Unveiling the Secret: How Photographers Can Capture Powerful Emotions by Feeling the Moment Themselves

In the realm of photography, there is a hidden ingredient that distinguishes extraordinary photographs from merely good ones: the ability of photographers to feel the emotional moments they capture genuinely. The art of connecting with emotions brings pictures to life, allowing viewers to experience the essence of a decisive moment. In this blog post, we delve into the profound impact of feeling the moment and provide valuable insights for photographers seeking to evoke emotions through their lens. Join us on this captivating journey as we unlock the key to capturing powerful emotions in your photography.

  1. The Role of Empathy: Empathy forms the foundation of emotional photography. We explore how photographers can put themselves in the shoes of their subjects, cultivating a deep understanding of the emotions being experienced. By empathizing with their issues, photographers create a bridge that enables them to capture authentic and impactful images.
  2. The Power of Observation: Observation is an art form within photography. We delve into the significance of keenly observing the world around us, paying attention to the subtleties of interactions, body language, and expressions. Through sharpened observational skills, photographers can anticipate and immortalize those fleeting moments that carry profound emotions.
  3. Personal Reflection: To develop emotional depth in their work, photographers must embark on a journey of self-reflection. We explore the importance of exploring personal emotions and experiences, as this self-awareness allows photographers to connect with the feelings of others. Discover how introspection and mindfulness can transform your photography into a powerful medium of expression.
  4. Active Engagement: Authentic connections can make all the difference in photography. We encourage photographers to actively engage with their subjects and environment, initiating conversations and building rapport. By fostering a comfortable atmosphere, photographers create the space for genuine emotions to unfold and be captured in their rawest form.
  5. The Art of Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices can elevate your ability to be present at the moment. We delve into the benefits of deep breathing exercises and mindful meditation, helping photographers clear their minds and establish a profound connection with the emotions around them. Learn how mindfulness can transcend technicalities, allowing you to capture fleeting yet powerful moments.
  6. Analyzing Emotionally Powerful Photographs: We take a closer look at emotionally impactful photographs from renowned photographers and talented individuals. Engage in open discussions about the emotions each image evokes and discover the techniques employed to connect with the moment. Through analyzing powerful photographs, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the emotional power of photography.
  7. Personal Projects and Growth: Embrace personal projects as a catalyst for growth. We discuss the importance of exploring themes that resonate with you, such as love, joy, grief, or resilience. By embarking on personal projects, photographers can connect with their emotions and express them authentically through their photographs.
  8. The Power of Feedback: Constructive feedback fuels progress. We emphasize the significance of receiving regular feedback on your work. Discover how to identify instances where emotions are powerfully conveyed and explore techniques or approaches that can be further developed. By fostering a supportive environment encouraging experimentation, photographers can continually evolve their ability to evoke emotions through their lens.

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Conclusion: Unveil the secret to capturing powerful emotions in your photography by feeling the moment yourself. As you embrace empathy, observation, personal reflection, active engagement, mindfulness, personal projects, and feedback, your photographs will transcend technical proficiency, evoking authentic emotions in viewers. Join us on this transformative journey and become a master at harnessing the raw power of emotions through your lens.

Capturing Love and Culture: A Wedding Journey of American and Nigerian Traditions

Weddings are magical moments that bring people together to celebrate love, and as a wedding photographer, I feel incredibly fortunate to witness and capture these extraordinary events. Each wedding is a unique story, filled with emotions, traditions, and the union of two individuals embarking on a new chapter of their lives. However, some weddings stand out, especially the recent marriage of Candice Mays and Ebenezer Abolarin.

What made this wedding exceptional was the coming together of two different cultures – American and Nigerian. As I walked into the venue, I was immediately greeted by an explosion of colors and vibrant attire. The blend of traditional Nigerian fabrics and elegant American wedding dresses created a stunning visual tapestry. It was as if the diversity and richness of these cultures were beautifully woven together, reflecting the couple’s unique journey.

One of the joys of being a wedding photographer is witnessing the fusion of traditions. From the moment the ceremony began, it was evident that this union would celebrate two individuals and two families and their rich cultural heritage. The exchange of vows was punctuated by heartfelt speeches in English and the groom’s Nigerian roots, with his father presiding. The love and support emanating from the families filled the air, creating an atmosphere of warmth and unity.

