Understanding the Role: Coach vs. Mentor in the Creative World

In the dynamic realm of creativity, the guidance and support one receives can significantly impact one’s journey. For photographers, videographers, and producers, the presence of a coach or mentor can be invaluable. Often used interchangeably, these roles bring distinct perspectives and functions to the table, each crucial in its own right.


A coach is typically a professional who provides structured guidance, often in exchange for payment. Here’s why having a coach is vital for creatives:

  1. Skill Enhancement: Coaches offer targeted skill development. This might involve refining composition techniques or mastering advanced editing software for a photographer.
  2. Accountability: They keep you on track with set goals, ensuring consistent progress and growth. This structure can significantly benefit those managing their creative pursuits alongside other commitments.
  3. Objective Feedback: Coaches provide constructive criticism, helping you identify blind spots and areas for improvement.
  4. Efficiency: They help streamline workflows and strategies, maximizing productivity without compromising quality.
Oct 13, 2007; Charleston, SC, USA; Mike Mason (left), member of the Summerall Guards, talks to Knob Nelson Lalli (right) during the Fourth Class promotion privates and part of the core ceremony, which takes place on family weekend before the game against Furman. Mason is also the mentor to Lalli. Each fourth-year cadet is given a mentor from the first class. The mentor is the cadet’s advisor who assists them in coping with the many challenges the cadet faces during the first year in a military environment.


On the other hand, a mentor is someone with experience in the field, often providing guidance voluntarily. Here’s why having a mentor is crucial:

  1. Wisdom and Experience: A mentor shares insights from personal experiences, offering invaluable advice beyond technical skills.
  2. Networking and Connections: Mentors can introduce you to their network, opening doors to collaborations, opportunities, and exposure within the industry.
  3. Long-term Perspective: They guide not just on immediate projects but also on long-term career paths and personal development.
  4. Emotional Support: Mentors offer emotional and moral support, understanding the challenges of the creative journey.

Overlapping and Differences:

In a Venn diagram showcasing the differences and overlaps between coaches and mentors, the overlapping center represents areas where both share similarities—guidance, support, and growth. The Coach Circle emphasizes structured guidance, payment, and goal-oriented focus. Meanwhile, the Mentor circle highlights experience, networking, and the relationship’s more personal, voluntary nature.

Why You Need Both:

As a creative navigating the complex world of photography, videography, or production, having a coach and a mentor can be transformative. A coach provides targeted, skill-focused assistance, enhancing your technical abilities and keeping you disciplined. Simultaneously, a mentor contributes wisdom, guidance, and emotional support, ensuring a holistic approach to your growth.

In conclusion, while the financial aspect distinguishes a coach from a mentor, both are invaluable assets to a creative professional. The convergence of structured guidance and experienced wisdom can propel your creative journey to new heights, ensuring a well-rounded, fulfilling career in the artistic realm.

Capturing the Moment: The Essence of Photography

Photography is more than just the technical aspects of composition, exposure, and focus. It’s about freezing moments in time, encapsulating emotions, and telling stories. As an event photographer, I recently experienced firsthand the significance of prioritizing moments over technical perfection.

Last night, I had the privilege of photographing Pearline’s 80th birthday celebration. Amidst constantly adjusting settings and framing shots, the true essence of the event lay in capturing the emotional highs, the heartfelt embraces, and the genuine smiles. It’s these moments that make photography memorable and impactful.

The Robert Capa Perspective: Normandy Beach

One of the most compelling examples of capturing the moment despite technical imperfections is in Robert Capa’s photographs from Normandy Beach during World War II. Capa’s iconic images might not have been perfectly composed or flawlessly exposed, but they vividly conveyed war’s raw emotions, chaos, and intensity. These images have stood the test of time because they captured the moment’s essence, transcending technical constraints.

