Collaboration vs. Compromise: Understanding the Power of Active Listening and Trust in Successful Partnerships

The Pitfalls of Compromising: Why Watered-Down Solutions Lead to Disappointment

Compromising can seem like the easiest solution when parties come together with different ideas or solutions for a problem. However, when both parties are focused on pushing their idea forward, a watered-down version emerges, leaving everyone unsatisfied with the answer.

The Power of Collaboration: How Active Listening and Openness to New Ideas Lead to Success

Collaboration isn’t about negotiating solutions but starting where parties come together and actively listen to each other. It’s about being open to new ideas and realizing that partnering with others can help everyone accomplish their goals. The oldest intercollegiate sport in the United States, rowing, provides the perfect illustration of collaboration, where the team must work together and stay in sync to succeed.

Building Successful Partnerships: The Importance of Trust and Understanding Client Goals

When clients hire a service provider, they expect collaboration rather than compromise. Trust is the foundation of this process, and lowering communication barriers is critical. Active listening, taking notes and asking clarifying questions are all essential in understanding client goals and limitations. Service providers can exceed client expectations and build successful partnerships by truly understanding what they want to accomplish.

Articulating the Client’s Project: Exploring Flexibility and Building Friendships

Even when clients have done an excellent job articulating their projects, it’s still important to explore with them to understand how much flexibility they have. Saying the project in one’s own words and checking in with the client can prevent friction and lead to successful outcomes. Ultimately, successful partnerships are built on collaboration, trust, and friendship.

In this video clip, my friend Tony Messano talks about what he looks for when he hires a photographer. Here is his website

The Ten-Thousand Hour Rule: Key to Success in Any Field

Malcolm Gladwell’s concept of the Ten-Thousand Hour Rule still holds today, as it did when he first introduced it in his book Outliers. In this book, Gladwell cites a study of violinists conducted in the 1990s by psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, which found that great players had put in ten thousand practice hours by age twenty.

Gladwell argues that this rule applies to success in any field, and he points to the Beatles, Bill Gates, and other successful people who have spent thousands of hours perfecting their craft in a relatively short time. However, he also emphasizes that there is a threshold one must meet to compete in any field, such as being at least six feet tall for basketball players or having an IQ of 120 for advanced learning.

To achieve success, Gladwell highlights five characteristics: persistence, being friendly, knowing your resources (teachers, coaches, facilitators, and mentors), being skilled in your craft, and having talent. In addition, he emphasizes the importance of showing up and being prepared, as well as avoiding people who drain your time and energy.

David Lyman, the founder of The Maine Workshop, stresses the importance of persistence and refining one’s craft, stating that it takes about ten years to do so in photography. On the other hand, Bobby Fisher became a chess grandmaster in nine years, and great artists combined their talent with thousands of hours of work to master their chosen field.

The journey of ten thousand hours may seem daunting, but it breaks down to fewer than three hours a day over ten years. Nevertheless, with persistence, skill, and talent, anyone can become an expert in their field and succeed.

The Power of Engaging Teaching: Beyond the Elevator Speech

The importance of clear and concise communication cannot be overstated in today’s world. However, simply giving a lecture or presentation may not be enough when it comes to teaching or presenting. The key to successful teaching is engagement, which means moving beyond simply talking.

Research has shown that students retain only 10% of information taught through lectures or presentations, but retention jumps to 50% when knowledge is demonstrated and discussed. And when students have the opportunity to practice what they’ve learned, retention increases to 75%.

To engage your audience effectively, start with a clear and compelling elevator speech that explains what you will teach and why it’s worth listening to. From there, focus on demonstrating and discussing your points, and engage your audience in the learning process through group discussions, activities, and homework assignments.

It’s also important to consider your material’s complexity and the learning stages. Good teachers understand that there are different levels of comprehension and tailor their teaching methods accordingly.

