While I was somewhat learning about body language in Social Work, it was with my uncle and later with Don Rutledge that I would be schooled in the finer points of body language.

Instead of watching a movie of me during the day and analyzing my social awkwardness, I was learning by observing others with my camera.

While many think that those with Asperger’s Syndrome lack sensitivity to others and lack empathy, I believe just the opposite. While their outward social skills are lacking, they know many things people do not see.

I believe their desire to avoid social situations is because they often feel things about others and do not have the innate ability to process and articulate these feelings spontaneously. My experience is that I overthink, which can often cloud my social skills and make it challenging to respond in a moment. It is much easier to avoid situations than to embrace them and learn from them.

Knolan Benfield with an environmental portrait of the pastors of leading congregations in Hickory, North Carolina, in 1985.

Knolan Benfield

In 1985, my uncle, Knolan Benfield, was excited to show one of his series of photos of ministers. His excitement and telling me all he had to do to make these photos captured my attention. I had never been interested in what other people do like this before.

Knolan had combined photojournalism with portrait photography using lighting for the first time in his career. He took environmental photos of senior pastors in their church buildings. With each pastor, he worked hard to find those architectural settings that made each congregation different.

One of the things he was most excited about was the composition. He had learned from Don Rutledge how to pull the audience into a photo by creating layers. These layers pulled you from the front to the back of the photograph.

This is an example of where there are layers from front to back in a photograph helping to create more interest.

One of the things that are pretty different in Knolan’s portraits from his days as a photojournalist was the use of lights. He rarely used lights in his photos when shooting for magazines.

Knolan combined the existing light with the strobes to help create depth and interest. To do this in 1985, he would get the light settings using a handheld meter and then add a flash to be a little brighter than the rest of the scene, maybe 1/2 to an absolute stop difference.

Knolan repurchased a unique film for his Hasselblad system that would let him shoot a Polaroid to do a test shot. This was revolutionary for him and entirely new at the time.

It was early in my career, and I could not take all this and do it myself until some eight years later.

In the meantime, I would leave my first job at a newspaper, where I was perfecting my understanding of making a photograph and telling stories, to work with Don Rutledge and Joanna Pinneo.

While learning how to see social situations using my camera, it would take years of shooting before it started to sink into my personal life.

Sensory Perception

I was naive in my early jobs that when higher-up people asked me for my input, I spoke directly and with such candidness that it would hurt me.

Those with Asperger’s tend not to see the point of superficial social contact, niceties, or passing the time with others unless there is a transparent discussion point/debate or activity. Their allegiance is to truth, not people’s feelings.

While those with Asperger’s are not good at explaining why they did something that appeared to contradict the social codes, equally, typical people are not good at explaining the exceptions to the principles and reasoning for their social behavior.

Today there is a remarkable DVD, an encyclopedia of emotions, entitled Mind Reading: The Interactive Guide to Emotions. Simon Baron-Cohen and colleagues at the University of Cambridge identified 412 human emotions (excluding synonyms). They examined the age at which children understand the meaning of each emotion and developed a taxonomy that assigned all the distinct emotions into one of 24 different groups. A multimedia company then developed interactive software designed for children and adults to learn what someone may think or feel.

On the DVD, actors (including Daniel Ratcliffe) demonstrate facial expressions, body language, and speech qualities associated with specific emotions.

In essence, the DVD does some of what I had to learn on my own through Social Work and Photography.

Problems with Non-Verbal Communication

According to the National Institute of Neurobiological Disorders and Stroke, adults with Asperger’s syndrome may have problems with non-verbal communication. They display awkward body gestures, inappropriate facial expressions, and an odd stiff gaze. They rarely look people in the eye and do not show any form of joy, such as smiling, winking, or hugging.

This may sound harsh, but your odd behavior may look a little more normal when you have a camera around your neck. Maybe the way you appear is that you are looking for a photograph. This may be true, but it allows me to study the situation harshly.

When I was young, I ran around almost all the time in an army uniform, playing to be G. I. Joe. My other attachment was to this tractor, which I rode everywhere for a few years.