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Tips for Being Prepared as an Event Photographer

Here are some invaluable tips for event photographers to ensure they’re primed to seize those crucial moments:

1. Anticipate the Action:
  • Familiarize yourself with the event schedule and anticipate critical moments.
  • Position yourself strategically to capture expressions and interactions.
2. Master Your Gear:
  • Practice with your equipment to operate it instinctively.
  • Carry backup batteries, memory cards, and lenses to avoid missing shots due to technical issues.
3. Stay Attentive:
  • Be constantly aware of your surroundings and potential photo opportunities.
  • Keep your camera ready, even during downtime.
4. Connect with Your Subjects:
  • Build rapport with the people you’re photographing to capture genuine emotions.
  • Blend into the event to make subjects comfortable around your lens.
5. Prioritize Moments over Perfection:
  • Remember that emotions and authenticity trump technical perfection.
  • Don’t hesitate to click even if everything isn’t technically flawless.


As photographers, we are storytellers. While technical expertise is crucial, it’s imperative to recognize that the heart of photography lies in encapsulating fleeting moments, preserving emotions, and immortalizing memories. Embrace imperfections if they mean capturing the essence of a moment. As seen in the timeless works of Robert Capa, a moment captured authentically will transcend the confines of technical perfection and endure through time.

So, the next time you’re behind the lens, focus not just on the technicalities but on the stories waiting to be told. After all, it’s the moments that matter the most.

Happy capturing!

Two Years with the Nikon Z9: Why It’s Still My Ultimate Choice

When I first laid my hands on the Nikon Z9, I knew it was a game-changer. Two years down the road, that belief has only strengthened. It’s not just another camera in my arsenal; it’s become an extension of my photographic journey. From the beginning, I’ve embraced the features that set it apart, making it a standout companion in my professional pursuits.

GPS: Charting My Photographic Footprints

The built-in GPS was one of the standout features that sealed the deal for me. In a world where precision matters, this capability to effortlessly capture the geographical coordinates of every shot has been invaluable. Whether I’m traversing international landscapes or capturing fleeting moments in familiar surroundings, the Z9’s GPS ensures that each image is tethered to a specific location. This feature not only aids my stock photography endeavors but also serves as a personal log, illuminating the precise places where my visual stories unfold. It’s a convenience that adds depth to my work without the hassle of manually cataloging every location.

Balancing Convenience and Craftsmanship: Audio File Capture on the Nikon Z9

In addition to its impressive features, the Nikon Z9 offers the convenience of recording audio files associated with each photo—a handy tool, especially in time-sensitive or intricate spelling scenarios. However, as a storyteller who values the precision and richness of narrative, I often find myself opting for the traditional approach of meticulously noting the intricate details of a moment. This method ensures unparalleled accuracy and clarity in my storytelling, a practice I cherish in my photographic endeavors.

If you click on each of the globes before ingest, they turn green, and after ingest, they fill in with the coordinates from the GPS data.
Now, with Photo Mechanic, if you know the address, you can add the GPS, but this is why having the camera tag for each photo makes a huge difference in the time saved in your workflow.

Simplified Workflow with Photo Mechanic Integration

The ease of integrating GPS data into my workflow through applications like Photo Mechanic has been a game-changer. By leveraging the longitude and latitude information captured by the Z9, I effortlessly embed crucial metadata like street names, cities, states, and even specific location names. This streamlined approach adds a layer of information that enriches the storytelling aspect of my photographs without compromising on the camera’s hotshoe or limiting its accessory capabilities.

Endurance of Battery Life and Unrestricted Video Shooting

The Z9’s battery life is a testament to its endurance. Shooting stills continuously throughout the day has never strained its power reserves. Furthermore, the absence of limitations in 4K and the ability to sustain two hours in 8K video recording set it apart. The larger body design also ensures that overheating concerns, often prevalent in video shooting scenarios, are a non-issue. This reliability is crucial, especially in demanding shooting environments or extended creative sessions.

Dual CFAST Type B Card Slots: Unmatched Performance

The presence of two CFAST Type B card slots is a game-changer, particularly in video and sports photography. Having dual slots ensures ample storage capacity and enables high-speed data transfer, eliminating potential bottlenecks. This functionality significantly enhances the camera’s performance, providing peace of mind during crucial shooting moments.