Ultimately, the key to successful teaching is engagement. Whether presenting to colleagues or teaching a semester-long course, find creative ways to engage your audience in the joy of learning. As Maria from “The Sound of Music” said, “When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything.” So don’t teach by talking – teach by engaging.

Social Networking

The World Wide Web was born in 1993. Websites began. Connecting to the world was no longer just through email. You could publish photos on the web and put up storefront businesses. This was the beginning of the .com era.

In 1994 podcasts took hold. A Podcast is a series of digital media files, usually digital, audio, or video, made available for download via web syndication.

In 1997 the weblog was introduced. It simplified creating a website and helped people publish material in a user-friendly matter. By 1999 the name was shortened to blog. Ability of most anyone to have a website was now so easy that the web exploded with blogs.

On October 28, 2003, Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard sophomore, concocted Facemash. This became Facebook. The concept of Facebook is inviting friends to see your blog and controlling who sees your material.

Twitter entered the scene in 2006 as a microblog. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters on the user’s profile page. They are delivered to other users (called followers) who have subscribed. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. The difference between a Facebook and a Twitter page is one is exclusive and the other by default inclusive.

About ten years ago, Donald O. Clifton led a team of scientists at Gallup to begin a dialogue on what is right with people. In 2001 they published the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment that, after taking the test, a person lists the top five talents/strengths they possessed out of a possible thirty-four categories. The difference with this assessment tool is its emphasis on people learning to play to their strengths rather than concentrating on their weaknesses.

In 2007, Tom Rath, one of Clifton’s team, updated the assessment and wrote Strength Finder 2.0. You can find out about it at

In 2008 Seth Godin published Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us. Godin has written about being a change agent in previous books like Purple Cow and The Dip. In his book Tribes, Godin helps us understand how all this technology of websites, blogs, Facebook, and Twitter are places where leaders can rise if they are willing to lead. Good leaders create Raving Fans. Ken Blanchard, the author of the popular management book The One Minute Manager, also wrote Raving Fans.

Godin talks about how it is easier today, because of the web, to find others who think like you. We can build upon these strong connections with others. Godin takes the concepts of Strengths Finder (of playing to your strengths) to find your niche. By doing so, your fans will find you. This group is what Godin calls a tribe.

A CROWD has many weak connections between people. TRIBES have strong relationships. Organizations that play to the Tribe rather than the crowd will create Raving Fans, according to Godin.

Godin talks about leveraging all these tools of blogs, websites, Facebook, and Twitter. He gives an example of how Scott Beale, owner of Laughing Squid, uses all these tools and more to market. Beale was able to leverage his Tribe at a conference in 2008 “… he got tired of waiting to get into the Google party. He found a deserted bar down the street, grabbed some tables in the back, and fired up his cell phone. Using Twitter, he announced: ‘Alta Vista Party at Ginger Man.’ Within a few minutes, eight people showed up, then it was fifty. Soon there was a line out the door.”

Godin explains how Beale didn’t just sign-up with Twitter, tweet a message, and the party began. Instead, the party took four years of marketing using the tools, and by having a following, he could then leverage this Tribe of his into a spontaneous event.

A few of my friends use social networking tools to create workshops, sell their self-published books, and many other ways of connecting with their tribes.

Networking was around long before the computer. Those who understand connecting with others have always done well in business.

Today you can build a tribe for almost nothing compared to the days before the computer. Social networks are free to join. They can connect you to the world. Marketing 101 teaches that only about one hundred people will be interested in your idea if you talk to one thousand people. Of those hundred, only ten will buy.

The marketing challenge has always been reaching enough people to connect with those who will buy.

Another aspect of connecting with your audience is getting your name in front of them repeatedly, usually six to eight times, before the deal is sealed.

The web can connect you with the world. The web allows repeated connections via email, tweeting, blogging, and inviting people to join your exclusive club.