As the reception unfolded, the aroma of Nigerian cuisine filled the room. The buffet offered a delightful blend of flavors, from jollof rice and suya. It was an opportunity for guests to indulge in the vibrant culinary traditions of Nigeria, a country known for its diverse and delectable cuisine. The fusion of Nigerian flavors with American wedding traditions brought everyone together, creating an unforgettable feast for the senses.

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As a photographer, I capture the moments and seek out the essence of the love shared by the couple and the more extensive support system surrounding them. It’s about finding those precious gems that reflect the joy and happiness of the day. At this wedding, those gems were abundant. The infectious laughter, the tears of fun, and the heartfelt embraces were a testament to the love that brought these families together.

Photographing a wedding that merges different cultures is a reminder of the beauty of diversity and the power of love to bridge gaps. It’s an experience beyond taking pictures; it’s about being a part of something greater than oneself. The photographs captured during this wedding will forever serve as a visual reminder of the union between Candice and Ebenezer and their families and cultures coming together.

Weddings like this serve as a hopeful beacon in a world that often seems divided. They remind us that love knows no boundaries and that blending cultures creates a tapestry of beauty and unity. I feel privileged to have witnessed the love and celebration that unfolded on that day, and I am grateful for the opportunity to document such a significant event.

As a wedding photographer, every assignment is a gift, but weddings that embrace different cultures hold a special place in my heart. They allow me to experience the richness and diversity of our world and capture moments that showcase the beauty of love in all its forms. Candice and Ebenezer’s wedding was a testament to the power of love to transcend cultural boundaries and create a harmonious union. The celebration showcased the vibrant tapestry of two distinct cultures coming together in a joyous fusion.

Looking back at the photographs, I am reminded of the profound impact that weddings like this can have on individuals and communities. The images capture the intertwining of traditions, the laughter shared between families, and the heartfelt connections forged on that particular day. In addition, they serve as a visual testament to the transformative power of love and the beauty that emerges when different cultures embrace and celebrate each other.

Beyond the wedding day’s immediate joy, I hope these photographs will continue to inspire others. I hope they will encourage couples from diverse backgrounds to embrace their unique heritage and incorporate it into their celebrations. I hope they will remind us of the richness of our differences and the strength that comes from unity.

As a wedding photographer, my purpose is to document the event and capture the essence and significance of each moment. Candice and Ebenezer’s wedding was a remarkable journey of love, cultural exchange, and shared happiness. It was an honor to be a part of their day and witness their union’s profound impact on everyone present.

In a world that can sometimes feel divided, weddings like this serve as a powerful reminder of our shared humanity. They showcase the beauty that arises when we embrace diversity and celebrate love in all its forms. I am grateful to Candice and Ebenezer for allowing me to be a part of their wonderful day and reminding us of the transformative power of love. May their union inspire others and serve as a beacon of hope for years to come.

Through the Lens: Embrace the Therapeutic Power of Photography

In today’s fast-paced world, we often catch up in the whirlwind of daily routines, responsibilities, and deadlines. Our minds are constantly racing, and we rarely take the time to pause and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Yet, as photographers, we possess a unique gift—the ability to capture moments, freeze them in time, and immortalize them through our lenses. But in the quest for the perfect shot, we sometimes forget to slow down and truly experience the therapeutic benefits of our craft.

In the hustle and bustle of life, photographers must remember that their art is not merely about capturing visually stunning images; it’s also about reconnecting with the world and finding solace in the act of creating. Photography can be a powerful tool for self-expression, introspection, and mindfulness. By immersing ourselves in the present moment, we can discover a myriad of emotions and perspectives that often go unnoticed in the rush of daily life.

White-tailed deer in Cades Cove

One of photography’s most significant therapeutic benefits is its ability to encourage mindfulness. When we embark on a photo walk or dedicate time to frame a scene, we become fully present and attuned to the details and nuances of our surroundings. The simple act of focusing on the interplay of light and shadow, the delicate curves of a flower, or the genuine emotions on a person’s face can transport us to deep concentration and tranquility.