A Future with More Z9s, Fewer Compromises

Reflecting on my journey with the Z9, I am inclined towards a future with third Z9. The unparalleled features, especially the GPS integration and dual CFAST Type B card slots, have made it an indispensable tool in my creative arsenal. Declining and unifying my gear with multiple Z9s feels like a natural progression, a testament to the camera’s reliability, performance, and unparalleled advantages it brings to my craft.

The Nikon Z9 has proven its mettle as a reliable and innovative companion in a world where technology constantly evolves. As I continue to capture moments and weave stories through my lens, this camera remains not just a tool but an embodiment of my passion for photography.

The essence of mentorship remains timeless, but let’s refresh these insights with contemporary tips:

Photo by: Bill Bangham

Don Rutledge epitomized the essence of mentoring through his three treasures: mercy, frugality, and humility. These principles continue to resonate in mentorship today. Master Po’s wisdom rings true: “Not in memory, but in deeds.”

Great mentors inspire through their actions, just as the young boy sought wisdom from his master in Kung Fu. Being open to learning and embracing criticism are still foundational to gaining knowledge from a mentor.

I was privileged to observe Don Rutledge mentor many individuals while working near his office. His experience as a staff photographer for Black Star and his global coverage for Christian magazines offered invaluable lessons.

Soon after joining the Home (now North American) Mission Board, Don Rutledge spent weeks covering the daily lives of Alaskan Eskimos above the Arctic Circle. Here, a family waits for visitors to arrive at their home. [Photo by: Don Rutledge}

One defining moment was watching Don during his six-week stint inside the Arctic Circle in 1967. His ability to connect with people was remarkable, like the Eskimo family he photographed. He made time for everyone, sharing advice and industry contacts generously.

I, too, sought Don’s guidance, but the most valuable lessons came when he invited me to join him on shoots. Watching him work firsthand, assisting occasionally, provided unparalleled insights into the craft.

As a black man, John Howard Griffin was shoe-shining for a white man in New Orleans in 1955. [photo by: Don Rutledge]

Don’s approach to photography was unique. He engaged subjects in casual conversations that doubled as interviews, all while his cameras remained aside. It was a masterclass in listening, learning, and capturing the essence of a story.

Post-shoot, our discussions were enlightening. Reviewing contact sheets together was a privilege few seized. Most sought guidance for their work alone, missing out on understanding his process.

Don Rutledge enjoys telling a story at the first gathering of the SBC photographers at Ridgecrest, North Carolina

Finding a mentor entails seeking someone whose work and personality you admire. Regularly sharing your work for feedback, observing their work, and assisting them are keys to learning. Building a genuine, lifelong relationship matters more than using it solely for career advancement. And reciprocate by mentoring others.

Learning about Don Rutledge through my uncle’s experiences had a profound impact. Don’s influence on my uncle’s photography resonated so profoundly that I knew him before we met.

Flies and dust crust the eyes of a mother and her baby as she struggles through the jagged, parched Ethiopian highlands hoping to find food and medicine for her child at the Southern Baptist feeding and health care center at Rabel. Her husband died along the way. [Photo by: Don Rutledge]

My master’s thesis on Don Rutledge became a transformative journey. Today, I teach at colleges and workshops, embodying Don’s willingness to assist anyone. Don showed me that giving back is not just necessary but immensely rewarding. In giving, we receive abundantly.

Mentorship remains a timeless art—a give-and-take that enriches the mentor and the mentee. Don Rutledge’s legacy continues through the lives he touched, fostering a tradition of generosity, humility, and learning that transcends generations.

Amplifying Your Photography Career: The Power of In-Person Meetings and Hands-On Workshops

In today’s digital age, the plethora of online resources available to photographers is genuinely remarkable. Platforms like YouTube, podcasts, and blogs offer knowledge, techniques, and industry insights. However, amidst this digital abundance, the unique value of in-person meetings and hands-on workshops provided by associations is an indispensable asset for photographers striving for excellence in their craft.

