“The advanced level is the mastery of the basics.”
Ray Mancini

So often, we think that getting to the next level and doing that one more incredible thing will be what makes us more successful.
A Champion ensures they eliminate ALL sources of error or potential problems. The all-time greatest Basketball Coach John Wooden would teach ALL his recruits how to tie their shoelaces as part of their initiation because, in his words, “the last thing I want is to lose a point because your shoelaces come. Untied at the worst possible moment.”
I love teaching so much. I like to know I am helping someone else achieve their dreams. I also love teaching because it has made me better at my craft.
When you teach, you have to return to the basics, and when students hand in work that isn’t what it should be, you re-examine what you taught. It is this process that made me realize that it is just elementary concepts done well that are the things that make someone look outstanding.

My daughter found her passion in high school for theater. She loves all aspects of the theater. She enjoys working on sets, costumes, lighting, dancing, acting, and singing.

When you love doing something, you want to do more. My daughter has impressed those at the school because when she works on a play and finishes something, she asks the leadership, “What else can I do?”.
My daughter is learning that just doing what you are asked to do and doing it on time makes her a standout at Columbus State University.
“Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Many students I teach in Intro to Photojournalism are just taking this to check off a requirement for graduation.
The sad thing to me is those complaining the most about their grades often put in the least effort.
I have a News Event Package assignment where they must cover News Event and turn in three to five photos that captures the event with captions. Now in the software, I can see the time codes of the camera.
While reviewing the work, I noticed that many looked like minimal effort was being put into this assignment. It looked like one student had gone to a parade, stood still, took a few photos, and left.
I then pulled up the time code of the photos. The photos turned in were all taken in less than four minutes.
“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.”
John Wooden
Covering a News Event usually takes about two to four hours. Once you have captured the event, it usually takes no more than an hour to edit the photos and turn them in.
One student had waited to cover an event that started at 6:00 pm, and the assignment was due at 8:00 pm. They didn’t have many action shots of the event because it didn’t start on time, and the student had to leave early to make the deadline.
They were upset when I said it was lazy to wait until the last minute. Now even the dictionary says lazy is “moving slowly.”

Do you want to get better? If so, the best thing you can do is revisit the basics of your job.
Here are some basics for every job that might help:
1. Never Be Late – Start on time and Close on time
“I have learned one thing. As Woody says, ‘Showing up is 80 percent of life.’ Sometimes it’s easier to hide home in bed. I’ve done both.”
Woody Allen
2. Seek knowledge, not results
“Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.”
Shakuntala Devi
3. Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence refers to understanding, utilizing, and reasoning with emotions. Emotionally intelligent people can understand not only their feelings but those of others.
4. Focus on Intrinsic Motivations
Intrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards. In other words, engaging in conduct arises from within the individual because it naturally satisfies you.
5. Don’t compare your own life to other peoples’ lives
Rather than comparing yourself with people who are “better off” than you, think about all of the people who are homeless, chronically ill, or living in poverty. This will help you appreciate what you have rather than feel sorry for yourself. Try engaging in volunteer work to help make this more apparent.
6. Count your blessings
No matter how much you achieve in life, you will always feel unhappy if you constantly focus on what you don’t have. Instead, devote time every day to appreciating the things you do have. Think beyond material items; appreciate your loved ones and cherish happy memories.