Team RV performing at the Peachtree Dekalb Airport’s Good Neighbor Day Airshow |
Core essentials to success:
1. Be honest and truthful
2. Deliver on your promises
3. Stay customer focused
Most people dislike salespeople who waste their time. Not being prepared with something of value and a purpose can make it more and more difficult for you to get appointments.
If you have done your homework you will be able to leverage the customers resources from within their organization. To do this you must know their goals and objectives.
Just imagine starting your meeting with after studying your website and some of your companies materials I understand your purpose to be … You can ask them if this is a good assessment. If you have done your homework you know you are on target.
I want to propose something today that will help you achieve this goal. What I am proposing will help you and this is how it will benefit you.
If the customer decides to do business with you and you deliver as you have promised, you will be able to leverage this experience to get more business. You are proving your trustworthiness.
Overtime you will build a reputation to get more customers, but also raise your awareness with your competition.
Every year 32 NFL teams compete for the Super Bowl Championship. All of these teams have the best football players they could find.
Last year the NY Giants did something different than other teams had done in the past. They brought in consultants who were not football players to help them win.
Team RV, the world’s largest air show team, provides an exciting and memorable performance that combines precision formation flying and formation aerobatics. |
Afterburner the global leader in Flawless Execution℠, offers three strategic quality management solutions – Equip, Embed, and Empower, a set of business process improvement principles inspired by elite military professionals and military fighter pilots that revolutionize the way you look at and do business in today’s fast-paced environment. They took their fighter pilot training and helped the NY Giants understand it isn’t about trick plays or new plays, it is about executing the plays flawlessly that will set you apart.
Many photographers I know are very much like their NFL counterparts. They continuously are working on their skills to improve them. Just like some of the NFL teams that never are making it to the Super Bowl are photographers who are a struggling franchise.
Last year’s Super Bowl Champions are put under the microscope of all the other teams. They look for things to copy and look for weaknesses to exploit.
When you do things right it doesn’t become easier, sometimes it becomes harder.
Very Old Example
Many years ago there was this guy that rose to be one of the greatest leaders of all time.
Here are some of the things he did:
1. Healthy Diet—As a very young boy he was eating very healthy and avoiding junk food.
2. Remained pure and spotless—He was a gentleman all his life
3. Knowledgeable and easy to understand—he was well educated and also was an excellent communicator
4. Servant’s Heart—lifted up others around him
The political leaders of the day found out about his skills and had him as part of their leadership team.
He rose to such prominence that it infuriated many who wanted that power. These people spread rumors. They told lies about him in order to tear him down so they could get his job.
He was fired and thrown in jail for things he never did.
He would get out of this situation and rise again to the leadership teams only to have this happen again and again.
The reason he continued to rise is he didn’t become vengeful. He continued to be honest and truthful. He delivered on his promises and he was focused on being a servant.
By the way the name of this guy was Daniel and you can find him in the Bible.
The men chosen to serve the king were …
“in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had ability to serve in the king’s palace.” (Daniel 1:4)
The US Army Silver Wings from Fort Benning. |
Grow your business
Remember that to grow your business is not just about finding the newest thing, however this is important to know, it is your flawless execution of doing the small things right every time.
Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. WOW them by giving them something more. Be careful not to tell them everything you are going to do. Be sure you can go above and beyond their expectations.
Ask good questions and do all you can to get to know your customer. When you do this you will be thinking of ways to help them even when you are not technically working on their account.
Are you overestimating your trustworthiness with your customers? Research shows that customers don’t trust their vendors as much as vendors think they do.
While you may do everything perfectly, many other vendors will not. Because you are a vendor you are often tarnished by their performance. They don’t want to get burned.
Be sure you help your client know your value. You need to find ways to show them how you are helping them. Sometimes this is entering your work into competitions and showing them it is winning awards. Sometimes it as simple as asking them if their sales went up after the campaign you helped them with.
If sales went up compare this to past campaigns. Let them know you care about results as well as they do.