One of the best ways for restaurants to get you to buy their food is to sample it. Walk through almost any mall’s food court and one of the restaurants is giving out samples. When you have low market awareness of your food then you have to do something to get people to know you exist and that what you offer is good.

Now photographers don’t have to give their photos away for people to know what they will get if they purchase a photo from you. They can look at your portfolio and it serves the same purpose.
A successful business model is a win-win deal for all involved. The problem for most people starting in business is they don’t know what they don’t know.
The devil doesn’t come dressed in pointy horns. He comes in everything you wished for …
Drug dealers give free samples to get you hooked. They don’t work in back alleys all the time. Today many are selling what appear to be legitimate prescription drugs. There are even doctors who have been doing this because it is so lucrative to them because of the kickbacks they get from drug companies.
When most successful businesses start they hired lawyers, accountants, and other experts to help guide them so they would be successful.

When you start I cannot recommend enough getting expert help. One of the best photography organizations I know is ASMP [American Society of Media Photographers]. I have been a member since 1987.
The group was founded to help represent magazine photographers in matters of wages and working conditions. In those early years ASMP was acting as a union for photographers. While today it isn’t a union the purpose of ASMP at its core is to help photographers be successful businesses.
Remember Groupon? Businesses thought that giving a super discount to get customers in their doors would have them later pay full price. A study by Lightspeed Research shows that 63% of Groupons are purchased by existing customers. … Sucking value out of the small business market will ultimately damage the local merchants that are the bread and butter of Groupon’s base. Groupon’s model is not sustainable.
Now if Groupon which is a discounted price sucks value out of small businesses what do you think of Unsplash?
Beautiful, free photos.
Gifted by the world’s most generous community of photographers.
Remember photographers do not have to give photos away as you see in a mall’s food court. They can show their images on websites or displays. People can get a taste of what you offer without you giving anything away.
Remember: “Successful business model is a win-win deal for all involved.“
Mikael Cho is a graphic designer who was solving “his problem” when he started Unsplash.
Mikael’s problem was that when he needed samples for an idea he was working on he realized that when he went to Google Images he couldn’t just use those images. Not sure exactly how he knew that those were copyrighted and not for free, but I am guessing it would be similar to others who start. They made mistake and someone pointed out you cannot do that without paying for the images.
By the way, Mikael had his bills paid in another way it appears than graphic design. He thinks of himself as an artist. He just wants to create and share.
This is great if you have a job. Then your creativity is a hobby and not a career. The problem is that Mikael sucked people who want to do this for a career into his creative vortex.
Mikael seems to be talking as an artist. I have heard this many times before. Usually, in the past, I would then hear they don’t want to “sell out.” Wikipedia defines: “Selling out” as a common idiomatic pejorative expression for the compromising of a person’s integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gains, such as money.[1] In terms of music or art, selling out is associated with attempts to tailor material to a mainstream or commercial audience; for example, a musician who alters his material to encompass a wider audience, and in turn generates greater revenue, may be labeled by fans who pre-date the change as a “sellout.” A sellout also refers to someone who gives up, or disregards, hence the term ‘sells’ – someone or something – for some other thing or person.
Simply put, you can’t live out your purpose if you aren’t selling and that’s why sales is a critical skill for artists to develop.
Even if you don’t participate in Unsplash and give your images away you should be very concerned. You cannot stay in business if your clients can get what you could provide through a “FREE” service like Unsplash.
All working photographers need to educate the public and especially those who are trying to be photographers on the pitfalls of highly discounting their work or giving it away for free.
I understand shooting your first wedding for a friend to get samples to show for a portfolio. You do have to do some work for free to create a portfolio, but once you have examples you no longer have to do free to show what customers can expect when they hire you.
Your goal as a successful business should be to have customers who are willing to pay full price and come back to you over and over.