Sometimes photographers suffer from a “visual block.” It is very similar to the “writers block.”
What do you do to get some inspiration. This is one of many techniques I use.
Pick a macro lens or use your point and shoot on the macro (flower) setting.
Set the lens to the closest focus setting.
Set the f/stop on f/8 or greater. Very important if using a macro lens on DSLR
Get as close as you can without refocusing, but you getting the photo in focus by just getting closer or further back to keep the object in focus.
A screw in our deck
As you hunt for different things to photograph this close, you will notice you will often cast a shadow on the objects–be careful not to do that. If you want to make this more fun then use a small compact mirror (ladies have them in their purses) and bounce some light where you are casting a shadow. You can also just use a 3×5 white index card and that will work just as well.
Glaze finish on our kitchen cabinets
A photographer who needed to go back and get something and left his intern to watch the equipment at a photo shoot. They were in the middle of no where. Just a car there in the field. When the photographer returned he asked the intern what he got and he said nothing–there is nothing to shoot. The photographer then took the camera and shot about a dozen or so images in just a few moments and handed back to the intern.
They were all spectacular. Jay Maisel was that photographer. The intern got an incredible lesson that day, the images are all around you. The creative photographer will find them.
Water on our deck where you can see the reflection of the sky
T J Fischer, Bravo Company Commander, talks with some of his staff during a light moment when Knobs are checking in at The Citadel on the first day.
From Wikipedia: Street photography is a type of documentary photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places such as streets, parks, beaches, malls, political conventions and other settings.
Street photography uses the techniques of straight photography in that it shows a pure vision of something, like holding up a mirror to society. Street photography often tends to be ironic and can be distanced from its subject matter, and often concentrates on a single human moment, caught at a decisive or poignant moment. On the other hand, much street photography takes the opposite approach and provides a very literal and extremely personal rendering of the subject matter, giving the audience a more visceral experience of walks of life they might only be passingly familiar with.
The “Red Sash” is what the Cadre wear at the Citadel. Cadre members are cadets who train the incoming fourth-class cadets and are considered to be in high standing academically and militarily.
I love “Street Photography” because you are just capturing those moments when people are so caught up in doing life they forget about you. The best photos I find is when people are with their closest friends and family.
One of the places I have enjoyed shooting the most has been The Citadel these past four years. Our son graduated in May, but we were vacationing nearby in Isle of Palms and went by for Matriculation Day. Dorie, my wife, enjoys volunteering.
Alpha parents wait with their Knobs things as they check in with the Cadre. The light blue shirt is for those Citadel parents who are volunteering. Their cadets have already been through their Knob year.
The volunteers are parents of current and former cadets at The Citadel. They remember so well dropping their sons and daughters off for that first time. The Knobs, what the call the freshmen at The Citadel, will go through right away what they call “Hell Week.” As compared to the other service academies The Citadel “fourth class system” is longer than all the others.
Sue Reigerix talks with her daughter Rachelle Reigerix, Athletic Cadre Commander, on Matriculation Day 2011 at The Citadel.
Now with a graduate I can see much better with my 20/20 hindsight. I believe that the higher the commitment of anything a person does, the more involved their friends and family become with them in their endeavor.
We are now into the next stage of being the family of a military officer. Already I am seeing how families all bond in ways that graduates that go into civilian life just don’t experience in the same way.
Knob is checking in for the first time. I love seeing the eyes look around. He will soon learn to do this using peripheral vision.
While street photography for me is fun the photos reveal more about folks than I ever thought possible. I think in these few photos you see a bit of life in just a few frames.
My favorite thing is also sharing these moments with those in the photos.
Remember to get these “Street Photography” images, you have to have your camera with you. The photo that got away is the time you don’t have your camera.
You need to understand what you need for each category over a year.
Knowing the costs of doing business is step two of learning how to quote a price to someone when they ask you, “How much do you charge?”
In step one, you should have devised an annual figure for your living expenses in step one. For example, if you live in a gated community and drive a premium vehicle, you can see that what you have to charge to pay your bills will impact your prices for your clients.
The other extreme I often encounter when teaching folks how to figure their prices is if they are in college or live at home. If they use their actual expenses for their annual salary, they will have to live with Mommy and Daddy for the rest of their lives. If you are one of these folks, then take some time and research what it would cost you to be alone. A few things will significantly change for those under 25 if they are alone and not with their parents.
Housing costs
Car Insurance
Health Insurance
These three items will be much more expensive if you do this alone.