Photography also provides an outlet for creative expression. It allows us to channel our emotions, thoughts, and experiences into visual stories. By giving shape to our innermost thoughts through the camera, we can profoundly communicate and connect with others. Whether documenting the natural beauty of a serene landscape or capturing the raw emotions of a street scene, each photograph becomes a window into our unique perspective and a testament to our creativity.

Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden Orchid

In addition to the therapeutic benefits, photography offers a sense of exploration and adventure. We become curious observers of the world around us when we seek out moments to capture. We develop a heightened awareness, discovering hidden gems and extraordinary beauty in ordinary places. Searching for the perfect shot becomes an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and growth.

So, dear photographers, don’t let the demands of the modern world rob you of photography’s therapeutic and creative joys. Take a break from the chaos, step outside, and allow yourself to be fully present. Embrace the restorative power of your camera lens and embark on a journey of self-expression, mindfulness, and creative exploration. Pause, not only to smell the roses but also to capture their essence and share it with the world.

The Scarlet Ibis in the Caroni Bird Sanctuary in the Caroni Swamp, Trinidad

Remember, making photos is not just about freezing moments in time; it’s about finding solace, reconnecting with the present, and embracing the transformative power of your art. So let your creativity bloom, and may your photographic adventures bring you joy, fulfillment, and a renewed sense of purpose.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your camera, go out, and let the therapeutic journey begin!

Preserving Memories: The Power of Hooks in Family Photography

L/R Front Row: Suzanna Hummel, Carl Monauni, Doris Griggs, LeRoy Martin Griggs, [unknown], Richard Zvonar
L/R Back Row: John Hummel, unknown], Jerry King, [unknown], [unknown], [unknown], [unknown], Doris Nordstrom, [unknown], Harold Nordstrom

In this fast-paced digital age, capturing moments has become more accessible. With the click of a button, we can freeze a moment in time and immortalize it in a photograph. As photographers, we often find ourselves engrossed in the art and craft of capturing images, but have we ever paused to consider what happens to these photographs after we are gone? How can we ensure our family cherishes and preserves these memories for generations?

Bill Fortney

Meet my dear friend, Bill Fortney, a passionate photographer who understands the significance of leaving behind a legacy through photography. Bill embarked on a remarkable project that is a powerful example of how photographers can create hooks to captivate their families and future generations.

Bill began by scanning his family’s unique recipe cards, capturing the essence of generations-old culinary traditions. He recognized that these recipes were not just about food; they were a connection to the past and a bridge to the future. With unwavering dedication, he meticulously compiled these recipes into a captivating coffee table book. Each page showcased the original handwritten recipe alongside a typed version, a photograph of the relative who contributed the recipe, and a short biography or story. The hook was simple but powerful: keeping family recipes alive for generations.

Doris Griggs’s handwritten recipe. She created a recipe book to give Dorie, her daughter, and my wife for her wedding shower gift.

But Bill didn’t stop there. He expanded his vision to include a comprehensive collection of family photos, each carefully labeled with the names and ages of the relatives captured in the frames. These photos were not mere snapshots; they were windows into the lives of loved ones, telling stories and preserving memories. The idea was to create a connection between past and present, enabling the next generation to see themselves in the faces of their ancestors and fostering a sense of shared heritage.

The magic of Bill’s approach lies in the intention behind it. By going beyond the mere act of capturing photographs and thinking deeply about his audience, especially his family, he crafted a legacy that would resonate with them. He understood that photos, devoid of context, could easily be forgotten or lost. Instead, it was the hooks he created—the family recipes, the stories, the connections—that breathed life into the images and made them more than just pictures on paper.

Another of my friends did something similar, and their coffee table book became a treasured heirloom, passed down from generation to generation. When a new couple in the family welcomed their first child, they were presented with a copy of the book, rich with family photos and stories. As their child grew, they began to see the unmistakable family resemblances in their children’s faces, forging connections that transcended time and reinforcing the importance of their shared heritage.

The moral of Bill’s story is powerful: photographs alone, without a hook for the next generation, may fade away into obscurity. As photographers, we have a unique opportunity to shape our legacy and leave a lasting impact. We must capture images for ourselves and consider our audience, particularly our family if we want our photographs to be cherished and preserved long after we are gone.

