At the last minute, a request came in to cover a meeting held at Cascade United Methodist Church here in Atlanta on jobs. Hilda L. Solis, the US Labor Secretary, will be the keynote speaker.
As with most of these last-minute meetings, you must be very flexible and understand why the client wants you to cover the conference.
My goal was to show that the church hosted the event where the US Labor Secretary was the keynote. I think the first photo helps capture that it was a newsworthy event and the UMC logo on the podium showed they were hosting the event. The pastor is in the background, helping tie the church into the event through the photo even more.
In my opinion, an extended caption with that photo tells the story.
After speaking, Madam Secretary Solis took questions and invited the Georgia Trade-Up group attending to the podium. They had just gone through training and now needed jobs.
Solis told her story of going to college on a Pell Grant and being the first in her family to graduate from college. However, while her story and the story of President Obama made it from very humble beginnings to the country’s highest offices, the education issue was not what was fixing the present unemployment situation.
Solis was here to promote President Obama’s plan before congress.
I am not writing this to talk about what she was speaking to the group about as much as to show how I covered the event. In addition, I wanted to deliver professional-looking people who are out of work and need jobs.
I needed to show this in addition to the podium shot because this is what she came to Georgia to help fix.
The panels included people from the faith community who had job clubs to help their members and those from the community find jobs. In addition, they have meetings where experts come in to give tips, that could be on how to use LinkedIn, and Facebook, how to write a resume, and even some give out gas cards to help them find work.
The idea is to share what they are doing in hopes that more faith communities start these groups because through networking, people learn to cope and find jobs.