I suggest going to the NPPA website and plugging in your figures. However, there is a better reason to go to the website than just using it as a calculator. Beside each item, there is an i-button. You have to be a member these days to access this calculator.
Internet Connection
Auto expenses
Adjust your home budget. You will need to revisit your “Annual Salary” and most likely realize you can now take home less for your home budget because some of this shifted to your “Business Expenses.” Revisiting your budget items will slightly affect the rates that you must charge.
A little guessing Determining the average job or assignment you will do with your business would be best. I found this difficult, but you can change this later if needed. It is the most challenging thing to approximate for several reasons. For example, I might do some photo shoots in a year.
College Recruiting
Corporate events
NGO editorial coverage
Magazine features
News coverage for wire service
The prices for each of these are different for various reasons. First, they don’t all take the same amount of time. But, more importantly, I am an expert in some of these, and my competitors cannot compete head-to-head with me with all my clients.
The basic idea is that once you have figured out how many of these assignments you will do a year, you will guess what an average job entails. Next, take the same list and indicate how many you will do in a year. Besides that, how long does it take you, on average, to complete the work?
Headshots (100) x [2 hours] = 200
College recruiting (15) x [20 hours] = 300
Corporate events (12) x [20 hours] = 240
NGO editorial coverage (10) x [30 hours] = 300
Magazine features (15) x [8 hours] = 120
News coverage for wire service (20) x [3 hours] = 60
Total “billable” hours a year of 1220 divided by 8 hours a day gives you 152.5 days of “billable” time.
Now, this is a figure when you are starting maybe 30 days that you can find work in a year.
You will need to assume that you either 1) have saved enough money to offset your lack of jobs until you get enough jobs or 2) have another job.
A successful photographer will likely have around 100 “billable days” of work in a year. Using the 152.5 days of work a year will give you a $ 589.18-day rate if you use the default numbers in the NPPA calculator–DON’T DO THIS–use your numbers. For illustration, this would give you a $73.65 per “AVERAGE” hour rate that you “MUST” charge at the minimum, or your business model will be upside down.
I say average because, on some jobs, you can charge more since you might have little or no competition or the going rates in the market allow for a higher rate.
Don’t Quote Hourly Rates This exercise is to help you know your costs, not to give you the rate to quote. Combine it all Now that you know your “Cost of doing business,” you will combine this with actual expenses associated with a job. Here are some of those expenses you will add to your base:
Travel Expenses
Prints/CDs/Online Fees
Shipping Costs
Photo assistants
Makeup artists
Food costs (snacks for day-long shoots, for example)
These expenses are not an exhaustive list, but this will go on top of your $589.18 if it is a day-long shoot.
Usage Fees I discussed how to calculate these earlier, and this will go on top of the $589.18 plus expenses that will give you some idea of what to quote.
Trade-outs While you have everything to quote a job and are ready, some things are negotiable. For example, if a client gives you 50 copies of the coffee table book you did for their organization, you could trade this out for a lower price because you can now offset some advertising costs. You can then give these books to potential customers, helping you land a new client.
I know some photographers who trade out the retail value of their services, say with a restaurant. They give them $2,000 worth of photography for $2,000 worth of food. It is a win-win because the business costs maybe $1,000 for the photographer and only $1,000 for the restaurant. The photographer takes potential clients out for dinner at the fine dining restaurant, and it helps them seal the deal. The photographer just saved $1,000 in expenses for overhead.
Summary If you know these figures, you will feel confident that you can pay your bills doing the job when quoting prices. You also will feel that you did the right thing when they offer you less than your rates for a job and you turn them down. Finally, once you have the numbers, you can still be creative to develop solutions that make you the right fit for a job.
Here are monthly expenses and income based on minimum wage for a household of two children and two working adults in metro Atlanta. These numbers come from Fairness for Georgia Families.
Last blog I talked about usage fees. This is part 2 of 3 on pricing.
Your first step in know what to charge for photography projects would be the first step in any business you decide to start. How much does it cost for you to live? What is your home budget to pay the bills?
The table above is from research done in Atlanta, Georgia on the cost of living for a family.
What is scary is the actual take home salary of the two adults working at minimum wages is easily $12,500 less than their actual bills. The expenses are the average lowest rates.
Do you know what your monthly or annual budget is for you to live? Even if you do not go into business for yourself, you need to know this. Too many folks and most likely those working at Capitol Hill have the same problem. They have more going out than coming in.