The far-right couple is my wife’s parents, LeRoy Martin Griggs & Doris Griggs

So, think beyond the present moment the next time you snap a picture. Consider the stories accompanying it, the memories it holds, and the connections it can create. Weave together the threads of your family’s history, develop hooks that engage and captivate, and watch your legacy come alive through photography’s power.

Professional Group Photos: Speaking to Core Values and Building Your Brand

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, building a solid brand and establishing a positive company culture is essential for long-term success. However, one often overlooked aspect of this process is the use of professional group photos. While some may see them as mere decorations or team-building exercises, professional group photos can potentially convey your company’s core values and significantly contribute to brand development. This blog post will explore how professional group photos can help speak to your company’s core values and build your brand.

Caring Works

1. Visual Representation of Company Culture

Professional group photos provide an opportunity to represent your company culture visually. They capture the essence of your team, showcasing the people who contribute to your organization’s success. A well-executed group photo can reflect your company’s camaraderie, diversity, and inclusivity, highlighting the values that set your organization apart. You can attract like-minded individuals who align with your company’s culture and core values by showcasing a cohesive and positive team dynamic.

Mayor Shirley Franklin with the Georgia Tech Dance Team.

2. Building Trust and Credibility

In the digital age, where face-to-face interactions may be limited, professional group photos help humanize your brand. When potential clients or partners visit your website or social media profiles, seeing the faces behind the organization can build trust and credibility. Group photos create a sense of authenticity, demonstrating that your company comprises real people working towards a common goal. This personal touch can significantly enhance your brand’s reputation and make your organization more relatable.

Georgia Tech Volleyball Team

3. Reinforcing Brand Identity

Every successful brand’s unique identity sets it apart from the competition. Professional group photos can be a powerful tool in reinforcing your brand identity. By carefully selecting the location, attire, and overall composition of the photo, you can align the visual elements with your brand’s values and aesthetics. For example, a tech startup aiming for a modern and innovative image may opt for a contemporary urban setting and casual attire. On the other hand, a financial institution striving for professionalism and trust may choose a more formal location and clothing. Consistency in these visual cues will reinforce your brand identity and help your company stand out in a crowded market.

10, 20 & 30 year work anniversaries for Chick-fil-A Staff celebration at the Delta Museum

4. Employee Engagement and Pride

Including your employees in the process of taking professional group photos can foster a sense of belonging and pride within the organization. Employees who feel valued and included are more likely to be engaged and motivated. In addition, you empower your team members and enhance their connection to the company by showcasing their individual and collective achievements through group photos. This increased engagement can lead to higher productivity, improved teamwork, and better retention rates.

Global Strategic Supply Chain Group Photo


Professional group photos are far more than just snapshots of your team. When approached strategically, they become powerful tools for speaking to your company’s core values and building your brand. Through the visual representation of your company culture, building trust and credibility, reinforcing brand identity, and fostering employee engagement, professional group photos can significantly impact your organization’s success.

My Top Lenses: A Photographer’s Guide to Choosing the Right Lens

[NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 5000, 1/200, ƒ/4, (35mm = 44)]

Choosing the right lens for the situation is crucial for a photographer to capture the best possible shot. Different lenses are suitable for different scenarios, and it is essential to understand what each lens can do and how it will affect the final image.

[NIKON D4, 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 12800, 1/50, ƒ/5.6, (35mm = 180)]

My most used lens is the Nikon 28-300mm ƒ/3.5-5.6 VR, which I use for most of my event work. This lens’s wide zoom range makes it versatile for capturing different angles and perspectives. It also has a built-in vibration reduction system that helps me capture sharp images, even in low-light conditions.

[NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 400, 1/50, ƒ/8, (35mm = 14)]

The Nikon 14-24mm ƒ/2.8 is my go-to lens for photojournalism, where I like to get close and still capture the context. Also, I use this with real estate and architecture photography. This lens has a wide-angle perspective that allows me to capture sweeping vistas and intricate details of buildings. It also has a fast aperture of ƒ/2.8, which is helpful in low-light situations. I sold this lens and replaced it with the mirrorless Nikon 14-30mm ƒ/4. With today’s high ISO cameras combined with the Denoise software, I cannot think of when I will need the ƒ/2.8 to justify double the price.