Intense Specialized Interests

According to the Better Health Channel, adults with Asperger’s syndrome tend to have intense, time-consuming, specialized interests. These individuals usually become experts in one or two areas and excel in their chosen careers because they choose jobs that best fit their interests. They are often referred to as eccentric, which sometimes causes social isolation. An example of an intense specialized interest would be someone who spends extended time studying science and statistics but has little interest in anything else.

I am interested in photography and explicitly use photojournalism to help causes. I read a great deal and studied nuances to help me be a better storyteller.

Many people are surprised as to how much I get done. Asperger’s has helped me stay on task to do tedious business and marketing tasks. It has enabled me to problem-solve computer issues related to my photography.

People with Asperger’s syndrome are often perfectionists, are exceptionally good at noticing mistakes, and have a conspicuous fear of failure. I have been able to channel this to help me perfect my photography, and the fear of failure has kept me busy with marketing. These are some examples of how Asperger’s has helped me with my photography business.

The Portfolio

The funny thing that is important in photography more than in other professions is the portfolio. Your work must be at a certain level before you get an interview. This works to the advantage of a person with Asperger’s. Generally, we do not do well in job interviews where you need to sell your abilities to an employer. My work is the first foot in the door, which my personality alone might not make it through.


Because I am wired, I am very good at picking up anything to do with the computer and photography. Also, because of the way I had to teach myself to understand things, I have discovered I make a good teacher. This is because I have had to break things down into parts and then put them back together to construct the whole.

Today I spend a great deal of time problem solving the teaching of technical concepts. I have also discovered over time there are so many ways to approach a problem because I often come things different than others do, and because of this, I know there needs to be more tolerant of others.

I remember crying as a young boy because the model motorcycle I was trying to put together was missing a few steps in the instructions. My mother made me wait to ask my dad if he could help. What happened was no one could figure it out. I spent hours until I found a way to solve the problem.

This emotional feeling of not being able to figure something out and no one could help me was depressing. I keep this in mind when I teach today. I encourage students and let them know I believe in them. I give them space and will come alongside them so we can process the problem together.

I realize that if they can figure it out with someone encouraging them, they will feel better about solving it than if someone just gave them the answer. I know that because I was proud of that motorcycle when I finished it.

Where I am today on this journey

I love to take on a problem that hasn’t been done before. One of my favorite jobs was photographing research projects of engineers and scientists. In those situations, you usually photograph a one-of-a-kind that hasn’t been photographed before. You have to figure it out. It is not a cookie-cutter solution.

Adults with Asperger’s syndrome can be renowned for being honest, having a strong sense of social justice, and keeping to the rules. This has been what keeps me focused on storytelling on social justice issues.

Asperger’s Syndrome people can acquire The Ability of the Mind abilities using intelligence and experience rather than intuition, which can eventually lead to an alternative form of self-consciousness as they reflect on their mental state and the mental state of others. This is a highly reflective and explicit self-consciousness similar to that of philosophers.

I have learned to use this awareness to help me be a storyteller of other people’s stories.


How Photography Helped Me: Part 1

Stanley on a school bus in Kinston, NC

While I have always wanted to be in control, I wasn’t in power for a long time.

Asperger’s Syndrome

It would not be until the adult years that I understood I had Asperger’s Syndrome. Early on, I went for psychological testing because of my behavior in the classroom. They suspected I had Autism, but they didn’t want to label me at that time.

You see, it was not until 1994 that the American Psychiatric Association recognized Asperger’s syndrome. While I majored in Social Work in early 1980, it was never discussed. When my sister was doing her Masters in Social Work, she came across it.

She recognized the symptoms in me.

There were a few things that made her aware I might have it. I didn’t talk until I was three years old. I was also socially awkward.