Let’s delve into the manifold ways in which in-person meetings and hands-on workshops can markedly enhance a photographer’s career:

1. Networking Brilliance: In-person gatherings serve as fertile ground for networking. Engaging face-to-face allows for meaningful connections with peers, potential clients, and industry luminaries. These connections often blossom into collaborations and opportunities surpassing the scope of virtual interactions.

2. The vitality of hands-on workshops: Associations often organize seminars and live demonstrations. These workshops offer unparalleled opportunities for photographers to witness techniques firsthand, practice under expert guidance, and gain practical skills that transcend the limitations of online tutorials.

3. Real-Time Feedback: Immediate feedback is a hallmark advantage of in-person meetings and workshops. In real time, receiving constructive criticism, guidance, or validation from seasoned professionals can expedite a photographer’s growth in ways that asynchronous online feedback cannot match.

Anacleto Rapping gives insights from his time as a photojournalist at the LA Times during the Southwestern Photojournalism Conference.

4. Access to Exclusive Resources: Associations frequently provide access to exclusive resources such as specialized equipment, studio spaces, or mentorship programs. These resources are invaluable assets that aren’t typically available through online platforms, offering a unique edge to those who engage in physical meetings and workshops.

5. Trust Forged in Person: Trust and rapport thrive in face-to-face interactions. Establishing personal connections often leads to stronger relationships, fostering collaborations and referrals built on genuine, personal connections within the industry.

6. Unveiling Industry Insights: In-person meetings are hubs for discussing industry trends, market insights, and emerging technologies. These conversations delve deeper into nuanced topics, offering insights often elusive in online content.

7. Personal Development: Enhanced communication skills, refined social interactions, and deciphering non-verbal cues are vital aspects of a photographer’s professional arsenal. In-person meetings and workshops provide ample opportunities for personal growth in these critical areas.

The amalgamation of digital learning resources and the tangible experiences gained from in-person meetings and hands-on workshops creates a holistic approach to learning for photographers. This blend equips them with a diverse skill set, industry insights, and a robust network—essentials for a thriving career in professional photography.

In pursuing excellence, embracing the digital realm’s convenience and the immersive experiences of physical gatherings can propel photographers toward unparalleled growth and success in their craft.

Nurturing Creativity: Balancing Business and Artistry in Creative Entrepreneurship

“Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.”

Ecclesiastes 11:6

This verse encourages diligence and the pursuit of one’s endeavors while acknowledging the uncertainty of outcomes. It resonates with the idea of tending to business matters while also nurturing one’s creative pursuits, emphasizing the importance of dedication and investment in various aspects of life, both practical and artistic, without fixating solely on the result.

In creative entrepreneurship, the allure of business success often eclipses the essence of artistic expression. For individuals like photographers and other creatives who manage their ventures, pursuing profit margins and client demands can gradually consume the creativity that inspired their entrepreneurial journey. The gravitational pull towards the bottom line can be strong, nudging them away from the canvas, the lens, or the stage where their true passion resides.

The Perilous Tug-of-War: Business vs. Creativity

When establishing a business in the creative realm, it’s easy to get caught up in the practicalities—securing clients, managing finances, and meeting deadlines. The constant hustle to keep the business afloat often leaves little room for the artistic exploration that initially fueled the enterprise.

Photographers, for instance, may find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of client demands, administrative tasks, and marketing endeavors. While these are vital for business growth, neglecting the artistic side can lead to burnout and a diminishing quality of work. The risk is becoming a service factory rather than a sanctuary of creative innovation.

My Uncle Knolan Benfield keeping creativity alive by spending time at the National Park Doughton Park, Laurel Springs, NC.

