Shooting sports was where I always compared what I got to other photographers at the same event.
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I want to modify it a little and say, “Comparison can be the thief of joy.”
I have never met a photographer who is not looking at the competition and comparing themselves at some time or another.
Comparisons can be Beneficial
Suppose you compare yourself to others to measure your personal development or motivate yourself to improve and, in the process, develop a more positive self-image. In that case, this is a good thing.
David Sutton posted his survey responses to the question, “How many photographers does it take to change a lightbulb?”
- What is it’s colour temperature? What operating system is it running on?
- This whole question is just another ego trip.
- The real problem is that the lightbulb reacts badly to criticism.
- It’s the tone of the lightbulb I don’t like.
- Nothing personal, but what do you know about lightbulbs?
- My mother’s aunt had a lightbulb just like it, and it didn’t need changing.
- It’s NOT the bulb you utter and complete idiot, it’s the person switching it on.
- None, anyone can fix it in Photoshop.
I am sure you have your list to add to this. If you need to procrastinate, then Google this for your amusement.
The problem with comparison is when it is no longer used to improve oneself but to tear down another person.
If you want to get better and have a good healthy attitude about your work, you can look at others’ work and not just learn from them but admire them.
Looking to others for inspiration (without comparison) is admiration. When we admire someone, we respect, appreciate, and feel inspired by their accomplishments. We are filled with encouragement and hope.
Prioritizing approval over feedback, learning, and growth will keep you stuck. You have to understand that each person has their path. What I have learned about this is that everyone has unique opportunities afforded them by things outside of their control. Face it, how you look had more to do with your parent’s genes than something you did. You do have control over how you take care of that body.

It took a while before learning to celebrate other photographers’ work. Unless the person was right next to me, we could not honestly compare our work.
One of the first places I started to understand why the comparison wasn’t possible was when another photographer was on the opposite side of the field, and the play was in front of them with no obstruction. I didn’t have a chance to get that same photo. However, just a moment later, I may get something they couldn’t call for the same reason.
Over time I started to learn how to look at others’ work and not just learn from it but admire it.
During the pandemic, I thought it would be great to use Zoom for FOCUS [Fellowship Of Communicators Uniting Socially]. Above is a compilation of all but the first few meetings.
I don’t think this would have been as successful if I had done this early in my career. I had to learn through the years that EVERYONE had something to share that I should listen to and learn from.
This has been an excellent year for me because of this group. I made it a point that anyone participating would be asked to be a presenter.
After the meetings, I often get emails and phone calls from people on the ZOOM call, and what is most interesting is they are talking about people’s work that didn’t have a reputation before the call. We have been blown away by people no one knew that well.
We have had many shares who have been guest speakers at national photography conferences, and even they surprised us.
Joanna Pinneo & Robin Rayne both shared about the struggles they encountered in doing stories. WOW! Usually, people with this type of experience show how successful they are with their work. Both of them shared how hard it was and how often they felt they were in over their heads with the assignments.
Here are three stories from the Bible to remind us how comparing to others only leads to real problems if we don’t exercise some humility.
- Jacob and Esau
- Joseph and His Brothers
- Cain and Abel
As Esau said to Jacob, “Let us start on our journey [together]” (Genesis 33:12), and may it lead us to trust, hope and peace.
Joseph, the most beloved of Jacob’s sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob’s gift to Joseph, a splendid “coat of many colors,” the brothers seize him and sell him into slavery. However, Joseph had also learned about forgiveness. At the death of their father, his brothers feared that Joseph had been treating them kindly out of respect for Jacob. So they sent a message to Joseph saying that Jacob wanted him to forgive his brothers. Joseph wept, and the brothers fell before him, offering to be his slaves.
Friendly competition is highly effective in pushing people. Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Here are some questions that I ask myself when looking at another colleague’s work.
- Why is their work so effective?
- What did they do to make this happen?
- What circumstances allowed them to do this that I don’t have?
- What should I take away from their work that could improve my work?
If someone’s work moved me and made me take notice, did I tell them? Take the time to encourage others. We all need it.
While asking if a person has advantages that I do not, I am using this question to set up one for myself. What can I do that others don’t have the same opportunity?
If you are a professional communicator or want to become one, all this self-improvement can be excellent, but one last thing must be central for you to grow.
Everything you are doing is actually so that you disappear. To be the very best communicator is when people are so moved by the work emotions take them over. They are connecting with the story of the subject.
The best question to be asking yourself is, “How can I do a better job of telling the subjects story more effectively.”
Many people fall into positional bias, comparing “up” more often than “down” relative to their standing.
My goal with the FOCUS group has been to lift others and not to lift myself. “Paying it forward” requires us to realize how blessed we are with all the gifts that God has given us and celebrate those gifts in others.
… “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.’ The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.”
John 3: 27 – 30