However, on the plus side of the characteristics:

  • Persistent
  • A perfectionist
  • Easily able to identify errors
  • Technical ability
  • In possession of a sense of social justice and integrity
  • Likely to question protocols
  • Accurate
  • Attentive to detail
  • Logical
  • Conscientious
  • Knowledgeable
  • Original in problem solving
  • Honest
  • Likely to thrive on routine and clear explanations

Once you get to know you

I have heard this phrase a lot throughout my life. The reason is those with Asperger’s Syndrome frequently say things without considering the emotional impact on the listener [faux pas].  Also, I tended to include too much detail when speaking on topics.

Those who have chosen to move past these social flaws soon learn to love me because of the many positive attributes that I do have. However, like everyone, I have some rough edges of a personality that don’t help me. Social Work and my Photography training would help me do a better job with my social skills.

Social Work & Photography

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise and the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

[1 Corinthians 1:27 NIV]

I find it quite strange that today I work as a professional communicator. You see, my greatest weakness is communication.

While I know I was called to do what I am doing; I am reminded of the scripture following 1 Cor 1:27.

… so that no one may boast before him.

[1 Corinthians 1:29 NIV]

It was my pursuing the call that I would be led down a path that has me working today as a professional photojournalist.

I went to college to major in Social Work, thinking I would be a pastor one day. Here I took these courses, which helped me intellectually understand people and social situations. Even with all this training, I still was not wired to grasp the social moments intuitively. So I can only say I have been blessed with opportunities that I alone did not merit.

Stanley made a monkey face during his college years.

Here are some of the coursework required for Social Workers:

Human Behavior Course—This first or second-year course explores the interaction of various factors in human behavior, including biological, social, cultural, environmental, and psychological. Discussions focus significantly on individual behavior in a larger social framework. Attention is also given to diverse populations, including minorities, children, and the poor, as well as the impact of discrimination and oppression.

Social Work Research Methods Course—Social workers, must be able to research both new and existing social data effectively. This course provides the techniques to perform both qualitative and quantitative studies. Students learn to critically interpret, organize and use research findings in everyday practice. This is typically a second-year course.

Generalist Social Work Practice Course—Students in this course learn the intervention process in the social work context. They acquire the skills to evaluate, engage and intervene in social problems. This involves a study of the principles and values of generalist practice through multiple social perspectives. These perspectives include multicultural groups, families, and individuals. Social work roles, professional relationships, and service delivery models are also examined.

Social Work Policy Course—Social workers, must be familiar with the significant administrative, legislative, and judicial policies that affect their work. They must also understand how to advocate for policy changes to improve social conditions and empower at-risk groups. Students gain this understanding by exploring the history, organization, and philosophies of social policies and their effect on diverse populations. This course is generally taken towards the middle or end of a social work program.

Field Practice Instruction Course—In this course, students apply knowledge gained in the classroom to practical situations that model real-world problems. Students develop oral and written communication skills, adequate supervision, and critical assessment skills. This course may include placement with a social work agency and an additional seminar. It is generally taken towards the end of a social work program.

Photojournalists with Social Work or Psychology degrees

Later in my career, I would discover that many of my favorite photographers would have majored in Social Work or Psychology. Don Rutledge and Joanna Pinneo, who I worked with in my early years, were psychology majors. Eugene Richards was a social work major and worked as one for years before becoming a photojournalist.

There will be more about how photography would help me more than Social Work in Part 2

The importance of the pause

The most important tool I use when I read is the pause. We even talk about books as being a quick read or not. The writers that say a lot with few words cause us to pause to take in what we just read.

Poets are the masters of the pause. They use this tool more than just about any other technique. It is quite common for a poem to take a long time to write, sometimes years for a poem to be finished. The reason is the poet is looking for the right word or phrase to communicate something worthy of the pause.

World Read Aloud Day

There is even a day each year where we celebrate the reading aloud of the written word. There are the masters of this art that make us all want to just listen to the reading aloud of writings.

Who hasn’t heard a reader take off as if it is a race to the end of the passage only to leave listeners all confused due to the lack of pauses?

That pause is a tool that when used properly allows the silence to give deeper meaning to the word or phrase just preceding the pause.