Strategies to Rekindle Creativity

Reigniting the creative spark in a business-driven environment requires deliberate efforts and conscious decisions. Here are some strategies to counteract the gravitational pull toward solely focusing on the bottom line:

1. Set Aside Creative Time: Schedule specific slots in your calendar dedicated solely to creative endeavors. Treat these as sacred appointments with your artistry.

2. Personal Projects: Engage in projects that align with your artistic vision, providing a space for experimentation and creative freedom. These projects are a playground for your imagination, untethered from client expectations.

Knolan in his camper, planning out his next day’s adventures.

3. Continuous Learning: Invest time in expanding your creative horizons. Attend workshops, explore new techniques, or collaborate with fellow creatives to infuse fresh perspectives into your work.

4. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your routine to stay present and connected with your creative impulses. Meditation, journaling, or walking in nature can help foster inspiration.

The Freelancer’s Creative Odyssey

For freelancers, the balance between creativity and business extends beyond personal projects. It involves infusing creativity into client work and consistently pitching innovative ideas to aid their growth.

Besides delivering the requested services, freelancers can go the extra mile by proactively suggesting creative solutions. Whether proposing unique marketing strategies, innovative content ideas, or refreshing design concepts, this proactive approach showcases your creativity and adds value to your clients’ businesses.


The harmony between business acumen and creative flair is the hallmark of a thriving creative entrepreneur. While it’s crucial to ensure the financial stability of your venture, neglecting the wellspring of creativity that birthed your business could lead to stagnation.

By implementing deliberate strategies to nurture creativity, setting aside time for personal projects, and integrating innovative ideas into client work, creative entrepreneurs and freelancers can strike a balance that sustains their businesses while keeping the flame of creativity burning brightly.

Remember, the bottom line is essential, but the artistic soul breathes life and longevity into your creative endeavors.

Capturing Memories: Exploring Different Styles for Family Photos

Family photos are more than just images; they’re cherished memories frozen in time. Choosing the right style can beautifully encapsulate the essence of your family’s unique dynamics, personalities, and moments. Let’s delve into various styles to consider for your next family photoshoot.

Traditional/Formal: Opt for posed portraits in a studio or specific location for a timeless appeal. This classic style captures everyone smiling at the camera, creating a lasting, formal image.

Candid/Photojournalistic: Seeking authenticity? Candid shots capture natural interactions and emotions without staging, portraying the genuine essence of your family in familiar settings like home or outdoors.

Lifestyle: Similar to candid photos but with a touch of curation, lifestyle photography captures authentic moments in a styled setting. It reflects your family’s daily life, often taken at home or places of significance.

Outdoor/Nature: Embrace the beauty of the outdoors with photoshoots in parks, beaches, or gardens. The natural backdrop adds a scenic charm to your family portraits.

Studio/Backdrop: Utilize various backgrounds or props in a studio setting to create themed or atmospheric photos, adding a creative touch to your family album.

Black and White: Timeless and emotive, black-and-white photos highlight expressions and emotions, offering your family portraits a classic and elegant vibe.

Action/Activity-based: Capture the vibrancy of your family dynamics by engaging in activities you love. Whether playing games or cooking together, these shots reflect your shared joy and togetherness.

Generational: Highlight the bond between different family generations. Showcase the love and connection between grandparents and grandchildren for heartwarming moments.

Seasonal/Holiday: Infuse your photos with seasonal themes or holiday elements. Whether it’s a snowy backdrop for winter or festive props for holidays, these photos exude warmth and cheer.

Documentary Style: Document everyday moments, no matter how seemingly ordinary. This style preserves the essence of your family’s daily life, capturing the beauty in the mundane.

Remember, the chosen style should align with your family’s personality, the purpose behind the photoshoot, and the emotions you wish to evoke. Each style offers a unique way to freeze moments in time, ensuring your family memories are beautifully preserved for years to come.

Crafting Visual Narratives: The Art of Intention, Emotion, and Expression in Photography

Photography transcends mere imagery; it’s a vessel for storytelling. To harness its power, a photographer must delve into the heart of the subject, understanding its physical presence and the story it yearns to tell. Ansel Adams didn’t merely capture landscapes; he communicated the grandeur and serenity that stirred his soul.

