Every time I review images I have taken to see if I can update my website. I have found fewer “Portfolio” ideas when I pull from assignment work.

What do I want to put on my website?

Often I shoot things that are just important to me. They are actual photos you would put in your journal.

People are not always hiring photographers to document everything, but I see the value in it for no one else but me. I love to look back and remember what I have done and seen.

For example, I took a helicopter ride this year over the Kilauea volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. This is so different than what I shoot most of the time.

I do many headshots like these actors studying at Columbus State University each year.

As every parent, I love doing things with our children. Making my daughter’s headshot for her to use in her career as an actress brings me great joy.

While this isn’t a soccer game photo, I do find myself making interesting sports photos. So who will hire you to shoot this? Should this be on my website?

How about a group photo? Well, many people do hire me to do team photos of their co-workers and, yes, sports teams as well.

Clients also hire me to photograph new things their company is doing. For example, Chick-fil-A started using canopies to help protect their team members, which helped speed up the drive-thru by being outside taking orders.

Do you put things on your website that are more of a trend? For example, many offices are renovating to the open office space design.

The biggest issue now facing corporate America is the lack of employees. The industry refers to this as attracting talent.

Companies are also trying to be sure they communicate their culture.

So this year, I captured some fun things as well for clients. Do they belong in a portfolio?

While fireworks are fun to see, would anyone hire me to shoot any for them?

I got a lot of likes for this photo on my Instagram account, but does this go into my website to help me get jobs?

This year, I took an afternoon to go and explore the Old Car City in White, GA. I got some fantastic shots. Again many people liked them on Instagram, so does this mean they go into my website portfolio?

I can see companies hiring me to shoot photos of their properties. They do want to remind people how to find them.

Now speakers at podiums lit by stage lighting are not that difficult to do, but should they be part of my portfolio? Can people figure out that those skills often transfer to something else if I can do one type of photography?

People are often more interested in the photos themselves, and if I have enough compelling images, I might get a call to shoot their event.

So how many images is enough? How many photos of events should I post?

What will draw people to my website?

I can tell you these are the thoughts of not just me but every photographer working today in this profession.

What do you think? Do any of these photos need to be on my website as part of my portfolio? Should some never be in my portfolio?