Be a Joiner

Isolation is happening to too many individuals in their jobs. Outside of their work, they are unknown. Isolation may be a costly mistake in today’s volatile economic times. Organizations are cutting staff positions, and freelancers’ clients have cut budgets or gone out of business.

If your source of income is drying up, one good way to find new work is through your network. Membership in professional organizations can be an outstanding resource. Having your name on a membership list can give you access to others in the organization; however, to make the organization work for you – you must work for it.

Volunteer. Become involved. Help the group accomplish its goals. For example, I volunteered to call members and guests to attend meetings. In making these cold calls, you are laying the foundation for a stable career.

You are getting to know others, and they are getting to know you. You will be way ahead if you ever need to call one of these people for a job. They know you, and it is no “longer” a “cold call.”

Serving on committees lets others see your skills and how you work and communicate. In addition, committees allow you to show your skills that are not in a resume, portfolio, or reference letter.

You are probably considered an expert due to your experience. People want to employ experts. It is a good idea to volunteer to lead seminars and workshops. While this shows your knowledge in their field, it also shows your ability to communicate your ideas to others. It shows you as a person who wants everyone to succeed.

Volunteer with more than one organization. They don’t all need to be within your work area so long as they help you connect to your community. For example, rotary clubs, coaching a youth sports team, volunteering for the Red Cross, and other groups will help you expand beyond your profession.

Industry leaders are involved in community programs. What better way to get to know leaders than to volunteer alongside them?

The number of groups you are a member of is not essential. What is important is not to be just a name on the membership role. Active involvement develops the all-important network.

I have worked with college recruiters and admissions offices for most of my career. Many of the suggestions I have listed are things colleges look for when going through applications. They want the best students to attend their college. It is the same with employers and clients. They want the best.

Networking builds communication skills. Volunteering improves skills in service roles and leadership positions.

All this volunteering is not just for the future. It is for right now. The benefits of networking help in current jobs.

The foundation of building a network is giving. As we learn to give our time and talents to those around us, we know that our most significant rewards are all the relationships we develop.