If you are not upside down and have money in the bank and still don’t know your budget, just start tracking your spending. By knowing this number it will empower you later when you have someone ask your price and you know that if you don’t charge X amount that you will in reality be paying them to take your work.
Believe it or not this is one of the biggest reasons business will fail. Not knowing what they need to take home can impact what the business needs to succeed.
If you want to do photography full-time then you need to take this first step. My next post will help you with the cost of doing business, but you need to know what you have to take home to pay the bills before you can go to the second step, so take some time and get those numbers on paper.
When you shoot with your point and shoot camera one of the most important controls you have is your ISO. Most point and shoot cameras will not let you choose your shutter speed or f/stop. My Nikon P7000 lets me do pretty much everything that my Nikon D3s does in terms of picking modes and setting ISO.
Why do you want to change your ISO? Well often on Auto ISO it will only go to ISO 400. That is what my camera does on AUTO ISO. But I can override it and set the camera as high as ISO 6400.
Choose the highest ISO and then start taking photos.
f/3.2 1/70 ISO 1600
Zoom in on the back of the camera during the concert and see if the photo is sharp. There are two things affecting the sharpness shutter speed and how still you are holding the camera. If the pictures are not sharp, see about propping the camera on something like a chair, table or railing and then take photos.
If they are still not sharp there is one more thing affecting the sharpness–the people in the photo. They could be moving. So, if this is the case you need to shoot even more to get just a few in focus and sharp photos. Wait till the musicians pause in their actions–not necessarily in the music. They may hit a high note and hold it and this is when you want to shoot.
(f/5.6 1/25 ISO 1600) Because I held the camera really still and the musician Chuck Leavell paused in his motions I got a sharp photo. Lots before and after this wear not as sharp. I could have taken the ISO up two more stops, but I liked the look at ISO 1600. Had none come out sharp at this ISO I would have dialed the ISO up to 3200 or 6400.
f/5.6 1/100 ISO 1600
Summary: If you plan to take photos at a concert and you want some good shots, then you are going to have to shoot a lot.
Keep the ISO high as possible
Remain as still as possible when pushing the shutter release
Pick moments where musicians are still but still playing
Image size is somewhere in your camera menu. This is how it looks on my D3. Do not pick this setting.
I am working on a project for a non-profit where I will be putting some 25 – 20″x30″ prints on display at their offices. Most of these will be from images I did for them, but some we were hoping to use would come from volunteers who have been to different countries for them.
I went to their offices today and spent an hour or so going through folders of images. 90% of all the images were unusable. They were not usable because they were too small. They were only big enough for Facebook or a small website image. Most of the images when blown up to 100% would fit in this blog here.
Those size files are big enough to make an acceptable 4″x6″ print.
Always pick the largest size image.
If you pick the largest size you will not be able to shoot as many photos on a memory card. The good news is the memory card is so cheap today you can carry many cards in your wallet.
If you pick the largest size you now can make prints and large prints with today’s digital cameras.
You can always downsize the images for your Facebook or to email someone, but you cannot take the small image and make a large print.
This is the same as setting your camera to take color or black and white photos. Why shoot it in black and white? You can do that later with your Lightroom or Photoshop. You can’t go back and make it color.
Keep your options open and shoot your images on the highest quality setting for your camera. Since each camera is different on how to do this, pull your camera manual out or Google your camera model and how to set the quality of the images.
By the way all those wonderful shots of Kenya, Guatemala and Brazil are not usable for the exhibit. Be sure your photos are always considered for usage, by being sure your images are the largest size possible for your camera.
Portfolio is a good choice for you to show your photos on an iPad
If you are looking for an app to use on your iPad for displaying photos you might like to try this app. I have been using it for a while and the cool thing is using DropBox to upload the images from my computer to the iPad.
You can create a variety of galleries to show. Here is what I have on my iPad for example.
What’s on my iPad
They are really just categories for me to have for talking points with clients or potential clients.
While the iPad has a long battery life and is something cool to pull out and show your work on, I suggest having some leave behind. It can be some prints, postcards, coffee table book or flyer.
Remember the person who sees your work most likely will need to show your work to someone else before they hire you. The iPad can be the WOW! factor, but have a website and/or blog to direct them to as well.
Is this what your Skype setup looks for your interview?
A series of experiments by Princeton psychologists reveal that all it takes is a tenth of a second to form an impression of a stranger from their face, and that longer exposures don’t significantly alter those impressions. Yikes.
