Agnes Scott Basketball [NIKON D2X, 122.0-300.0 mm f/2.8, Mode = Manual, ISO 400, 1/200, ƒ/16, (35mm = 202)]

There are many ways to approach team photos for posters. For Georgia Tech’s football team, the theme for the 2006 year is “Take Your Best Shot.” We took the photos at a boxing gym. What made the picture was the players getting into the concept.
I have always thought people look their best in portraits with pleasant expressions or smiles. However, getting male athletes to smile has proven difficult in the past years. They all want to look tough and have an attitude, as we see on MTV.
We embraced their attitude and what they wanted to portray about themselves in this photo. I think it works because it is a peek into their dreams.

Women athletes smile much more than their male counterparts. They enjoy being the princess or queen for the day. Here they are on top of Atlanta with the Skyline behind them. It is like the last photo of the Disney movies where the Prince and Princess ride off into their kingdom. Their kingdom is Atlanta in this photo.