The Nikon 24-120mm ƒ/4 is another versatile lens I use for various situations. It has a constant aperture of ƒ/4 throughout its zoom range, making it useful in low-light conditions. I particularly like this lens for portraits as it has a flattering focal length and can create a shallow depth of field. This lens has replaced my 28-300mm since I switched to the mirrorless Nikon Z6 and Nikon Z9 cameras.

[NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 16000, 1/250, ƒ/5.3, (35mm = 350)]

The Nikon 100-400mm ƒ/4.5-5.6 VR S is my choice for events and sports photography. This lens’s long zoom range allows me to get up close to my subjects while maintaining a safe distance. It also has a fast autofocus and vibration reduction system that helps me capture sharp images of fast-moving subjects. This lens with 24-120mm is the two lenses I use all the time for event work.

[NIKON D5, 35.0 mm f/1.4, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 250, 1/200, ƒ/1.4, (35mm = 35)]

Regarding specialty lenses, the Sigma 35mm ƒ/1.4 is my favorite for creative and artistic shots. This lens has a wide aperture of ƒ/1.4, creating a shallow field depth and a beautiful bokeh effect. The Nikon 85mm ƒ/1.8 and ƒ/1.4 are excellent portrait photography choices. When I upgraded from the 85mm ƒ/1.4 D, I chose the 85mm ƒ/1.8 for the F mount. I liked the lighter size and didn’t see much difference between it and the ƒ/1.4 to justify carrying that extra weight. I will upgrade to the Z mount in the coming year.

[NIKON D750, 85.0 mm f/1.8, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 3200, 1/80, ƒ/1.8, (35mm = 85)]

In conclusion, choosing the right lens for a particular situation is essential to capture the best possible shot. Understanding what each lens can do and how it will affect the final image is critical to making the right choice. Whether it’s a versatile all-purpose zoom lens or a specialty lens designed for a specific type of photography, having the right tools can make all the difference in your photography.

How using strobes outside can improve your photography.

As a photographer, you know that lighting can make or break a shot. When shooting outside, the sun can be your friend or your enemy. Midday sun can create harsh shadows on the face, making it challenging to capture the perfect shot. That’s where strobes come in. By using a strobe with a softbox, you can create consistent, beautiful lighting that will help you capture stunning outdoor shots.

Strobes are powerful flashes that can supplement or replace natural light. They are instrumental when shooting in bright sunlight because they help to control shadows on the face. By placing the strobe at a 45-degree angle to the left or right of the camera and 45 degrees above the subject’s eyes, you can create a flattering modeling effect that will enhance your subject’s features.

Photo by: Dorie Griggs

But strobes aren’t just helpful in controlling shadows. They can also help improve color rendering on cloudy days. When shooting on an overcast day, colors can appear muted and dull. By using a strobe with a softbox, you can bring out the colors in your shots and create a more vibrant, dynamic image.

Another advantage of using strobes outside is that it can reduce editing time. While tools like Adobe’s Lightroom and Photoshop can be used to lighten faces and darken or lighten backgrounds, getting the shot right in the camera will save you lots of time in post-processing.

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In my recent shoot, I used a strobe with a softbox to give me a consistent look with all the photos. By placing the light at a 45-degree angle to the left or right of the camera and 45 degrees above the subject’s eyes, I created a flattering modeling effect that enhanced my subject’s features. The result was a series of stunning, professional-grade photos that my client was thrilled with.

If you want to capture stunning, professional-grade photos, consider using strobes outside. By controlling shadows, improving color rendering, and cutting down on editing time, strobes can help you capture the perfect shot every time. Contact me today to book your graduating senior photos!

Event Photography: Being Prepared for Any Lighting Condition

Georgia Aquarium. The photo is processed with Lightroom using the new Denoise tool. [NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 20000, 1/250, ƒ/4, (35mm = 17)]

As an event photographer, you must be prepared for anything that may come your way. From outdoor sunlight to a meeting room with a projector and all the lights down, you must be ready to capture the moment in any lighting condition. This past week, I had an event that took me to the Georgia Aquarium, where many locations were “NO FLASH ALLOWED” areas but were dark. It was a challenging but exciting experience that required me to be on my toes throughout the event.