One last observation – people are tuning in more to things like Youtube and Hulu than going to places with nothing but text. The problem with Youtube is there is a lot of junk there. So while it is visual, it is also mostly amateur. Hulu is all about quality video. The difference is clear, advertisers are lining up to advertise on Hulu, and Youtube doesn’t compare.

Today those who will brand themselves the best will no longer accept amateur communications – they hire professionals to help shape their message.

Call me, and I’m eager to help you tell your story to your Tribe.

Understanding Your Audience: How to Engage with Them Effectively

Have you ever wondered how people use media throughout their day? Tom Kennedy, former multimedia director for, gave a talk to the Atlanta ASMP group, and one of his slides during the presentation intrigued me. He shared a list of ways people interact with media throughout the day:

  • Commuting: Podcasts, iPhones, Radio
  • Work Hours: Email Alerts, SMS, Tweets
  • Lunch Hours/Office Breaks: Websites
  • Daily Living Tasks: SMS, Tweets, IMs, Drive-By Media
  • Home Leisure Time: Web, TV, Radio, iPods, iPhone

Kennedy pointed out that people often use media based on their available time. For example, when riding a train, sitting at an airport, or taking a bus, they are likelier to get messages through their phone. Therefore, it’s crucial to know how your audience receives your message. They may use a phone that allows web surfing, like the iPhone or Blackberry.

People cannot always surf the web during work hours, so they will allow for short messaging through email, tweets, and SMS (Social Media Sites). As communicators, we need to understand how our audience receives information. It’s easier to find the audience than to have the audience find us.

This past February was a milestone for SMS. Now, more people are communicating through Social Media than with email. We need to adapt to this change for those of us who are communicators.

If you want to engage with your audience effectively, you must ask yourself where your audience is and, more specifically, where they are throughout the workday. Are you waiting for them to find you, or are you looking for them? It’s essential to understand how your audience receives information and adapt your communication strategy accordingly.

I’m excited to help Chick-fil-A visually engage its base. I’m seeing how operators (franchise owners) use texting, email, Twitter, FaceBook, Websites, Billboards, Events, and more to engage with their audience. What’s exciting is they’re unsatisfied and feel they could do more and be even more effective. So let’s take a page from their book and look for more ways to engage with our audience effectively.

Invest in Preparedness with a Point-and-Shoot Camera

The making of great photographs requires an investment. We need a camera, computer, and software and, possibly, we need to attend classes to learn how to use all this equipment.

Should we buy a Mac or a PC? Which camera should we believe — Nikon, Canon, Leica, or Hasselblad? Which workshops or photo books do we require? We’ll need to read reviews of these products before making the investments.

However, the No. 1 investment a photographer can make isn’t about gear or training. Instead, it’s to invest your time and, as the Boy Scouts put it, “be prepared.”

Always Ready

National Geographic photographer Jim Brandenburg moved to the forest edge to have more time photographing wolves and other animals. He wanted to be ready when the time came to make those outstanding photos.

National Geographic photographers and writers usually spend three months on an assignment. Then, they take a break in the middle of the shoot, come home and review their work. The break gives them time to pause and reflect, so they can go back and fill in any gaps or expand parts of the coverage.

We can’t always devote three months waiting for great photo ops, but like Jim Brandenburg, we can be ready when the time comes.

How? By always have a camera with us.

Point and Shoot

The problem, of course, is that the size, weight, and bulk of the best-we-could-buy camera we own, not to mention the ancillary gear, can make that difficult.

That’s why many professional photographers have invested in point-and-shoot cameras. These small, pocket-sized cameras are as tiny as the old Kodak Disc cameras introduced in 1982. In addition, today’s point-and-shoots have resolutions rival the medium format film cameras, enabling you to enlarge to mural-size prints.

About a month ago, I bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 — and I have been busy learning all that it can do ever since. In the process, I have rediscovered the excitement I felt when I first began taking pictures.

It is so tiny; I now carry it everywhere. While waiting for food at restaurants, I enjoy playing with the camera’s macro mode. It is fun just photographing saltshakers and other small objects on the table. Discovering interesting compositions and watching how the light affects these objects is a joy.

