Storyteller Ken Robinson listens in class to James Dockery teaching Adobe Premiere Pro. [NIKON Z 6, VR Zoom 24-105mm f/4G IF-ED, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 8000, 1/100, ƒ/5.6, (35mm = 105)]
Storyteller Ken Robinson was assigned Christian Aracena for his story. Here is the paragraph that he was given.
“Christian Aracena is a Facultad graduate leading a thriving church plant in Las Condes. They have an English translation available for their service, which ministers to ABWE short-term missionaries and other ex-pats (not just from the US). His one daughter is currently attending SCA, but his older daughter is struggling with English impacting her ability to attend SCA. They are currently homeschooling her.”

Ken wrote on Facebook, “Well, it is finished! The Storytellers Abroad Missions Multimedia Workshops are complete. The finished product is more than just this video; it is the friendship and connections made and the difference in the lives of everyone on our team. We may never know our work’s full impact until the other side of heaven!”
Watch the final story that Ken captured.
If you want to support the Facultad Teológica Bautista ABEM so they can help more students like Christian Aracena, go here to learn how to do just that.
If you want to do a workshop like Ken did to capture this story, go here, Storytellers Abroad.