While this photo shows everyone in a room at a meeting and even an interesting angle, you need photos showing people being
Great Friends, Great Colleagues, Great Photographers
Knolan Benfield in Hawaii with me helping teach posing to photography students with Youth With a Mission. (Photo by: Dennis Fahringer) I
So you wrote a great lead, but who’s reading?
This is how many writers are publishing their articles online–no photos. The photo on the right here is an advertisement and not
How much you can make as a photographer
My stepson looked at his first paycheck and asked, “Who is FICA?” This was his first hard lesson about where the money
How are you sharing your personal photos?
On Facebook people are tagging their friends and this not only helps those looking at the photos know who everyone is, but
Meeting expectations comes first
Many in today’s iGeneration have had a childhood of T-ball, soccer, and dance classes where if they just participated, they were given
Recruiting photography for school that looks natural
The cry of focus groups when they review most educational recruiting pieces seems always to say they want natural-looking photos and not
New Market for Photographers: Moving from complacency to success
Four-star hotel in the Atlanta market. Kemmons Wilson’s was on the cover of Time Magazine in June 1972. He was founder of
Are you a good steward of the photographs for your company?
Do you have an archiving system http://www.google.com/reviews/polls/display/8163092177108161582/blogger_template/run_app?txtclr=%23666666&lnkclr=%232288bb&chrtclr=%232288bb&font=normal+normal+12px+Arimo&hideq=true&purl=https://picturestoryteller.com/Please take a moment and take the poll above, then check back in a day or
Advice for those going from staff position to freelance
Landing in a sand trap is how I would describe my layoff. You don’t want to be in one, but it is
How to get rid of orange and green backgrounds with flash
Nikon D4, ISO 3200, f/6.3, 1/80, 28-300mm, White Balance: Flash Have you been getting photos like this with your off-camera flash? The
Getting the moment
Nikon D4, ISO 12,800, f/4.8, 1/50, 28-300mm You have probably heard about “The Decisive Moment” coined by the famous Magnum Photographer Cartier-Bresson.
Off Camera Flash Examples
Nikon D4, 28-300mm, ISO 100, 1/250, f/4.5, Off-Camera Fill Flash with Alien Bees 1600 and fired with Pocket Wizard Plus System. Walk
Tips for Off Camera Flash for +/- exposure problems
When I first wrote about using off-camera flash, I realized I needed to revisit the topic and highlight some points. ISO, Shutter
Nikon D4 & Nikon D3S Differences
While the cameras appear very similar, there are differences with shooting still images. Now that I have practiced shooting with the camera
Nikon D4: Still breaking it in
Nikon D4, ISO 500, f/5.6, 1/2500, 28-300mm I am leisurely just getting use to the new camera. I like having some vacation