The depth of field is much greater than with larger 35 mm digital cameras. For example, the ƒ-stop of the ƒ/3.3 on my little Lumix (wide open) compares approximately to ƒ/22 on a 35 mm.

Conversely, this little camera has a 10-to-one zoom! That’s equivalent to a 300 mm lens, which fits in my shirt pocket. A 300 mm lens for a 35 mm camera weighs six pounds and is over 10 inches long.

During the past month, I have wondered why I have all this professional gear—I can do so much with this little camera.

Pros and Cons

As I’ve used it more, however, I’ve gotten a clearer sense of the pros and cons.

For example, even with vibration reduction, these cameras are exceptionally tricky to hold steady. A tripod is a great help.

Additionally, obtaining a shallow depth of field is impossible for most of these cameras—my advice: learn to live with it.

The camera manuals are different from traditional cameras. You will need to read the manual and practice what it preaches using all the available functions to discover what each mode will do. These cameras have many ways that take some time to understand. Having said all this, I’ve found that carrying this camera helps me to see and take photos more often; it fine-tunes the eye.

Of course, carrying a camera all the time can cause some minor problems with your family. As my son joked last night as I took his photo at a restaurant, “It’s like having your paparazzi!”

What Kind of Photographer Are You?

I’m not asking if you shoot weddings, sports, or make snapshots of your family. These are one way to define a type of photography, but there is another way to describe your pictures.

If you have your subjects turn and look at the camera and say “cheese,” there is a good chance you enjoy making photos for mainly your personal use. You like taking pictures and putting these in photo albums so you can revisit these moments in time. I think everyone wants to make these types of images to record their family history. Earlier in my career, when I managed 1-hour photo labs, I saw some incredibly well-done photography that would fit into this category.

I had a few customers who did an excellent job of getting good expressions of their friends and family looking at the camera. The photos were not so tight of the people that you didn’t know where they were, but they would show their friends in front of the Eifel Tower where you could see the people close to the camera with the location in the background easily identifiable.

This type of photographer, snapshot or memory jogger photographer, is concerned with recording a moment in time and who was there.

Another style is abstract photography. The abstract would be an instrumental composition with no words to use music as an analogy. The viewer’s responses are usually wide-ranging.

Ansel Adams is one of the most prominent abstract photographers. His photos create a mood and tone rather than deliver a specific message.

Elliott Porter, another giant in the genera of abstract photography, gave a perfect example of portraying beauty or eliciting emotion with his photography rather than a photojournalist statement of fact. When asked (by a photo editor for a news magazine) what he would do if he came upon a stream polluted and covered with oil Porter said, “I could not help but show the beauty of it regardless of the tragedy.”

In some abstract photographs, the subject is recognizable, yet in others may be so bizarre there is no subject recognition at all—the common theme for these types of photographers is a striking image. But, again, a specific message is not the purpose.

Then there’s the communications photographer. Their goal is to deliver a clear message. Many techniques used by the abstract photographer are employed, but the message is the thing.

Some communication photographers are conceptual in approach. Their work is thematic. The theme may be as simple as illustrating an intangible, say hot or cold or “going green.” Their photos communicate an idea.

Most Americans saw photojournalism first in Life magazine. However, these photographers deliver a message beyond the message they are pursuing truth. They want to tell the subject’s story accurately to obtain a response from the viewer; to make those seeing the photos want to take action.

Between the conceptual photographer and the photojournalist are many breeds of photographers concerned with capturing a message and engaging the audience with it.

Some photographers can move quickly between these approaches. For example, one day, they may be covering a news event for a wire service (photojournalism), and the next day is shooting an annual report or recruiting guide for a college. They know how to adjust the approach so they are not violating the ethics of the professional photojournalist.

What do these styles have in common? The finest photographers shoot what they love most. This enjoyment usually means they have invested time into their subjects and know them well.

