I have known Jay York for years. We met at the Southwestern Photojournalism Seminar in Fort Worth, Texas. Jay was using his vacations to photograph for the ABWE.

Many years ago, photographers volunteered their time to help ABWE missionaries by taking photos of work worldwide that went into a database. During the film years, missionaries would have to go to Harrisburg, PA offices, look through all the 35mm slides, and get copies to use in their slide shows that they showed to churches and supporters on leave.

During our week in Lima, Peru, Jay worked on a story about Elvira Cuevas Bolívar. Here is the package that Jay produced.
Jay worked methodically in ensuring he understood Elvira’s story, which is much bigger than told in this package, and worked with three instructors, Pat Davison, James Dockery, and me.

Jay wanted to understand every aspect of the storytelling process.

A couple of months before the trip, Jay switched camera systems to the Fuji mirrorless. Jay shot most of this project on the Fuji X-T3.

If you want to learn how to tell a mission story like Jay, check out the opportunity with Storytellers Abroad.