St. Pius X High School

Intentional Exploration

Every subject has a narrative waiting to be uncovered. Whether it’s a stoic statue or a bustling cityscape, the photographer must seek to understand the underlying message to decipher what’s happening beneath the surface. Explore with intent, seeking to unravel the story behind the subject. The photographer’s emotions, perceptions, and thoughts intermingle with the subject’s essence, shaping the narrative captured through the lens.

Expressing Emotions Through Portraiture

Portraits become more than faces; they transform into windows into emotions and inner worlds. Beyond technical prowess, photographers must grasp the emotions coursing beneath the surface. Understanding body language and expressions becomes a tool for articulating unspoken narratives. It’s not just about clicking a shutter; it’s about capturing the emotions, the stories, and the essence of the moment.

The Roswell Criterium

Crafting the Visual Message

Photography is a language that communicates ideas, emotions, and narratives. Every click of the shutter is a deliberate choice to convey a particular message. The photographer must decipher what they want to say about the subject—its essence, its story, the emotions it evokes. This introspection is the cornerstone of crafting visual narratives.

Selecting the Essence

Amidst the multitude of captured moments lies the essence—the distilled emotions, the resonating messages. Just as an author chooses words meticulously, the photographer selects images that echo the story they wish to convey. This phase demands a discerning eye to select images that resonate and speak volumes about the subject and the photographer’s connection to it.

Photography isn’t merely freezing moments in time; it’s about encapsulating stories, emotions, and the essence of a subject. Each photograph is a chapter in a visual narrative, conveying the photographer’s perspective, feelings, and understanding of the subject. When the shutter clicks, it’s not just an image captured; it’s a story waiting to be shared with the world.

Maximizing Your Creative Reach: The Power of an Integrated Online Presence

In today’s digital age, being creative means more than just mastering your craft; it’s about establishing a robust online presence. Your website is the cornerstone of this presence—a virtual storefront that is the nexus of your entire creative universe.

The Virtual Brick and Mortar

Think of your website as your digital brick-and-mortar address. It’s the place where visitors arrive, explore, and get to know your work intimately. But here’s the catch: unlike a physical store, your website isn’t stumbled upon randomly. It’s your responsibility to guide people there actively.

The Interconnected Web

To amplify the visibility of your website, you need a web of interconnected channels. Social media platforms are fantastic tools to broadcast your creative endeavors. Craft engaging posts that entice your audience to explore further on your website. Share snippets, teasers, or behind-the-scenes glimpses, drawing them with what awaits on your site.

Visual Appeal: YouTube or Vimeo Videos

Videos are a powerful medium to captivate audiences. Utilize YouTube to showcase your work, share tutorials, or dive into your creative process. I use Vimeo for my video hosting. [LINK] But don’t keep it isolated—use the description and call-to-action overlays to direct viewers to your website for deeper engagement and more comprehensive content.

Audio Adventures: Podcasts and Blogs

Podcasts and blogs are avenues for deeper storytelling and discussions. Embed links or explicitly mention your website during episodes or within blog posts. Encourage listeners and readers to explore your website’s related content, resources, or additional insights.

Website as the Hub

Your website isn’t just a showcase; it’s the central hub connecting all your channels. Ensure it is a comprehensive guide, leading visitors to your social media profiles, YouTube channels, podcast episodes, and blog posts. Offer subscription options for newsletters, providing regular updates and exclusive content.

Embrace the Multi-Channel Approach

Each channel serves as a gateway to your website, enhancing its discoverability. A multi-channel approach maximizes your reach and engages diverse audiences across various platforms.

Are You Leveraging Your Potential?

Ask yourself: Are you genuinely capitalizing on all potential channels? Are your social media posts strategically driving traffic to your website? Are your videos and podcasts complementing your website’s content?