Understanding these approaches will help you identify the best photographer for your projects. Maybe you’re the best for the job. But, on the other hand, perhaps you need to hire someone to shoot the task for you.

Most clients look beyond a photographer’s ability with the camera. Can you trust this photographer to do the job on his own? They will be representing you. Do you need to be there directing this person?

If you have a message you need to communicate, you don’t need to have a snap-shooter or an abstract photographer – they can fill the “holes” where the pictures are to go, but that doesn’t express your message to your audience.

Be sure your photographer can communicate your message and be someone you can trust. It is easy to hire a known quantity. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to find the one who will get the job done, but the search is worth the trouble.

The Rekindling of Relationships

Christmas 2010 in Morganton, NC. Nikon D3, 14-24mm, ISO 200, f/2.8, 1/2500

Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who I have born from your birth, carried from the womb; even to your old age, I am he, even when you turn gray, I will take you. I have made and will bear; I will carry and save. Isaiah 46:3-4

Chelle helped decorate a gingerbread house at our friend Jackie Reedy’s “Cookie Day” in 2010. Lumix DMC-TZ5. ISO 100, f/3.3, 1/4

“Chelle can you help me put up the Christmas tree?” was my question a few years ago. Our family uses a fake tree due to our allergies; it takes time to unpack and put it together each year. My daughter had finally gotten big enough to help hand me the branches. So together, we assembled the tree, and then Dorie, my wife, helped with the ornaments and other decorations around the house. The following year Chelle asked me, “Daddy, when are we putting up the tree?” Dorie reminded me we now had a tradition. So it continues to this day.

Our Christmas tree in 2011. Nikon Coolpix P7000, ISO 1600, f/2.8, 1/30

While I could tell you about all the symbolism of the Christmas tree, it boils down to what Christmas is about—the tradition of rekindling a relationship through the simple practice of putting up a Christmas tree. It is like the official start of the season for our family. It is a time my daughter enjoys with her father as a particular time together. Likewise, as a father, it is my time to spend time with my daughter.

Tacky Christmas Sweater Party for Kelly Stancil, graduating from Georgia Tech in December 2010. Lumix, DMC-TZ5. ISO 250, f/3.3, 1/30

Maybe this is what the season is about—rekindling our relationship with the father through his son, Jesus Christ. As long as all these traditions help and remind us to spend time with God, we are genuinely living the season.

Dear Lord, may these traditions remind me of spending time with you. Please help us to grow closer not only to you but to those around us this season. Please help us to celebrate the traditions in a way that draws us closer to you. Amen.

Be a Joiner

Isolation is happening to too many individuals in their jobs. Outside of their work, they are unknown. Isolation may be a costly mistake in today’s volatile economic times. Organizations are cutting staff positions, and freelancers’ clients have cut budgets or gone out of business.

If your source of income is drying up, one good way to find new work is through your network. Membership in professional organizations can be an outstanding resource. Having your name on a membership list can give you access to others in the organization; however, to make the organization work for you – you must work for it.

Volunteer. Become involved. Help the group accomplish its goals. For example, I volunteered to call members and guests to attend meetings. In making these cold calls, you are laying the foundation for a stable career.

You are getting to know others, and they are getting to know you. You will be way ahead if you ever need to call one of these people for a job. They know you, and it is no “longer” a “cold call.”

Serving on committees lets others see your skills and how you work and communicate. In addition, committees allow you to show your skills that are not in a resume, portfolio, or reference letter.

You are probably considered an expert due to your experience. People want to employ experts. It is a good idea to volunteer to lead seminars and workshops. While this shows your knowledge in their field, it also shows your ability to communicate your ideas to others. It shows you as a person who wants everyone to succeed.

Volunteer with more than one organization. They don’t all need to be within your work area so long as they help you connect to your community. For example, rotary clubs, coaching a youth sports team, volunteering for the Red Cross, and other groups will help you expand beyond your profession.