Paul Harvey the master of the pause

The New York Times said that Paul Harvey’s “trademarks: a hypnotic timbre, extended pauses for effect, heart-warming tales of average Americans and folksy observations that evoked the heartland, family values and the old-fashioned plain talk one heard around the dinner table on Sunday.”

Paul Harvey understood the power of the pause.

The visual pause

The still image has come to be known as the visual pause. For the audience can savor a moment rather than being bombarded by a constant moving image of life as we experience it in real time.

Even in video and film the still image is used to help the audience absorb the content. Ken Burnes is an American director and producer of documentary films, known for his style of using archival footage and photographs. He has mastered the use of the still image. The audience is not bored by the still image, but rather mesmerized and able to digest the content.

The photograph has helped influence our world and change it.

Robert Capa’s photograph of Omaha Beach, Normandy, France in 1944 put the viewer on the front line of the war.

Dorothea Lange’s 1936 picture of the Migrant Mother put a face on the Great Depression.

Eddie Adams 1968 photograph of the murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief helped to end the Vietnam War.

The photos are like poems. They allow the audience to pause and take in the deeper meanings of the images.

Now just compare the video below of the famous moment of the murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief.  I think this helps us understand how important the [PAUSE] is for something so emotionally impactful.

This is an interview with Eddie Adams years later talking about this experience. It happened so quick for Eddie that he didn’t even think about it having any impact at all even after he shot it.  It is only when he was able to [PAUSE] did he understand what he shot.

[youtube]Video and cinema use the still

Even in the movies directors use the still image to help the audience pause to absorb the moment. Sometimes they will slow down the movement to give a similar affect.

While video is about movement if it duplicates reality of life too much then the pause is lost.

Great producers understand the storyline and use the images as well as the sound to help tell the story. The more emotional the storyline becomes the more the movie will slow down.

Combining poetry and the photograph

If you could combine the reading of poetry at it’s best with the strongest still images of the subject you could have an incredible impact.

In the fourth quarter of this year’s Super Bowl Dodge RAM ran a 2 minute package combining the best of the spoken pause of Paul Harvey with some of the great photojournalist for a package that was voted the #1 Super Bowl ad this year by AdWeek.

Which medium?

Each medium we use for messaging has it’s strengths. My largest concern today is that too many people are defaulting to video for everything.

I have some recommendations for those who want the most impact with their message.

If your message is vital to your organization then you need to pull out all the stops. This is where you put a team of communicators working together on the project.

You need strong text, strong still images and compelling video that is presented in a way that compels the audience to become engaged with the topic.

This is where you do what Jimmy Bonner, of the Richards Group, the brainchild of the “God Made the Farmer” ad did. The instructions were very simple and freedom was given to those photographers. He gave each photographer Paul Harvey’s speech and asked them to spend time with the farmers and ranchers. Just shoot what you feel is appropriate.

Andy Anderson, one of the photographers blogged on the project. He said:

10 photographers capturing on there own terms the life of a farmer and rancher. All of us searching for meaningful images. Not any one photo rising above any others, but collectively voicing a message for folks and a vocation we have all really taken for granted. The last truly archetypical American worker. And who better else to match the images with than Paul Harvey…America’s grandfather.

Do you want impact like this ad had on the world? Maybe then you need to consider the power of the pause–the visual pause of the photograph.

Famous Photographers: Nature or Nurture?

Nikon D4, 14-24mm, ISO 10,000, ƒ/2.8, 1/60 @ 7:07 am at the Chattahoochee Nature Center located in Roswell, Georgia.

Too many times when I meet people they assume that the reason I take good photographs is one of two reasons.

First they assume my camera gear is why I get great photos. The second reason is they assume I was born with this talent.

The one thing they rarely if ever talk about is how much work and study is necessary to make great photographs.

Nikon D100, 16mm, ISO 400, ƒ/6.7, 1/160

In my mind’s eye, I visualize how a particular… sight and feeling will appear on a print. If it excites me, there is a good chance it will make a good photograph. It is an intuitive sense, an ability that comes from a lot of practice.
Ansel Adams


Visualization is a central topic in Ansel Adams’ writings about photography, where he defines it as “the ability to anticipate a finished image before making the exposure”.  You may see some people holding up an empty frame or even putting their hands together to create a frame to look at a scene before ever picking up a camera.