Stage Lighting 6287º K +39 Magenta [NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 3200, 1/250, ƒ/5, (35mm = 220)]

One of the most significant challenges I faced during the event was the funky color lighting from room to room. The stage lighting wasn’t typical Daylight, Tungsten, or Fluorescent color, but it gave me 6287º Kelvin with +39 Magenta with Daylight LED screens projecting the speakers and their powerpoints. This required me to constantly adjust my camera’s white balance to achieve the correct colors in each shot.

Additionally, there were areas where “NO FLASH ALLOWED” signs were posted, which meant I had to rely on ambient lighting to capture the shots. The dark environment made it challenging, but I could capture some stunning images with the correct camera settings.

Using on-camera flash with the MagMod Sphere, the image is processed with Lightroom and using Denoise Tool [NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 12800, 1/200, ƒ/5, (35mm = 100)]

To add to the challenges, there were rooms where the lights were dimmed entirely, and the only light source was from the projector on the screen. As a result, I had to use my flash to light up the speakers and their surroundings, which required me to adjust the settings on my camera and coordinate it to match the ambient lighting.

Another challenge was the outdoor sunlight. So I am shooting from ISO 64 to ISO 25600 and having to use flash at times to help with overhead lighting of the sun and canned room lights.

Johnny Clayton Taylor Jr. is an American lawyer, author, board member, and public speaker who is the president and Chief Executive Officer of the Society for Human Resource Management. [NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 5000, 1/250, ƒ/4.8, (35mm = 145)]

As an event photographer, you must be prepared for anything coming your way. From funky color lighting to dark environments, “NO FLASH ALLOWED” areas, and direct sunlight, you must be ready to adapt to any lighting condition. You must also be quick on your feet, adjust your camera settings, and use the right equipment to capture the perfect shot. It’s a challenging yet exciting job that requires patience, skill, and creativity.

Eeva Ruuska, the Americas Operations Manager at Riskline, leads a regional team of analysts to provide worldwide political, security, and travel intelligence. [NIKON Z 9, NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S, Mode = Aperture Priority, ISO 6400, 1/250, ƒ/4.8, (35mm = 150)]

Finding Your Passion Through Personal Photography Projects

Whether wheeling over a swamp forest or whistling plaintively from a riverine park, a Red-shouldered Hawk is typically a sign of tall woods and water. It’s one of our most distinctively marked common hawks, with barred reddish-peachy underparts and a strongly banded tail. In flight, translucent crescents near the wingtips help to identify the species at a distance. These forest hawks hunt prey ranging from mice to frogs and snakes. The photo was taken on April 28, 2023.

Photography is a creative art form that allows individuals to express themselves through their unique perspectives. One of the best ways to find your passion as a photographer is by embarking on a personal project. A personal project is a photography series you work on over time, usually focusing on a particular subject or theme. It’s an opportunity to explore your creativity, improve your skills, and create a body of work that reflects your style and vision.

Personal projects allow you to experiment with new techniques, equipment, and subjects without the pressure of a client’s expectations. They allow you to pursue your interests and explore your surroundings, whether that’s your neighborhood, city, or nature. One of the best things about personal projects is that they can be as simple or complex as you like, and you can work on them at your own pace.

Red-shouldered Hawk juveniles in Chatham Greenway in Roswell, Georgia, on May 11, 2021.

Finding a personal project close to home is a great way to start. You don’t need to travel far or spend much money to find interesting subjects to photograph. Some of the most exciting personal projects focus on what we see daily but perhaps don’t notice or appreciate.

One example of a personal project that can be done from home is photographing birds in your backyard. Observing and documenting their behavior, breeding patterns, and interactions can make for a fascinating series. One particular bird species that is interesting to follow is the Red-Shouldered Hawk. Watching a couple build their nest, lay their eggs, and rear their young can provide a unique insight into the lives of these beautiful creatures. With patience and observation, you can capture some truly stunning images that reflect the wonder of nature.

