Dennis Fahringer has been leading a photography program in Kona, Hawaii for more than 25 years. I first heard of the program back in the 1980’s from my friend and mentor Don Rutledge.
Don was leaving on a trip to do work in Hawaii and at the time Don worked for the International Mission Board for the Southern Baptist. I joked with Don and asked what Hawaii had to do with international missions since it was a state.
This is when Don told me he was just teaching at the Youth With A Mission’s University of the Nations campus in Kona, Hawaii.

Some of the past guest speakers that Dennis brings in for every class have included Gary S Chapman, Louis Deluca, Joanna Pinneo, Don Rutledge, Patrick Murphy-Racey, Gary Russ, Anacleto Rapping, Ron Londen and many, many more.
Most of the students are just starting out. The ages range in the class from 17 to 69 for the class I am presently teaching. Most of the classes I have taught the majority are from 18 to 30.

Dennis has collected a large selection of books and videos for the students.
Dennis shares with his students many of his notes he has collected through the years on photography using Evernote app. Dennis has shared some 3,700+ notes with the class that he has in Evernote: just short of 30,000(!) Just this alone is worth the price of admission.
If you are really wanting an intense photography program for twelve weeks then this is it. Before you can take this class you must do a DTS. This is a 12 weeks lecture phase, plus 10-12 weeks outreach phase, thus 6 months total. This is a Discipleship Training School where for part of your time will be a cross cultural experience. Many of these DTS groups go all over the world.
In my present class we have nine different nations represented. Those perspectives are great when learning photography.
Here is the YWAM Kona webpage for you to learn more about the program here.
Many who take the class go into business as photographers, other may use this in missions and even some just keep it as a hobby.