The Power of Engaging Teaching: Beyond the Elevator Speech

The importance of clear and concise communication cannot be overstated in today’s world. However, simply giving a lecture or presentation may not be enough when it comes to teaching or presenting. The key to successful teaching is engagement, which means moving beyond simply talking.

Research has shown that students retain only 10% of information taught through lectures or presentations, but retention jumps to 50% when knowledge is demonstrated and discussed. And when students have the opportunity to practice what they’ve learned, retention increases to 75%.

To engage your audience effectively, start with a clear and compelling elevator speech that explains what you will teach and why it’s worth listening to. From there, focus on demonstrating and discussing your points, and engage your audience in the learning process through group discussions, activities, and homework assignments.

It’s also important to consider your material’s complexity and the learning stages. Good teachers understand that there are different levels of comprehension and tailor their teaching methods accordingly.

Ultimately, the key to successful teaching is engagement. Whether presenting to colleagues or teaching a semester-long course, find creative ways to engage your audience in the joy of learning. As Maria from “The Sound of Music” said, “When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything.” So don’t teach by talking – teach by engaging.