Industry leaders are involved in community programs. What better way to get to know leaders than to volunteer alongside them?

The number of groups you are a member of is not essential. What is important is not to be just a name on the membership role. Active involvement develops the all-important network.

I have worked with college recruiters and admissions offices for most of my career. Many of the suggestions I have listed are things colleges look for when going through applications. They want the best students to attend their college. It is the same with employers and clients. They want the best.

Networking builds communication skills. Volunteering improves skills in service roles and leadership positions.

All this volunteering is not just for the future. It is for right now. The benefits of networking help in current jobs.

The foundation of building a network is giving. As we learn to give our time and talents to those around us, we know that our most significant rewards are all the relationships we develop.

How to improve your flash photography

This blog is the third article I have written on using your Flash. My first one was about avoiding the dreadful red-eye syndrome. The second article I wrote was about whether you should use Flash. Finally, I want to address the technique of off-camera Flash specifically.

First, let’s start with what we do know about Flash. We know that most cameras with flash built-in give straight-on harsh light and are subject to red eyes. The red eye is due to the Flash being near the lens. Sometimes, this is the only option you may have for a situation. In this case, getting the photo is more important than not having a picture. Almost every point-and-shoot has a flash built into them, and most people’s photos have this harsh look. The other place we see this Flash is in crime scene photography, which has been made more famous through TV shows like the CSI series.

When the Flash on the camera is pointed straight at the subject, it will look like most amateurs’’ crime scene investigation photos. In other words, anyone can get this type of photo, which is almost the norm in flash photography.

When creative directors, art directors, and editors hire professional photographers, an assumption is expected and not always stated. People hire a professional photographer to get something different than what they would do with their cameras. Picking a unique angle with a different lens may give the client something different. Still, the minute you introduce the straight-on Flash, it immediately looks like something they would or could have done themselves quickly.

Lighting has more impact on a photograph than any other aspect of photography. Without light, there are no photos, and what kind of light determines much more than whether you can see the subject. It helps shape the issue and creates a mood more than a camera angle or lens choice.

When shooting in black and white, the direction of the light helps shape the object and can make a photo have more pop or subdued, for example. In color, the color of the morning and the direction will help establish the mood. Theater type of lighting makes your subject look dramatic, for example. A lot of white light can make something look clinical or even be used to simulate the feeling of being in heaven.

In earlier articles, I mentioned that you should avoid red eye bouncing your Flash off a ceiling or wall. What I consider one of the most dramatic types of lighting requires your Flash to be off-camera.

There are two angles which I like the best. First, having the light 45 degrees to either side of the subject relative to the camera gives a lighting effect used by the great artist Rembrandt. Rembrandt liked to have the light 45 degrees to the side of the subject relative to his perspective and about 45 degrees above his view. If the subject looks straight, you will get a small triangle on the cheek on the opposite side of the light. The shape of the nose and brow help create this triangle. You may have to ask the subject to move their head slightly to make this work right.

Second, I think side lighting the subject works well for people. Side light is where the light is 90 degrees from the camera on the left or right side of the subject.

There are two ways to achieve this technique. First, you can use a cable between your camera and the Flash. The second way is to use a remote to fire the Flash.

When using a cable (check your manual for the Flash and camera to get one for your camera), you must be physically close to the subject to get this to work. The reason is the further you are from the subject, the angle between the lens and the Flash relative to the subject will diminish, and you will have photos that look more like on-camera Flash. A straightforward solution is to buy a longer cable. However, there is usually a limit on how long this cable can be and still work with your Flash.

A slightly more expensive solution is to use a remote. There are two kinds of flash remotes: a generic radio remote and a wireless one designed to work with your Flash. Both of these will let you place your Flash away from the camera, and each has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of the radio remote is it works up to a distance of up to 400 feet—depending on the unit. It works around walls and even through them. The disadvantage is if you need to adjust the power of the Flash, you must go to the Flash and adjust it manually. Your TTL function—where the camera figures out the correct exposure is lost.

