Unlocking the Power of a “Run of Show” and a “Shot List” for Your Photographer

In event planning and photography, a well-thought-out “Run of Show” and a detailed shot list are like GPS guiding you through uncharted territory. These tools provide clarity and structure to your event, ensuring you capture every critical moment in your photographs. But there’s more to it than just checking boxes; it’s about communicating the essence and purpose of your event to your photographer and, ultimately, your audience.

What is a “Run of Show”?

A “Run of Show” is essentially a timeline or script for your event. It outlines the order of events, the timing of each segment, and who is responsible for what. This document is crucial for your event’s success, as it keeps everyone on the same page and ensures everything flows smoothly.

The Importance of a Shot List

While the “Run of Show” handles the event’s logistics, the shot list is the photographer’s guide to capturing the most critical moments. It includes a list of specific shots you want to ensure are included in your event’s photo collection. This can range from candid shots of attendees to staged photos of key moments or individuals.

Providing These to Your Photographer Early

Booking your photographer should not be a last-minute decision; it should be one of the first. Why? Because a photographer needs time to prepare, understanding your “Run of Show” and “shot list” is an integral part of that preparation.

1. Pricing According to the Scope: The “Run of Show” and shot list provide your photographer with a clear understanding of the event’s scale and complexity. This enables them to price their services accordingly, accounting for the hours, equipment, and assistants needed.

2. Equipment and Lens Selection: The photographer can determine the equipment and lenses required to capture the event effectively. A gala event in a dimly lit ballroom, for example, may necessitate different equipment than an outdoor daytime wedding.

3. Staffing: If the event is substantial and needs multiple photographers or assistants, your photographer can plan accordingly.

4. Creative Vision: Knowing the flow of the event helps the photographer anticipate critical moments and plan creative shots that align with your vision.

5. Avoiding Surprises: Early communication prevents misunderstandings and ensures the photographer is fully prepared, reducing the likelihood of last-minute hiccups.

Communicating How and Why These Photos Are Needed

To create impactful photographs, it’s essential to communicate the purpose and audience for these images.

1. Know Your Audience: Understand who will be viewing these photos. Are they event attendees, potential clients, sponsors, or the public? Knowing your audience helps tailor the photography to their expectations and needs.

2. Why the Photos Matter: Articulate why these photos are essential. Are they meant to showcase a product launch, capture the essence of a wedding, or document a corporate event? This clarity ensures your photographer understands what to emphasize.

3. Strategy for Success: Defining success for your event isn’t merely about specifying the number of photos or the delivery deadline. It’s about determining how your audience will benefit from these photos. Will they gain insight, feel inspired, or be moved emotionally? Successful event documentation should go beyond just recording events; it should tell a story and convey a message.

The Power of Strategy

Your strategy should be about where you want to end up. It’s not about the technical details but the broader picture. For instance, if you’re organizing a product launch, success might be defined as having attendees leave with a profound understanding of your product’s benefits and feeling excited about its potential. This sets the stage for the photographer to capture not just the product but also the emotions and reactions of the attendees, making the photos far more impactful.

In conclusion, a “Run of Show” and a shot list are invaluable tools for ensuring a successful event and compelling event photography. Providing these early to your photographer lets them plan, prepare, and price their services accordingly. Communicating the photos’ purpose and your broader strategy ensures that the resulting images are not just records but powerful assets that resonate with your audience, whatever their context. With these elements in place, your event will leave a lasting impression, and your photographer will be well-equipped to capture every moment.

The Importance of Caring for the Whole Person in Relationships

Caption: Jack Sorg, MD, and his Romanian & Russian translator Irina Gancear, meet with a patient at the Casa de Cultură (Culture Center), where they set up a medical clinic in the town of Mărăndeni, Fălești District, Moldova. Jack is asking about the patient’s concerns and getting their history to help them with their medical concerns.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in our lives, focusing on our needs and wants. We often forget that every person we encounter is a unique individual with their desires, struggles, and experiences. This is why it is crucial to emphasize the significance of caring for the whole person in our relationships, as demonstrated through the experiences of medical professionals and the pitfalls of some faith communities.

During my coverage of medical personnel running urgent care clinics in Moldova, I was reminded of the profound impact that genuine care and understanding can have on people. These dedicated professionals not only treat physical ailments but also offer a listening ear and emotional support. It was a stark contrast to many other interactions in our lives, where transactions and self-interest often take precedence.

Holly Friesen, NP, and Ana Calcavura, a Romanian & Russian translator, listen to the patient from the village of Hiliuți, Fălești District, Moldova.

One area where the importance of caring for the whole person is sometimes overlooked is within the evangelical community. It’s disheartening to see some individuals treating relationships as a means to an end, using them to achieve their personal goals or convert others to their faith. Questions like, “Am I just another notch on your belt of successes?” or “If I reject your Jesus, will you still be my friend?” highlight this issue.

Church planters who aim to spread their faith globally often encounter this dilemma. Many people don’t readily perceive their need for spiritual guidance, making it challenging to engage them in conversations about faith. Jack Sorg, MD, a surgeon, recognized the importance of a more holistic approach. He understood that people worldwide needed medical care and that his medical skills could serve as a bridge to connect with them.

Jack Sorg MD is praying for the patient as Irina Gancear, his Romanian & Russian translator, interprets during the clinic that was held at the Casa de Cultură, Mărăndeni, Fălești District, MD-5933, Moldova.

However, Jack Sorg went a step further. He saw each patient as a unique individual, not just a medical case. He genuinely cared about their well-being and wanted to help the whole person, recognizing that physical ailments were often intertwined with emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. While treating patients, he would inquire if they were open to hearing about his faith. If they declined, he respected their wishes, offering to pray for them after providing free medical care.

For those open to discussing faith, he would collaborate with church planters to open doors for spiritual conversations. Jack’s approach was a testament to the idea that genuine caring and understanding should extend beyond a singular goal, such as sharing one’s faith.

This concept aligns with the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized loving one another, helping those in need, and letting our light shine through good deeds. In Matthew 22:39, Jesus instructs us to “love each other as I have loved you.” Additionally, in Matthew 5:42, Jesus advises us to “give to the one who asks you and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” These teachings stress the importance of selfless giving and caring for the needs of others.

Moreover, in Galatians 6:2, we are reminded to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” This verse underscores the significance of being there for one another in times of trouble and assisting others in their journey through life.

Moldova Medical Missions team of Alina Scvartov, Aliona Moscovciuc, Ana Calcavura, Andrew Popovici, Aura Popovici, Bob Burkhart, Cristina Bruma, Holly Friesen, Jack Sorg, Ministry, Stanley Leary, Tamara Bielefeldt, & Vasiliy Kaletnik in the village of Hiliuți, Fălești District, Moldova.

Caring for the whole person in relationships is a fundamental aspect of being human. It means valuing individuals not just for what they can offer us but for who they are. Whether it’s through medical care, friendship, or spiritual guidance, we should strive to understand and support others in their entirety. By doing so, we fulfill the higher calling of love, compassion, and selflessness, following the example set by Jesus and those like Jack Sorg, who recognize that people deserve to be cared for in their entirety.