In the movies storyboarding was done to help visualize what would happen so that all those involved would be able to make it happen, from lighting, camera and blocking of the talent for example.

For me to make the photograph of the basketball players I had to visualize this long before it actually would happen.

When I was on staff at Georgia Tech I installed the Ultra White Lightning system. The Alienbees are what I put up once I started doing freelance full-time.

I arrived early and put four strobes onto the catwalk to light the court. I needed the light to get the depth-of-field necessary to be sure the players were in focus.  You cannot shoot this at ƒ/1.4 and expect that the player will look sharp.

Arriving early means getting to the venue early in the morning for a night time game. It takes about two to three hours to put the lights up and be sure everything is working. I really needed to do this when no one is on the court. Approximately a few hours before the game it is quite common for the teams to be practicing, so you must arrive early or you may not have enough time.

I had to also attach a remote camera behind the backboard. This had to be fired by a radio remote and also use a radio remote to fire the flashes at the same time. Framing of the image I knew from playing basketball for years. I normally get an assistant to do a few layups to help me make the frame loose enough to capture most any play on this side of the basket.

Then I had to wait until during the game the players would be in place for me to fire the shot. Now at the time I did this I could only fire the camera once every three to four seconds. The flashes needed to recycle and any faster would give me underexposed images.

I had to anticipate the moment that would capture the peak action. Too soon or too late and the photo is not as dramatic.

As you can see from this photo, I did not pop out of my mothers womb and just have the innate skills to capture this moment.

In the very first photo at the Chattahoochee Nature Center I had to get up before sunrise to capture this moment. Also, I knew the sky would look blue even tho it looked black to the naked eye. This is capturing something that your eye doesn’t even see.

Both of the examples I have given here are not what talent would see and just click a button to make it happen. Both took years of training and understanding about many technological gear to make them happen.

You don’t make the photo above in the middle of a parking lot in the dark with pure talent. You must know from years of experience where to place the lights to get this effect.  How do you get a Rembrandt lighting affect on a punk rock bank? You just have to know how to do this from learning how to make it happen.

What about nature?

There is no question that some people have an innate ability to see and create wonderful work, but for the most part talent that goes under developed is no match for someone with persistence and willingness to put in the time and effort.

If the opportunity avails itself then a person with talent will have a good chance to make an incredible image. However, from my life experience it is the person who anticipates that gets the best image.

Nikon D2Xs, 600mm, ISO 200, ƒ/5.6, 1/1500


The reason great photographs are made is because the photographer anticipated the moment. If you wait till you see it and push the shutter button then you will have missed it.

Sports photographers know the teams and players so well they can almost tell you the next play. They get into position that gives them the best opportunity to get the moment.

Many sports photographers will put up multiple remote cameras to anticipate that something or someone may black their view and by having it covered from multiple angles will have the game winning shot.

Even the portrait photographer will talk with the subject and get their reaction to something. Just mentioning certain topics with a subject can elicit a good moment. It is said that Yousuf Karsh grabbed Winston Churchill’s cigar from him to get that famous photo of him. He knew it would get a reaction.

Nature & Nurture

I believe it is the combination of nature and nurture that makes for the great photographers. What this means is that those who work hard and learn to plan for their photos will make some great ones, whereas those who just think they will just shoot whatever they see will rarely make great photos.

The Making of an Expert

According to K. Anders Ericsson, Michael J. Prietula, and Edward T. Cokely published paper in the Harvard Business Review in 2007:

New research shows that outstanding performance is the product of years of deliberate practice and coaching, not of any innate talent or skill. Consistently and overwhelmingly, the evidence showed that experts are always made, not born.

Photographers: You are what you read

These are just some of the books I have read in the past year.

You may have heard “you are what you eat,” but I believe that “you are what you read is just as true.”