In this amount of time you haven’t had a chance to even say your name. That first impression is primarily a visual impression and this is why I think I can help you.
I suggest going to a hair stylist and getting the best style you can for your features. Maybe find a stylist to help you with your wardrobe. Remember you only have tenth of a second to impress.
Simplify the backround and add some lights to either side of the monitor and for those of us older folks, I would add a light under you chin as I have done here. The lower light softens those wrinkles. You can see television anchors use this light–you just have to look to see it.
I chose white as a background here, you might want to choose blue as a background. It is used a great deal at press conferences like the White House because it is complimentary to the skin. The basic idea is the clean up that background of clutter.
The cool thing about a Skype interview is you can have your notes on the screen to read just like a teleprompter and keep your eyes engaged with the audience. Don’t use notes that you have to look down or away from the computer screen. You want to engage your audience.
Here is a good typical set up of lights. You can just use a household lamp on either side. To get the light effect under your chin you can just use white card board that you can buy anywhere to lay on the table to bounce the light up.
The benefit from using the additional lights is if you wear glasses this can actually cut down on the reflection of the monitor in your glasses. The brighter you make those lights on the side the more the reflection of the monitor will disappear.
Most of today’s new computers have pretty good microphones and cameras built in. As long as you are sitting close to the monitor you should sound good. Test it out. If your friend has trouble hearing you, then go and buy a small microphone.
Be sure you wipe off any dirt or smudges from your camera lens.
To be really sure you make a great first impression–don’t do what I did in these photos and not smile. Smile a lot. Practice a few times with your friends.
Share your screen
Another cool thing about Skype is you canshare your computer screen instead of them seeing just you. This is great if you want to show something on your computer to them.
Remember while you need to practice with some friends and smooth out your presentation, it is still the tenth of the first second they will make a lot of judgement just on how you look.
Decorative Camera Strap showing my love of the comic strip
Back in 1980 during Christmas break from college, I went ice skating with my friends on a lake in New Jersey. I remember this time very well, because this is the time I dropped my rangefinder camera onto the ice and destroyed it.
The reason I dropped it was I didn’t have a camera strap on it. I didn’t own one. Today I see lots of folks who must have not realized how important the camera strap is when they opened the box with their new camera. It can be cumbersome, but I can tell you from past experiences not using it can be a disaster.
My favorite camera straps are the Domke 1.5″ strap
Besides having a camera strap you need to use it. Hanging the camera around your neck is the safest place for it to be when you are being a tourist. Second is maybe over the shoulder, but the worst thing is no strap and just holding it.
Wrap the strap around the wrist if you don’t have it around your neck when shooting.
There are going to be times you might want to take a photo out of the car window. Wrap the camera strap around your hand so that it doesn’t slip and fall.
When you get to that restaurant and need to set it down, the safest spot is on the floor–it can’t fall from there. Some folks even put the strap through their leg so no one can grab it and run.
When you put a camera on a table, always try and keep the strap on the table and not hanging over. It can easily get pulled off the table by animals and small children who are just curious.
If you place the camera on a table, don’t let the strap dangle off the edge. I have seen way too many of these straps magically get hooked onto someone walking by and then the camera hits the ground. Little kids love to explore and having something at their hands reach will be too tempting.
There are many types of camera straps and I will just recommend one that I prefer the most. It is made by Domke and here is a link to it for you. I like the quick release straps that can be removed for easy packing or when the camera is on tripod.
Remember the best insurance on your camera is preventive care by you.
My last post was about being aware of the relationships and politics of the office. This is to address not caving in and not pursuing what is best for the company, but finding a strategy to make great communication take place.
When a company functions as if each department is separate then you get the silo effect.
While I worked for Georgia Tech I saw this more than anywhere I had been before. Since I worked in communications, my role had me moving from one department to another. In the span of a week I photographed three different research projects on the campus and all three of them were solving the problem of epilepsy.
What was strange was that none of these departments knew about each other and even after I told them about each others projects they still didn’t interact together.
It was also at Georgia Tech where I saw the silos starting to be dismantled. When they built the new Bioengineering building they had open labs next to each other. This was to encourage people to talk to each other and collaborate more.
I enjoyed playing pickup basketball at Georgia Tech. I played with students, alumni, faculty and staff. While waiting between games we had time to talk to each other. Two professors I played ball with talked one day together about their work. Dr. William Hunt, Professor Bioengineering, and Microelectronics/Microsystems talked with Dr Roger Wartell about a problem.
