When did you realize that you grew up with different experiences than those around you?

You may recognize that you have had some unique experiences as I did with going in a hot air balloon with my wife, Dorie. I also realized not everyone breaks their bones as I have throughout my life.

One year my parents treated my sisters and our families on a cruise. I would have never afforded this, and this was a wonderful experience to put into our memory banks.

The moment that became my awakening was when our family moved from Eastern North Carolina to Englishtown, New Jersey. Every day for a long time, I saw new things and took in a world so different from where I came from.
The cross-cultural experience is what this was for our family. It influenced our views, our values, our humor, our hopes, our loyalties, and our worries and fears. So when you are working with people and building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures.

To understand your culture, the best thing you can do is to leave it and experience another culture.

You begin to ask yourself questions you would never have done had you stayed within your bubble. Just experiencing food worldwide and how they prepare it can be eye-opening.
I believe one of the most significant problems we face today is that so many people have lived in a bubble for way too long. They look at how people do something different than they do as inferior rather than just different.

I think many are like children who will not eat only one thing. I had a cousin that only ate hot dogs for a long time.
I was brought up to eat whatever someone put in front of me. We had to be members of the “Clean Plate Club.” We even had children’s plates with this on them.
I’m sorry, but many of you live in a bubble.
It’s a bubble made up not only of your work but also your friends, the books you read, and your day-to-day routine.
It’s a bubble built from the meals you make each week.
It’s your Monday/Wednesday/Friday gym schedule.
It’s the route you take to work or the favorite coffee shop you write in on Sundays.
Yes, all those things are your bubble.
Your bubble is the safety net you surround yourself with every single day. The routines and schedules make your life stay stable and on track.
And yes, your bubble is also the building blocks of happiness, meaning, and creativity. But it’s also a wall that separates mediocrity and greatness and gets harder and harder to cross the higher you build it.
“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”
Haruki Murakami