The advantage of the wireless system, like the SU-800 for Nikons, is you can control each flash unit separately through the units. Your camera will fire the units, and since it works in TTL mode, it will adequately adjust the exposure. While both systems will let you use numerous flashes together, the TTL wireless system allows you to ratio the lights from the unit, and therefore, you can look at your LCD and make an adjustment and never have to move. One more significant advantage of a wireless system like the Nikon is that you can use a shutter speed that is more critical than the sync speed of, say, 1/250. Faster Shutter speeds open up many possibilities—especially outside on sunny days.

Using off-camera flash requires a lot of practice to master the technique.

Will your photos be better because you use this technique? Maybe, but most importantly, they will look different; sometimes, this is enough to get your audience’s attention.

Presidential Politics Teaches Us Something About Marketing Ourselves

What is running your business like running for office? For one thing, we scrutinize the candidates for more than just their position on issues. We are evaluating more than just our product.Like politicians, we are evaluated on our looks, color, age, health, appearance, and how well-groomed we are. Our clients and prospects note all this and more about us.

What message are we sending by how we look? What part of our message as an individual can we control? Well, there’s our choice of clothing. Occasionally someone may compliment us on what we are wearing, likee the color or style.

Some people have gone so far as to wear certain types of clothing to distinguish themselves from others in their field. Take my lawyer, for instance. I think he dresses funny. But I have to give him credit, people remember him, first because his clothing makes a bold statement, but then they remember what a good lawyer he is. Your business success may profit from your visual presentation of yourself a little more attention.

How we talk and express ourselves can make a significant impression on clients and prospects. As we watched the debates, we listened to see if the candidates answered the question. We listened to how clearly they stated their ideas. We listened to their inflections and the pace of their comments to see how confident and knowledgeable they seemed on the topics.

The candidates wanted to answer the questions in ways they thought would connect with the audience at home. We, too, must be aware of our client’s perspectives. Are we addressing their concerns or our concerns?

Evaluating the candidates for the company they keep; is where your community involvement makes a difference. We should let our clients know when we go a mission trips. We must find ways totell themw that we volunteer as a coach for kids’ sports or that clients value anything outside of work.

Obama’s two young daughters help him appeal to many folks, just as Pailin’s special needs child makes her unique to others. So while our outside activities are not our direct message to a prospect — they may be necessary to some of them and shouldn’t be left out.

Greg Thompson, director of corporate communications for Chick-fil-A, says when he hires folks, he looks beyond the hands to the head and heart of the person. The arrows represent to him the transactional relationship within most businesses. It would help if you had a writer hire someone with experience who can most likely meet the immediate needs. However, looking beyond the transaction, you will see that some writers are subject experts, and some have given much of their time to a cause. Their passion for the subject makes them a much better hire than just a professional writers.

The candidates running for office have people give feedback to help them improve and refine their campaigns. We need to turn to those who can offer us feedback. We can all benefit from some sandpaper helping to refine us.

Indeed, prospects are interested in what we can do for them, but they are also influenced by who we are as people. So the candidates must present an attractive total package as we could do as well.

A dream job is more than pay alone; it’s working with someone who appreciates and makes use of my total package.

What’s a good camera for me?

Jesse Hill Jr. held many positions, including the first Black President of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, the first Black Member of the Georgia Board of Regents, and the first Black Member of the Board of Directors for Rich’s Department Store. (Nikon D2X, ISO 400, f/5.6, 1/250, Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 with 1.4 converters)

When I speak to groups, someone usually asks me what camera I use. Next, someone else will ask, “Would I take better pictures if I had a better camera… maybe one like you?”

The best answer I’ve ever heard to “The Camera Question” came from Joanna Pinneo, a former colleague of mine. Joanna is an outstanding photographer who has worked for Newsweek and National Geographic. Joanna had just finished wowing an audience with some of her photographs when a little old lady asked, “If I had a camera like yours would I take better pictures?”