Red-shouldered Hawk and three juvenile hawks in Chatham Greenway in Roswell, Georgia, on May 5, 2021

Not only do personal photography projects help you find your passion, but they can also help you showcase your skills to potential clients. Creating a solid body of work that reflects your unique style and vision can attract clients who appreciate your creative approach and want to work with you.

In conclusion, personal photography projects are a valuable way to explore your creativity, find your passion, and showcase your skills to potential clients. Whether photographing birds in your backyard or exploring a new city, there’s no limit to the subjects and themes you can pursue. So why not find a personal project that speaks to you and start exploring today?

Remember, as you document your journey, share your photos and process them on social media. This is a great way to connect with other photographers, gain inspiration, and receive feedback. With a bit of dedication and hard work, your project could be the start of a lifelong passion for photography.

The Impact of AI on Photography: Is It Worth the Price?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having a significant impact on the field of photography. It has revolutionized how we edit photos, saving us time and effort. However, it can also take up a significant amount of computer time. So let’s explore how AI affects photography and whether it warrants a price change for photographers to charge their clients.

One of the most significant impacts of AI in photography is the ease with which we can now edit our photos. AI-powered tools like Adobe Lightroom’s Denoise or DXO PureRAW 3 can automatically remove image noise, saving us hours of manual editing. Similarly, Topaz AI Photo can enhance details and colors automatically, allowing us to achieve stunning results with minimal effort. These AI tools make it possible for photographers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work rather than spending endless hours on post-processing.

However, AI comes with a cost. The computer time required to execute AI algorithms can be significant, especially when working with large files. This can result in long wait times for photographers, who may need to process thousands of images. While the result is often worth the wait, it is essential to consider the time and resources required to use AI in photography.

Using tools like Lightroom’s Denoise or DXO PureRAW 3 can still take a significant amount of time, with each image taking up to six minutes for 45.7 NEF files. When working on large projects with hundreds or even thousands of photos, this processing time can quickly add up, leading to long wait times for the photographer. While AI-powered post-processing offers many benefits, including improved image quality and greater efficiency, it’s essential to consider the time and resources required to use these tools effectively.

As a photographer, it is up to you to decide whether to increase your fees to reflect the increased computer time required for AI processing. If you are providing a higher-end quality service that includes AI-powered post-processing, it may be worth adjusting your prices to reflect the added value that AI provides. However, it is essential to communicate the reasons for the price change to your clients so they understand the importance of your service.

In conclusion, AI significantly impacts photography, providing powerful tools that allow us to create stunning images with minimal effort. However, it is also essential to consider the time and resources required to use AI and to adjust our prices accordingly. Ultimately, the decision to charge more for AI-powered post-processing will depend on the individual photographer’s business model and the value they provide to their clients.

The Learning Curve: Why It Takes Time to Master Something New

Kevin Moss is standing in front of the older Dwarf House before renovation in Hapeville, Georgia.

Learning something new is always daunting, whether adapting to newly renovated equipment in a restaurant or getting to grips with a brand-new camera. Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Chick-fil-A’s first freshly renovated restaurant, the Dwarf House, in Hapeville, GA. I had the chance to speak with Kevin Moss, the operator of the Dwarf House, who shared his experience with me. After a nine-month renovation, the restaurant finally reopened in February 2022. However, it took Kevin and his team over a year to feel comfortable with all the new equipment and design.

The Dwarf House had remained unchanged since its major renovation in 1967. But, as Kevin Moss pointed out, he would often ask some of the Grand Opening team how to use new equipment. They were often surprised that a seasoned Chick-fil-A operator didn’t know how to use something that had been around in many other Chick-fil-A restaurants for a few years. But, again, this emphasizes that experts need time to learn and adapt to new changes.

Similarly, I had a similar experience when I purchased my Nikon Z9 camera in December 2021. Going through the menu on the back of the camera was like walking through the newly renovated Dwarf House. The camera was packed with new features and functions I had no idea how to use. As a result, I found myself constantly referring to the manual and looking for videos and blogs that explained how to use certain functions.