In a digital landscape teeming with creatives, having a website isn’t enough; it’s about creating an interconnected ecosystem. Your website is your headquarters, canvas, and portfolio rolled into one. Integrate your online channels, leverage their collective power, and watch your creative empire flourish.

Remember, it’s not just about having a website; it’s about orchestrating an online symphony where each note—from social media posts to podcasts—harmoniously directs audiences toward your digital home.

Capture the Magic: Holiday Photography Tips for Memorable Moments

The holiday season is brimming with cheer, festivities, and cherished moments. It’s the perfect opportunity for photographers to capture the season’s magic through their lenses. Whether a seasoned pro or an enthusiastic beginner, these holiday photography tips will help you snap stunning shots and preserve memories that last a lifetime.

1. Play with Lighting

The proper lighting can transform a photo. Take advantage of the warm, soft glow of holiday lights indoors or the golden hour outdoors. Experiment with different lighting conditions to add a magical touch to your images.

Festival of Trees to benefit non-profits in the Atlanta area.

2. Focus on Details

Capture the small but significant details that make the holidays unique. Zoom in on ornaments, decorations, and intricate designs. These close-up shots can evoke nostalgia and add depth to your collection of holiday photos.

Christmas Party @ SOHO Atlanta Restaurant

3. Candid Moments

Some of the most heartfelt and authentic holiday images come from candid shots. Be ready to capture spontaneous moments – the laughter, the hugs, and the genuine emotions shared among family and friends.

Lake Lanier Festival of Lights

4. Experiment with Composition

Play with composition to create visually appealing photos. Use leading lines, symmetry, or the rule of thirds to add interest to your holiday compositions. Don’t be afraid to try different angles and perspectives for unique shots.

5. Include People

The holidays are about togetherness. Include people in your shots, whether posed in group photos or candid portraits. Encourage natural interactions and genuine smiles to capture the essence of the celebrations.

Christmas in our neighborhood

6. Tell a Story

Create a visual narrative of the holiday season. Document the preparation, anticipation, and joyous moments. Tell a story through your photos by capturing the progression of events, from setting up decorations to unwrapping gifts.

7. Use Props and Setups

Incorporate festive props or setups to add a holiday vibe to your photos. Consider using seasonal elements like wreaths, candles, gift boxes, or artificial snow to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

8. Embrace Editing

Post-processing can elevate your holiday photos. Experiment with editing software to enhance colors, adjust exposure, or add subtle effects to bring out the festive feel without overdoing it. However, remember that subtlety is key.

First Snow in Dunham, Quebec, Canada

9. Capture the Outdoors

If weather permits, venture outdoors to capture the beauty of the season. Photograph snowy landscapes, twinkling lights, or even the serene ambiance of a winter evening. Outdoor scenes can offer stunning backdrops for holiday photography.

10. Have Fun and Be Present

Above all, enjoy the moment. Engage with your subjects, share laughter, and participate in the festivities. Your enthusiasm and connection with the moment will be reflected in your photographs.

The holiday season is a beautiful time to create lasting memories and capture the joyous moments that define this particular time. With these tips, your holiday photography will sparkle and bring joy to those who view your stunning images.

Happy capturing, and may your holiday season be filled with magical moments and beautiful photographs!

The Art of Flexibility: Capturing the Essence of Senior Moments

As a photographer, adapting and being flexible is not just a skill but a crucial aspect of creating memorable images, especially when capturing significant life milestones like college graduation. Recently, I photographed the first college graduate of a dear friend’s family at Appalachian State University. This experience reinforced the importance of flexibility and offering various options to capture the essence of a senior’s journey.

Flexibility extends beyond just adjusting your schedule; it’s about being open to different locations, poses, and moments that uniquely define the individual being photographed. In this instance, I made a five-hour journey from Roswell, Georgia, to Boone, NC, showcasing the dedication and commitment necessary to accommodate the client’s needs. It was more than a trip; it was a gesture of understanding the occasion’s significance and the role photography plays in preserving these precious memories.