“Probably not,” Joanna said, “you will take the best photos with a camera that is easy for you to use. When you see something you want to photograph, the less you think about the camera, the better your picture will be.”

Joanna pointed out that professional photographers are so familiar with their cameras that using them is second nature, like driving a car. She told the little lady that unless she planned to study photography, she should find a simple and easy camera to concentrate on the subject of the photograph she wanted to take.

She was right, of course. Most of your best photographs capture a moment. But, unfortunately, you’ll miss the moment if you switch lenses, fidget with a flash, or try to remember how your camera works. By the time everything is set just right, the shot is gone, and the moment has passed.

On the other hand, if you have a point-and-shoot camera, you can (pardon this) just point-and-shoot and capture the moment. You’ll take a better picture precisely because you did NOT have a “better” camera.

Ambassador Young was a top aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the civil rights movement, was involved in its inception, and served as Vice- President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He presently serves on the Board of the Dr. Mar Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change. (Nikon D100, ISO 400, f/4, 1/180, Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8)

Not long ago, I was photographing the keynote speaker at an event in Atlanta. Beside me was Ambassador Andrew Young with his point-and-shoot camera. He was photographing the speaker as well. Later, he showed me his shot, and it was pretty good.

This event was not the only time I’ve seen him taking pictures. I’ve worked with him on several occasions, once I asked him about his photography. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small point-and-shoot camera. He said he always carried it with him and loved to take pictures and share them with his friends.

Then Ambassador Young laughed. He told me he even pulled it out of his pocket at his daughter’s wedding. He was officiating the wedding, but he still took a photo at the altar ceremony.

Point-and-shoot cameras are not just for amateurs.

My good friend Dave Black, who shoots for Sports Illustrated, used one for a job. One of the most outstanding qualities of these point-and-shoots is they make no noise. They are so entirely that manufacturers have put a speaker in them and created a clicking noise you can turn on or off to let you know when the shutter fires.

Pat Perez during play at the BellSouth Classic at Sugarloaf in Duluth, Georgia. (Nikon D100, ISO 100, f/5.6, 1/800, Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 with Sigma 1.4 converter)

PGA rules will not allow taking a picture of a professional golfer during their back swing since the noise might distract the golfer. However, Steve Williams, Tiger Woods’s caddy, has thrown a few cameras into lakes when people have fired away during Tiger’s backswing.

When Dave Black showed the editor from Sports Illustrated photos of Phil Mickelson in his back swing at the event, you can understand why the editor started to quiver and gasp for air. Dave pulled out the little camera and made a picture or two of the editor. When the editor found that he couldn’t even hear the little quiet camera, he began to breathe normally again.

No one had any photos of golfers in their back swing before Dave, so Sports Illustrated ran the photos big made with the little point and shoot.

Today’s cameras are so much better than before. Take, for example, the point-and-shoot Nikon P80. Nikon’s enhanced Face-Priority AF automatically finds and focuses on one person or up to 12’people’swithin one frame. Face-Priority AF provides faster and sharper focus to produce detailed, crisp portraits wherever positioning the subjects in the frame. The P80 has an 18x optical zoom lens with a 27 – 486mm (35mm equivalent) focal length coverage. The maximum aperture is F2.8 to 4.5. It has 10.1 megapixels letting you capture fine detail with the creative freedom to crop and edit.

The fantastic thing is that the professional-grade Nikon camera body with all the lenses needed to match the zoom power of the little P80 would cost close to $15,000, but the P80 sells for just $399. (Hay, I’m wonI’ming if I need all this expensive photographic equipment!)

Another camera similar to the Nikon P-80 is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28K. It has a Leica lens, and the pricing is close to the Nikon P-80.

Joanna Pinneo said it so well: “You wi“l take the best photos with a camera that is easy for you to use.”

Guess” the adage is true after all. I’ll paI’llrase: It would be Stupid, not just to Keep It Simple.