Storyteller Jennifer Nelson works with coaches Bill Bangham and James Dockery, putting the final touches before our showing to the missionaries who helped us produce these stories.[NIKON Z 6, VR Zoom 24-105mm f/4G IF-ED, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 3200, 1/100, ƒ/5.6, (35mm = 28)]
Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, sent their former staff pastor Julian Pizarro to Santiago, Chile, to do missions. Pizarro went to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for his training.
He is planting a church in the upper-income neighborhood of Los Ciruelos.

Storyteller Jennifer Nelson was assigned to the Pizarro family because they are sending their children to Santiago Christian Academy, founded by ABWE [Association for Baptists for World Evangelism], to help missionaries educate their children while doing missions.
Without the school, Julian’s wife was staying out of the ministry to do full-time home schooling for their children.
Listen to the story that Jennifer captured telling how Santiago Christian Academy is helping them be more effective in their church plant.
If you are interested in teaching in a missions school around the world, like in Chile, go to to learn more about serving opportunities.
Maybe you are interested in learning how to tell stories like this one. Go to to learn more about workshops in the future.