Well, there are many “WHY?” questions when it comes to communication. One that I am discovering is not asked enough is, “Why should the audience care?”
Most organizations want to communicate with an audience to get that audience to help them. But the most obvious question they are missing is the WIIFM question. What’s In It For Me?
WIIFM is the stuff that shows how or why what you have to sell or say matters to those to who you are trying to sell or say it too. It’s the value proposition, the thing that makes them realize that what you’re offering is worth their money or their time.
I think most people think they have something important and that everyone will want to know.
The latest group of missionaries I worked with thought that churches should see their role as supporting them.
Now in consulting missionaries trying to connect with their supporters back home I had to remind them about WIIFM.
So, never forget that relationship building comes BEFORE favor asking. And there has to be a much bigger and better WIIFM when you approach people cold, without a solid relationship.
That said, sometimes people will offer favors if they are charmed by you, like you, or are just in a good mood. But given how overwhelmed most people are these days, they usually appreciate and respond well to clear propositions with a straightforward action attached—and a benefit. Otherwise, you just become part of the noise.
For the journalist, WIIFM is the stuff that shows how or why what you have to say matters to those to who you are trying to say it.