The variety of options for capturing the graduate added depth and richness to the visual narrative. We explored several locations on campus, each holding its significance in the graduate’s journey. From the stoic front of the sciences building to the vibrant backdrop of the music building and the intimate setting of the music auditorium stage – each location told a different aspect of the graduate’s story. Additionally, we ventured outside the academic realm, incorporating symbolic elements such as the Yosef mascot statue, the serene lakeside, and the iconic campus sign.

For this particular family, the session was more than just a photo shoot; it celebrated their first college graduate among three boys. The flexibility in location choices ensured that each photograph was not just a visual record but a representation of the diverse experiences and achievements of the graduate. By offering a range of options, I aimed to capture the multifaceted personality of the individual, blending his academic success with his passion for music.

Having previously photographed the senior photos of all three brothers during high school, I understood these images’ sentimental value for the family. It was not merely about taking pictures but about weaving a visual tapestry that told the story of their journey from high school seniors to college graduates.

In photography, flexibility goes beyond technical skills; it is an understanding of the emotional weight carried by the moments we capture. It’s about recognizing that each client has a unique story to tell, and as photographers, our role is to adapt and create a visual narrative that resonates with the essence of their journey. So, the next time you embark on a senior photo session, remember the power of flexibility – in your schedule, locations, and approach – because it’s in that flexibility that the true magic of senior photography happens.

Will Newsom Graduation

The Vital Importance of Conveying the True Crisis in Nonprofit Storytelling

In nonprofit storytelling, the ability to weave a compelling narrative is often the difference between capturing someone’s attention and losing it in the sea of worthy causes. The core of any nonprofit tale lies in portraying the critical tension, the crisis, and the dire need that begs for resolution. It’s the heartbeat of the narrative—the point where your hero’s fate hangs in the balance. And here’s the crux: the crisis must be unmistakably significant, a situation where your hero’s future hinges on your organization’s intervention.

Consider this: if your protagonist’s crisis is akin to a life-threatening ailment demanding urgent surgery, the narrative thrust is crystal clear. The stakes are sky-high; failure is not an option, and your organization’s role becomes the life-saving surgeon. The absence of your nonprofit equates to a dire consequence—without the surgery, the hero faces imminent demise. It’s a stark, compelling scenario that underscores the absolute necessity of your organization’s existence.

Surgeons are doing a bone graft of the lower part of the leg for a little boy to hopefully help him keep his leg at the Hôpital Baptiste Biblique located in Tsiko, Togo, West Africa.

However, the challenge emerges when the crisis resembles a quest for a romantic partner in a world filled with potential matches. If the absence of your organization doesn’t drastically alter the outcome for your hero, the story weakens. Other avenues might be available for assistance or support, diluting the urgency and centrality of your organization’s role.

The heart of the matter lies in articulating the depth of the crisis faced by the individual your nonprofit aims to assist. Often, organizations fall short by merely hinting at the problem without fully illustrating the severity of the situation. The narrative should cut through the ambiguity and clearly state the gravity of the predicament. It’s not just about saying there’s an issue; it’s about vividly portraying what happens if your organization doesn’t help.

A few brief sentences can transform the narrative, plunging the audience into the depths of the hero’s struggle. Whether it’s a family on the brink of homelessness, a community grappling with food scarcity, or individuals denied access to life-saving resources, the storytelling must lay bare the raw reality of the crisis.

Moreover, the crux of a powerful narrative is often lost when organizations fail to highlight the unique contribution and irreplaceable impact they bring to the table. It’s not merely about addressing a problem; it’s about showcasing how your organization’s approach is distinct and indispensable in resolving the crisis.

Ultimately, a nonprofit’s storyline finds its strength in the clarity and urgency of the crisis it aims to alleviate. It’s about resonating with the audience, compelling them to recognize that without the intervention of your organization, the hero’s fate takes a dangerous turn. Only when the audience grasps the gravity of the crisis can they fully appreciate the necessity of your nonprofit’s existence and its crucial role in making a tangible difference in the lives of those it serves?