[NIKON Z 6, VR Zoom 24-105mm f/4G IF-ED, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 100, 1/320, ƒ/4, (35mm = 24)]
The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi, an elegant weapon of a more civilized age.

Flash is the lightsaber tool of photographers
The Jedi used the Lightsaber as a weapon. It made them even more powerful.
The photographer uses lights [flash & constant light source] to make them more powerful.

For the original Star Wars film, the film prop hilts were constructed by John Stears from old Graflex press camera flash battery packs and other pieces of hardware.

Without a flash, a photo often misses that “WOW” factor.

Add flash, and now the color and the people “POP.”

While silhouettes are often powerful by themselves, I could reveal the subjects by adding flash.

Learn How
I teach this in workshops that colleges, photography programs, camera clubs, & individuals hire me to demonstrate and then coach them to do it themselves with my supervision.
Here you can see the photography workshop participants watching and learning.

Contact me to do a workshop for your group or you individually.