Nikon Z9

From a psychological standpoint, learning something new requires cognitive effort and attention. When accustomed to a routine, our brains become wired to execute tasks without conscious effort. However, when faced with something new, our brains must allocate more cognitive resources to process and perform tasks, leading to overload and confusion. This is known as cognitive load, which can initially be overwhelming.

It is natural to feel less efficient initially when trying to learn something new. However, investing time and effort into learning new technology or processes is essential. The rewards of mastering a new technology or process are immense. Not only will you be more efficient and productive, but you will also be able to explore new possibilities and push beyond your previous limitations.

As Kevin Moss realized, it takes time and practice to master new technology fully. Similarly, I had to try to learn and adapt to my new camera. However, once you persevere and master the latest technology or process, you can achieve far beyond where you were before the change.

In conclusion, learning something new is always a challenging but rewarding task. Recognizing that feeling overwhelmed and less efficient is a natural part of the learning process is essential. However, investing time and effort allows you to master new technology or techniques and achieve personal and professional growth. Kevin Moss’s experience at the Dwarf House and my own experience with the Nikon Z9 demonstrate that even seasoned professionals must adapt and learn continuously to stay relevant and competitive. So, embrace the challenge, and you will undoubtedly come out more knowledgeable, adaptable, and efficient on the other side.

Adobe Lightroom’s Solution for Managing Large DNG RAW File Sizes

With the release of DXO PureRAW 3 and Lightroom’s new Denoise in the last couple of weeks, many photographers are enjoying the impressive results. However, some are struggling with the new DNG RAW file sizes. For example, I have seen my Nikon Z9 NEF files go from 34 MB to as large as 200 MB in DNG format. As a result, I began to investigate if there was a way to reduce the file size without compromising image quality.

When shooting RAW, you have several choices, ranging from uncompressed RAW to the Nikon Z9 NEF HE*, a high-efficiency file. But what if you want to keep using the DNG format? Well, Adobe Lightroom has a solution that can help.

Lightroom has a feature called Lossy DNG compression, which allows you to reduce the size of your DNG files while maintaining image quality. This compression technique works by removing some of the image data that is considered unnecessary, resulting in smaller file sizes. In addition, the compression is done in a way that is not visible to the naked eye so that you won’t notice any degradation in image quality.

Using Lightroom’s Lossy DNG compression is easy. When you import your photos into Lightroom, you can choose to convert them to DNG files and enable the lossy compression option. Alternatively, you can select your existing DNG files and convert them to Lossy DNG files.

It’s worth noting that Lossy DNG compression is irreversible, so keeping your original files as backups is essential. However, the compression technique can save you considerable disk space, which is especially useful for photographers who take many photos.

In conclusion, if you’re struggling with large DNG RAW file sizes, Lightroom’s Lossy DNG compression technique is an effective solution that can help you save disk space without sacrificing image quality. So give it a try and see how much space you can save!

How do you convert RAW images into lossy DNG?

The following steps explain converting existing RAW images to lossy DNG using Lightroom.

  1. In Lightroom, press the Shift + G key to enter the grid view
  2. Select the photos you wish to convert to DNG
  3. Go to Library > Convert images to DNG
  4. Make sure you select the right preferences in the dialogue box that appears.
  • Only convert RAW files – Select this checkbox to convert RAW files
  • Delete original file after conversion – Select this checkbox to delete original RAW files.
  • File type – Select a lowercase extension
  • Compatibility – Choose the latest version, Camera Raw 7.1 and later
  • JPEG preview – Medium size preview will do just fine; by selecting a full size, the conversion may take longer
  • Embed fast load data – This allows images to load faster in the Develop module, so it is a good idea to have this option enabled
  • Use Lossy Compression – Select this checkbox to convert a RAW file to a lossy DNG file
  • Embed Original RAW file – Leave this box unchecked. This option is provided to have the original RAW file in your converted DNG file, but this will increase the storage size of the file significantly. If you want the original RAW files, save them as a backup.
  1. As a final step, click Ok to convert to lossy DNG. Be prepared, for it may take a long time for the conversion to complete.

I am still keeping my NEF file, this is a way to save on space that the Denoise process creates massive DNG, and I want this to be smaller.