Read what you want to cover

The photographer needs to become an expert on the subjects they cover. If you work in business then you need to be reading what those in that industry are reading.

If you are covering the faith community, then you need to be up on theology of the groups you are wanting to do work.

If you want to do work for NGOs then you need to be up on the areas that they address.


Osmosis does not require input of energy and therefore this is where most of us start our careers. We start covering what we are already familiar.

For me growing up in a minister’s home where my father was involved with missions means through osmosis I was pretty knowledgeable about Baptist and Missions.

By taking the time out of my life to go to seminary I was able to take my knowledge to a whole new level of understanding. I studied theologians and worldviews which helped me communicate the nuances of faith to the audience.

What I am reading today

I do a lot of work with Chick-fil-A. To know how to help them communicate their story requires me to understand where they are going and not just where they have been.

One of the best places for a photographer to understand what business like Chick-fil-A is going is to attend a conference like Leadercast. Leaders from across the globe will attend this conference to learn how they can be better leaders for their organizations.

It is here that I was introduced to speakers like Patrick Lencioni and John C. Maxwell. I also learned that these leaders were also looking to other leaders like John Wooden, Tony Dungy and
Mike Krzyzewski who are all coaches.

I started reading all the books I could on leadership and how to build teams. I am confident to say that I am well versed now in the field and understand some of the current trends.

This helps me now sit at a table and recommend stories rather than being the person waiting on them to tell me stories they need covered.

Great storytellers recognize a good story

“If I only knew back then what I know now,” has been said by many people. I know it took time for me to be able to understand now without experiences to build upon. 

If you spent 30 years of your life telling stories, then you too would be really good at knowing what makes a good story. I continue to recommend to my clients that my greatest asset to them is the creative idea. Once you have a good story idea getting a team to cover it is easy. It is finding the story that takes the most creativity.

Where do good ideas come from?

I would argue that very few great ideas come from the inexperienced. I think overnight sensations are actually 10+ year careers that finally bloomed.

When I get a great idea today it is because I am referencing something else in my brain from a history of stories I have covered, things that I have read and from experiences I have had. It is not from just hearing something fresh.

Steven Johnson: Where do good ideas come from?

I really recommend watching this 4 minute video to understand the framework for why I believe you need to expand your horizons for your business to grow.

The four minute video is a condensed version of the already condensed presentation Steven Johnson made a the TED Conference. Now I recommend you really watch this to understand how he came to the refined 4 minute package.
Steven Johnson is the best-selling author of six books on the intersection of science, technology and personal experience. The whole idea that we have these “eureka” moments is not by chance, but rather the colliding of ideas.

Living in Isolation

I believe that the more you isolate yourself the better the chances are for failure if you are in business.

It has been said that in business there are the 1) innovators, 2) imitators and 3) idiots.

The innovator is someone who is having “eureka” moment and has put together a few tidbits to get an edge on the competition.

The imitator is someone who recognizes change and adapts quickly and therefore their clients are benefiting as well.

The idiot is someone who decides to try and follow the well worn path only to find now it is now just a commodity making it difficult to make a profit.

Read, Get Out & Network

If you are struggeling with your business, then I have three recommendations.

Find some books that are trending in your area of interest that you want to photograph. These are not books on photography, but rather on the subjects. Besides reading them find someone or a group to discuss these topics with and get you to dive deep into the subject.

Get out and find a place to socialize. Maybe it is the local coffee shop and it will require you to do more than order your coffee and sit in the corner. Start a discussion group on one of your books is one way to get out there.

Find some groups to network with in your community. Hopefully this could be on what you like to cover with your camera. Join an association and go to their meetings and mixers. 

Still not successful

If you are one of those people doing everything I suggested and you are still having trouble, maybe you are one of the idiots. Not trying to insult you, but think about it. Are you one of 100 photographers standing on the sidelines of a major sporting event wondering why no one is buying your stuff? There are only about 20 or so outlets for those 100 photographers. The market is saturated.

Find the market where you are not one of many photographers and there you will have found a potential gold mine.