Capturing the Moment: Tips for Photographing Keynote Speakers and Event Attendees

[Caption: Jesse Cole is a strong enthusiast of fan culture. In 2016, he established Fans First Entertainment and introduced the Savannah Bananas to initiate a movement that centers on fans. Jesse’s dedication to this cause is evident in his presence at the stadium, his online engagements, his keynote speeches, his appearances in publications like ESPN and Entrepreneur, and his book, “Find Your Yellow Tux,” all of which aim to attract fans from all corners of the globe.]

Event photography is a challenging yet rewarding profession. Photographers specializing in covering meetings and conferences must deal with various challenges, including capturing keynote speakers who are not always as polished as professional speakers. However, photographers can use specific tips and tricks to get the best photos of keynote speakers and attendees during events.

Firstly, when photographing keynote speakers, the best time to capture them is in the first minute, they are at the podium. This is where they often thank people for inviting them and make opening remarks. During this time, they look up and may gesture toward someone, creating a great photo opportunity for photographers. However, once the keynote speaker starts their presentation, they may spend a lot of time reading from their notes, making it challenging to get good shots.

Matthew Luhn is a story artist and former Pixar animator who has helped develop the stories and characters for some of the studio’s most beloved films, including Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., and The Incredibles. As a keynote speaker, Matthew draws from his 20+ years of experience at Pixar to provide valuable insights into the creative process, storytelling, and innovation. His presentations are engaging, informative, and inspiring, empowering audiences to tap into their creativity and achieve their goals.

To overcome this challenge, photographers must be creative and look for moments when the speaker engages with the audience or shows emotions. For example, if the keynote speaker makes a joke or shares a personal story, they may laugh or smile, providing an excellent opportunity to capture a candid moment. Similarly, if they make a passionate point, they may gesture with their hands or have a severe expression, which photographers can use to create impactful images.

Jesse Cole, Keynote Speaker and Chief Fans First Officer, has the crowd on their feet and energized with his interactive presentation approach. In this photo, attendees can be seen standing up and actively participating in an activity led by Jesse Cole, known for his innovative and engaging approach to public speaking. As the founder of Fans First Entertainment and the Savannah Bananas, Jesse’s mission is to create a fan-focused movement; his presentations are no exception. Jesse makes a memorable and impactful experience that leaves a lasting impression by involving the audience in the talk.

Another critical aspect of covering meetings and events is capturing the attendees’ emotions and reactions. Clients usually want photographers to show how much people love attending their events. However, this often happens before the formal part of the meeting occurs, during breaks, and at the end of the event. This is when people are in conversations, networking, and often reuniting with friends, providing an excellent opportunity for photographers to capture attendees’ hugs, laughter, and expressions.

To capture these moments, photographers need to be observant and know when these moments are likely to happen. They should be aware of the event’s schedule and layout to position themselves strategically to get the best shots. They should also be friendly and approachable, making it easier for attendees to be comfortable and natural in front of the camera.

As the meeting attendees gather before the action on the stage starts, they enjoy interacting with each other. Some, like Seth Cathy, are enjoying getting selfies with their friends.

In conclusion, covering meetings and events as a photographer requires skill, creativity, and knowledge of the event’s flow. Capturing keynote speakers’ and attendees’ emotions and reactions is essential to create impactful images that showcase the event’s atmosphere and success. With the right approach and techniques, event photographers can provide their clients with stunning visual memories that will last a lifetime.