At the end of that conversation Dr. Hunt had a major breakthrough in his research. I too had a conversation later with Dr. Hunt about his work and he had a breakthrough, but struggled to get funding. I asked if he would let me take a look at a way to visually communicate the concept. After I helped him with some photos of his work he presented his work to a conference.
Very similar presentation to what he had been doing, but now new images. He had one of the branches of the military come up after that talk and give him a $500,000 grant. He sent a letter to the president of Georgia Tech telling him how I had helped him. I was thrilled for him and I.
Toyota can tell you about how one part just about brought down their company in 2009. It started as what was thought to be floor mats and then it came out they knew they had a faulty accelerator design. This was an example of silo that just about took down the company. It is still dealing with the bad PR this gave the company.
You need quality process in place for the whole company and not just parts of it. You need to address these issues:
• A defined end goal • Work done right the first time • Individual responsibility for quality • Verification, not inspection–quality processes focus on the on-going verification of quality achievement and not only inspection at the end • Long-term focus • Improved quality results in lower costs
If a company puts equal quality standards for their communication as they do in their product then it will lift up all the departments and in the end the customer gets a better product and experience. This makes all those involved walking taller and prouder about what they are apart.
The books range form $30 – $70 depending on how many pages
A religious leader for a large church organization told his communications team to not produce slick well-polished pieces, because then folks will think we have too much money and not give. We want to look like we need help.
What is sad is that it probably costs more money to produce poor quality than great quality work. If the work is not of a certain caliber then no one in your targeted audience will digest the content and then it was a total waste of money.
I have been producing two to three minute multimedia packages that range from $2,000 – $5,000 to produce in addition to the cost of travel expenses. The companies I do this for are used to paying $10,000 to $250,000 for similar length video projects. Since they are so much less to produce the client was doing more of them.
This can cause a problem for the client with the rest of their corporation. They think based on previous expenditures they are spending lots of money, when in reality they are spending less.
This was also happening for books we did as gifts. People thought these were tens of thousands when they are often only $30 a book for 10 books.
If you are in charge of projects and you are not aware of this political reality of quality of your products you may be in for a rude awakening in a budget meeting.
As communication specialists we help tell stories effectively. You also have another role to play of educating your organization about what you do. They need to have you help them understand the strategy of the communications and the costs.
I would recommend getting someone to help you tell your story. This could be one of your colleagues in the industry to help you. I think one of the strangest things I have discovered over my career is how communications folks need someone to help them with their PR campaign.
First of all the PR you do for yourself is not necessarily the same thing you do for others.
Here are seven things you might want to do:
Take your analytics or get some to show how many folks you reach with your messaging.
Show where you are getting placed—tear sheets
Create a notebook/PowerPoint of these talking points that you are ready to now present to a person or a group.
Identify those persons in your organization that you need as your allies
I suggest taking them to lunch and sharing with them some of you material showing how you are being more strategic than in the past and how you are being more cost efficient in doing this.
Create a comparison chart. What we used to spend on something vs. today what we are spending.
Maybe give them a framed picture and copy of the story you produced for them or coffee table book and include with it a cover letter talking about the number of hits and responses you have gotten to it.
A strange thing may happen after you have done this with a few folks—you will get more work. You may also get a larger budget next year. People are drawn to folks who show business acumen.
While I have given just some suggestions you may want to help those reading this blog with your tips. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
My new Nikon P7000 came with original firmware v 1.0 and I upgraded it to v 1.1
You just don’t see camera recalls on the evening news. However, there are very similar “recall” notices on your camera’s website. With cameras they are called firmware upgrades.
You will need to also know your firmware version. You can find this in your manual or just google your camera and firmware and you will find directions.
Just the other day I bought a brand new Nikon P7000. The firmware version on the camera was 1.0, but when I went to the website there was a version 1.1.
This is what Nikon listed as what this firmware fixed:
Image recording time at image quality settings that include NRW (RAW) has been reduced.
Lens control has been optimized to reduce the frequency with which the “Initializing lens. Cannot focus.” message is displayed.
An issue that, in some rare cases, prevented zoom operation has been resolved.
An issue that caused the monitor display to exhibit a loss of detail in highlights (blown highlights) when the shutter-release button was pressed halfway with Active D-Lighting enabled has been resolved.
No matter which camera you have, be sure you check to see if there is a firmware upgrade. You may just end up what feels like a new camera if you do.